Most "holy shit" inducing game section ever?


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
aegix drakan said:
InFamous 2 Hero ending anyone?

Seriously, that blew my freakin mind.
Agreed, I still think they will make another one with that ending.
I demand a sequel!

In the end of the hero ending when Zeek heads out onto the boats and it fades a lightning bolt in a shape of a ? appears and it looks like it hits the boat, I dunno know but I think that Cole may live

Philip Petrunak

New member
Apr 3, 2010
The last two levels of Half-Life 2. You haven't seen shit yet.

BTW, Metro 2033 was and is shit. So many things wrong with the universe they were trying to build. So many transparent, one dimensional characters.
Jan 27, 2011
StormShaun said:
aegix drakan said:
InFamous 2 Hero ending anyone?

Seriously, that blew my freakin mind.
Agreed, I still think they will make another one with that ending.
I demand a sequel!

In the end of the hero ending when Zeek heads out onto the boats and it fades a lightning bolt in a shape of a ? appears and it looks like it hits the boat, I dunno know but I think that Cole may live
No, I REALLY don't think they can make a sequel after that...even if cole miraculously comes back to life, every single conduit on the planet, awakened or not, died when he hit the switch.

Unless the evil ending has him or at least the rest of the conduits survive, there is no way they can continue the series. (PLEASE NOTE THAT I HAVE NOT SEEN THE EVIL ENDING YET. DO NOT SPOIL FOR ME!!!

Which saddens me a bit. I would not have minded a new game with a different hero in a different location. But it seems it will never be.....Ah well, at least the series ended while it was amazing, and didn't get dragged on into mediocrity/crappyness over the years.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
My biggest "holy shit" gaming moment is plot-related. Ace Attorney: Investigations. Last case. A certain character. I will leave it at that, as I am on my mobile and I have no idea if I can make a spoiler tag on a mobile. But when it happened, it blew me away with the genius of the way it was done.

Suicida1 Midget

New member
Jun 11, 2011
I have had 3 holy shit inducing moments.

1 Me and some friends were doing the halo 3 vidmasters. So on the one with ghosts on the final mission, my motion sensor went red,just solid red, as i fought though a horde of flood, finishing that twice just to have johnson shoot me repidely with his laser.

2. Fallout 3, once liberty prime was deployed i was all HOLY SHIT, a nuke throwing, laser EYE BEAM robot,......yeah they are being raped with something long, hard, and metallic.

3.The legend of zelda ocarina of time while not worthy of Holy, it was a what is this bull shit. I just finished the game, just to find out that there is no record of it happening. I just ran across Hyrule feild many times to receive this bull shit, awww hell no.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Vurtos said:
Kingdom Hearts 2, Final boss fight, Final phase. Defending against infinite energy attacks. That was a pretty big "Holy Shit" moment.
That was an awesome final boss altogether. Especially near the beginning where you fucking chopping buildings in half with your keyblade.

After just finishing it again, Mass Effect 2's suicide mission is absolutely awesome, nearly perfect, except for the stupid reveal and final boss. Other than that, it's tense and great.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
trying to survive the final hordes in L4D2, first time it happened I was overwhelmed lol


New member
Feb 28, 2011
first dude in unreal
The Colussoss Jumping in was also a good monet from freespace 2.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Okay, just got a new one. I was playing Fear 2: Project Origin again for fun, not really startled or scared the whole way through. Sure enough, at around 3 in the morning I find myself at the end of the game where you have to enter the Still Island compound. I come to the little play area where they used to let Alma swing on a tree, and I start messing with the swing. I walk into it to push it forward, then back up to let it fall back. As I back up, Alma enters the left side of my screen and is literally inches from my character's face.
Damn near gave me a heart attack.

Apparently she's scripted to walk through there as you do, to somewhat spook you. Unfortunately for me, I didn't see her coming, and I managed to back up right into her path. That gave me a real scare, and I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that the only time it happened was completely by accident.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
The nuke in CODMOD, the finalfinal scene in RDR when the Government show up, all the Scarecrow sections in Arkham Asylum, some of the Revan-based reveals in KOTOR1/2, and everything involving Johnny Gat in Saint's Row 2.

A Random Reader

New member
Nov 18, 2009
When you first encounter the SJ Sathanas in freespace 2. You shit yourself because it's about twice as big as the largest thing your side has. Then you realise that this is one of their scouts. And they have thousands more.
Edit: Just found a picture. I was kind of understating the size. The tiny thing shooting the yellow beam is the largest thing your side has.