Most evil person in history?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
^What she said. Say what you will about Hitler, but that little book was at the core of what he did and millions of other deaths throughout history.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Ben Stiller. He's a talentless hack that only got where he is today by ridingo the coat tails of his father and he and his circle of doosh bag friends are ruinning comedy as we know it!

He is not funny, he has never been funny, and he even has the ability to make otherwise funny people unfunny (cable guy).

I hope he rots. Literally i hope, while he's still living that his whole body begins to rot over the course of a couple of years and he eventually decomposes into a foul smelling, bubbley heap. Becasue it will be the one funny thing he ever did.

I was going to say Hitler but i think he's already covered so i went with my second choice instead


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
That would be dozens and dozens if not hundreds of different people, not a single guy.

Also if the Bible was never written then the people who did terrible things in the name of the Christian faith would have found another religion or ideal to justify their acts, some people are just bad people, or completleyunable to think for themselves, most are cowards who need some kind of authority to give them a yay or nay, or at least what they percieve as a yay or nay for the terrible things they do.

As much as I dislike the Bible I would never go so far as to blame it for terrible acts, instead I would blame the idiots who will do whatever the first person of authority tells them to, the assholes who are looking for a paper-thin justification for their assholeism, or those people in authority who would use something that is meant to be a guide to living in a moral manner as a tool to convince people to do bad things, and its not just the Bible, its every holy book and every doctrine.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Sylveria said:
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
^What she said. Say what you will about Hitler, but that little book was at the core of what he did and millions of other deaths throughout history.
I'll tell you what I told her.

That would be dozens and dozens if not hundreds of different people, not a single guy.

Also if the Bible was never written then the people who did terrible things in the name of the Christian faith would have found another religion or ideal to justify their acts, some people are just bad people, or completleyunable to think for themselves, most are cowards who need some kind of authority to give them a yay or nay, or at least what they percieve as a yay or nay for the terrible things they do.

As much as I dislike the Bible I would never go so far as to blame it for terrible acts, instead I would blame the idiots who will do whatever the first person of authority tells them to, the assholes who are looking for a paper-thin justification for their assholeism, or those people in authority who would use something that is meant to be a guide to living in a moral manner as a tool to convince people to do bad things, and its not just the Bible, its every holy book and every doctrine.

Basically don't blame a gun for killing someone, blame the guy who shoots the gun.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Mankind in a general sense. We are our own very definition of evil. Mankind even created this supposed evil, as with a lot of the other things that we're able to fabricate with out minds.

head desk tricycle

New member
Aug 14, 2010
In terms of damage to the species, I vote for the Persian religious prophet Zoroaster, who was the first to claim that everyone who worships his religion goes to an afterlife of unlimited joy, everyone else goes to an afterlife of eternal torment, and all opposition to his religion is directly caused by a being of pure evil.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Brett Dumain said:
RandomNameRandom said:
Well it appears that most likely you don't understand what happened in the Soviet Union because when the state was under a dictatorship of the proletariat situation was when Lenin had most influence in the newly liberated country, further more if the dictatorship of the proletariat is a transitional phrase, why is it that you never care to mention what the next phase entails, rather you decide to go off on a rant about Marx being a greedy monster that has no basis in really anything that we modern people know of the man. Furthermore you refer to the bourgeois as "producers" when in fact they were never the people who created anything are just people who tell others to work and reap the benefits. If everyone works for the good of the society this class is completely unnecessary, and this sadly is where Marxism falls apart, the problem with pure communism is that human beings are inherently greedy even the most selfless person in the world could succumb to their own petty desires and why the system fails, not because its designed to help jealous greedy people because its designed with the assumption that people can put their greediness aside for the good of the community.
While communism does fall apart because it fails to account for human greed, it also fails because of the second phase of the transition from capitalism to communism. SOcialism, or the "middle stage", is actually what Soviet Russia had turned to directly after Lenin's death. Lenin's New Economic Plan (NEP), which allowed for a certain level of privatization amongst the peasantry, was swiftly dismantled after his death because, at one level, it was too much like the capitalist society Lenin had overthrown (though he actually only succeeded in wresting Russia out of feudalism).

The bourgeoisie might not be perceived as producers, but that is in fact what they are. They provide the means of production through which the laborers can then turn their labor into capital. For this they are compensated, though at a rate which Marx felt was unfair i comparison to their contribution (hence his formula of "from each...).
Yes the bourgeois "provide" the means of production through ownership of it, but this is completely unnecessary if the workers themselves own the means of production so the workers can reap the full benefits of their labors rather than what small compensation the factory owner provides. As for socialism being the middle stage didn't Marx actually put communism as the road to a perfect socialist society? Also Lenin's NEP actually rendered the country more like modern socialism such as in countries like Finland, where there is private property and limited private business but all essential things are still provided by the state. It seems odd to me that you seem to take Lenin's achievement of destroying feudalism in Russia so lightly but that's a different topic.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I'd like to also nominate Jehovah/Yahweh.

The worse mass murder - either directly or indirectly - in all of history.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
I would have to say stalin. He killed WAY more people than hitler and he did it over is entire reign then the next guy continued his policies and so on and so fourth until the fall of the Berlin wall and the eventual collapse of the satellite states and then the USSR itself.

The gulags made concentration camp look like summer camp.


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Jul 11, 2011
Travis Higuet said:
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
Probably not as many as communism.
Ugh if you're wanting to start a thread about communism please refer to the one that already exists.
But in short: The actual ideals of communism didn't cause any of those deaths, it was the power-hungry assholes who distorted and corrupted the ideals of communism that caused those deaths.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Black Arrow Officer said:
Pol Pot. He killed 2,000,000 people of his country. That isn't as much as Hitler, Stalin or Mao, but keep in mind that was 20% OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.
Yay communism!


New member
Jul 11, 2011
JWAN said:
I would have to say stalin. He killed WAY more people than hitler and he did it over is entire reign then the next guy continued his policies and so on and so fourth until the fall of the Berlin wall.

The gulags made concentration camp look like summer camp.
Actually the first post Stalin premier, Khrushchev, rather quickly testified against Stalin's crimes and started a campaign of de-stalinization of course this doesn't really make the Soviet Union any better a place but its good to be more accurate in your points. But, yes Stalin and his policies were absolutely horrible things that should have never existed.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
JWAN said:
Black Arrow Officer said:
Pol Pot. He killed 2,000,000 people of his country. That isn't as much as Hitler, Stalin or Mao, but keep in mind that was 20% OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.
Yay communism!
Argh, once again these people never followed true communist ideals, and Pol Pot was literally insane he didn't understand that what he did was wrong, he believed he was doing the right thing to his dying breath.