Most evil person in history?


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I really cant chooes a top person. Too many bad people sadly:
someone part of the Westboro Baptist Church,
Klu Klux Klan founder(s)/ members,
religious or political extremists (not a person persay, but a group of people)

although not THE worst people/person, i do hate these people.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Hmm. Well, if we're being serious here and going by death count or sheer atrocity, I'd have to say Mao, Amin, and Mengele.

If we're going on general vileness and psychological parasitism, I nominate Fred Phelps.

If we're being silly and/or facetious...well, let's just say that I've got a separate list for that.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Brett Dumain said:
RandomNameRandom said:
Brett Dumain said:
Karl Marx. That broke self hating Jew has been responsible for the starvation, murder, and forced imprisonment of over 100 million people over the course of the last century.
It wasn't the fault of Marx, that his ideas had been distorted and abused by power-hungry assholes. If you must blame someone blame Stalin, it was he who first began to "modify" the ideals of communism in the Soviet Union causing the horrible wreck that it was. Just because the Soviet Union claimed to be Marxist does not mean that it was, if Mr. Marx had been alive to see what had become of his philosophy he would have been horrified.
Only to the degree that Stalin denied the "world revolution" and tried to confine communism/socialism to the Soviet Union. All the suffering and misery caused by communism/communists during the 20th century can be laid solely at the feet of Marx, for it was his twisted ideology that everyone must be equally miserable in order to have equality that was responsible for so much death and destruction.
The ideology is not that everyone should be equally miserable, rather the most important aspects of communism were that the means of production should be in the hands of the workers rather than businessmen or rulers so that the profits of their labors would be their own, and that every citizen should part of the government of the nation because if everybody has equal power the situation would be reasonable for everyone. This of course didn't happen with the Soviet Union, rather than giving the people a voice Stalin took total control of everything including the means of production (factories and farms) and of course this is in direct contradiction to the basic principles of Marx's ideas.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
Lol someone's trying to start a flame war.
Also, inb4 good and evil are relative or whatever that argument is.
On topic, I'd have to say rapists, any rapists.


New member
May 5, 2011
Silent_Protagonist said:
I really cant chooes a top person. Too many bad people sadly:
someone part of the Westboro Baptist Church,
Klu Klux Klan founder(s)/ members,
religious or political extremists (not a person persay, but a group of people)

although not THE worst people/person, i do hate these people.
Saw the mention of the Ku Klux Klan and remembered a video I had favorited earlier. I don't believe it's the founder but he was the de facto leader at some point. He's more or less reformed now and this is him in a short four minute interview.



Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Sozac said:
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
Lol someone's trying to start a flame war.
Also, inb4 good and evil are relative or whatever that argument is.
On topic, I'd have to say rapists, any rapists.
I am not trying to start a flame war. Infact, it bothers me that such things start because of my comment. And anyone else's responses could incite a flame war too. Its a thread about morals. Dont ask about evil if you dont want to hear about evil.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
HumpinHop said:
Saw the mention of the Ku Klux Klan and remembered a video I had favorited earlier. I don't believe it's the founder but he was the de facto leader at some point. He's more or less reformed now and this is him in a short four minute interview.
I remember that guy. And the way he got owned by that pastor, and the chicken-kissing scene...


New member
Oct 14, 2009

On topic, Stalin. He took what could have been a good thing and made it shit. He killed more than Hitler and most of them were his own people. At least Hitler only killed those who threatened his power currently. Stalin purged the part regularly, starved his people, put them in work camps and worked them to death, he didn't give a damn about life in general.


New member
Jun 25, 2010
Self serving, pocket lining, two-faced lying politicians of America. We were doing fine before the government took the people instead of the good old days when it was for the people. The country of the United States is going down like the titanic and I feel like I am in that famous band
that kept playing trying to keep positive as we all slowly drown metaphorically of course.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Saelune said:
Sozac said:
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
Lol someone's trying to start a flame war.
Also, inb4 good and evil are relative or whatever that argument is.
On topic, I'd have to say rapists, any rapists.
I am not trying to start a flame war. Infact, it bothers me that such things start because of my comment. And anyone else's responses could incite a flame war too. Its a thread about morals. Dont ask about evil if you dont want to hear about evil.
I was kidding about the flame war. I'm sure there can be a very clean debate about this. Do you think the Bible has had more of an effect than the Qur'an and if so which Testament do you think caused the most death Old or New?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Sozac said:
Saelune said:
Sozac said:
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
Lol someone's trying to start a flame war.
Also, inb4 good and evil are relative or whatever that argument is.
On topic, I'd have to say rapists, any rapists.
I am not trying to start a flame war. Infact, it bothers me that such things start because of my comment. And anyone else's responses could incite a flame war too. Its a thread about morals. Dont ask about evil if you dont want to hear about evil.
I was kidding about the flame war. I'm sure there can be a very clean debate about this. Do you think the Bible has had more of an effect than the Qur'an and if so which Testament do you think caused the most death Old or New?
To be honest, I am biased against The Bible more since it affects me more as someone in the US immediatly than the Quran. Likely, I may be more biased against the Quran had I been born in the Middle East with a similar mindset as I do now. Basically, I dont know enough to really argue about the Quran in depth.


New member
May 27, 2011
not-sid said:
Who is the most evil man/woman in history? There are many people to choose from and I am wondering what your choice is for this. Please keep your choices as real people, or at least allegedly real, and if they are sort of obscure please tell who they are.

Hitler had nothing on him, no modern politician or military leader has come close. I don't care how much you hated Bush or if you even met Pol Pot in person. Caligula wins when it comes to depravity, ambition, ruthlessness, and brutality.


New member
May 27, 2011
Black Arrow Officer said:
Pol Pot. He killed 2,000,000 people of his country. That isn't as much as Hitler, Stalin or Mao, but keep in mind that was 20% OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.
tell that to Caligula.

The Scythian

New member
Jun 8, 2010
I would say, personally, Doge Enrico Dandolo, of Venice. This was the man behind the Fourth Crusade, one completely fought against other Christians. This also led to the first real sack of Constantinople, destroying and stealing countless artifacts, and Classical literature. So much was lost, just so he could make a pretty florin.

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
Well, I don't think the writers of the Bible should be blamed. They were just trying to spread the teachings of Jesus and explain how they thought things were. They did not know how the world was made (how could they?), so they believed God created it. Maybe Leviticus was actually their assessments of how things work. (i.e. Two guys sleep together but don't have a kid. The writers believe God made sex for procreation, so they assume that the absence of child birth must mean that God does not want two men together.) Yes, it's wrong, but do we know they knew any better. They were ignorant.

I think the real villain when it comes to religious genocide, from the time of Romans to modern day, is people who do not think beyond their religious text and take it word for word. Instead of realizes that the writers of the Bible may be wrong on some things and process the information in the world around them, they take it down to the "t." That is where trouble starts.

Nyce1 said:
Self serving, pocket lining, two-faced lying politicians of America. We were doing fine before the government took the people instead of the good old days when it was for the people. The country of the United States is going down like the titanic and I feel like I am in that famous band
that kept playing trying to keep positive as we all slowly drown metaphorically of course.
Unfortunately, politicians everywhere have always been self-serving and two-faced. It really comes with the territory. You should read about some of the shenanigans that went down in Roman government. Whoa nelly.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Brett Dumain said:
RandomNameRandom said:
Brett Dumain said:
RandomNameRandom said:
Brett Dumain said:
Karl Marx. That broke self hating Jew has been responsible for the starvation, murder, and forced imprisonment of over 100 million people over the course of the last century.
It wasn't the fault of Marx, that his ideas had been distorted and abused by power-hungry assholes. If you must blame someone blame Stalin, it was he who first began to "modify" the ideals of communism in the Soviet Union causing the horrible wreck that it was. Just because the Soviet Union claimed to be Marxist does not mean that it was, if Mr. Marx had been alive to see what had become of his philosophy he would have been horrified.
Only to the degree that Stalin denied the "world revolution" and tried to confine communism/socialism to the Soviet Union. All the suffering and misery caused by communism/communists during the 20th century can be laid solely at the feet of Marx, for it was his twisted ideology that everyone must be equally miserable in order to have equality that was responsible for so much death and destruction.
The ideology is not that everyone should be equally miserable, rather the most important aspects of communism were that the means of production should be in the hands of the workers rather than businessmen or rulers so that the profits of their labors would be their own, and that every citizen should part of the government of the nation because if everybody has equal power the situation would be reasonable for everyone. This of course didn't happen with the Soviet Union, rather than giving the people a voice Stalin took total control of everything including the means of production (factories and farms) and of course this is in direct contradiction to the basic principles of Marx's ideas.
Either you dont understand sarcasm or you really dont understand Marx. In Marxism, there is a necessary transitional stage known as "the dictatorship of the proletariat" during which the State, which at this point is comprised of all the recently liberated workers, owns all the means of production. This Stalin did remarkably well. Also, Marxism is based on nothing more than petulant jealousy of those who have more than you do. It seeks to take those who actually produce (those that have capital and use it to gain more capital, a byproduct of which is the increase in cheap goods and services) and replace it with a system where everyone has nothing. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." In theory a system of sharing that ensures every man receives equal recompense. But in practice, the burgeoise have the most taken from them, and are given the least since in the above formula that is what is "fair".So to avoid this the producers either leave, or close their buisnesses to prevent being completely screwed over. With there being no more to take, people are left in the same situation they were in before, except now there is no one at the top to take money from. This IS communism/socialism, and it has always (and will always) lead to the evil dictatorships that so callously threw away human lives between 1922 and the present.
Well it appears that most likely you don't understand what happened in the Soviet Union because when the state was under a dictatorship of the proletariat situation was when Lenin had most influence in the newly liberated country, further more if the dictatorship of the proletariat is a transitional phrase, why is it that you never care to mention what the next phase entails, rather you decide to go off on a rant about Marx being a greedy monster that has no basis in really anything that we modern people know of the man. Furthermore you refer to the bourgeois as "producers" when in fact they were never the people who created anything are just people who tell others to work and reap the benefits. If everyone works for the good of the society this class is completely unnecessary, and this sadly is where Marxism falls apart, the problem with pure communism is that human beings are inherently greedy even the most selfless person in the world could succumb to their own petty desires and why the system fails, not because its designed to help jealous greedy people because its designed with the assumption that people can put their greediness aside for the good of the community.