Armored Prayer said:
When the EMP goes off and it starts raining jets and helicopters in MW2.
The crashes and explosions going off around me and the complete silence soon after gave me goosebumps.
That game had quite a few of those moments.
For exhilarating, I'd have to say the first time I did the Warthog run in the original Halo. Things are exploding all around you, you're getting shot at and trying to figure out where the hell to go and on top of it, you have that little counter steadily decreasing.
For infuriating, I'd have to say that whole "drive through exploding manhattan" sequence in Alone in the Dark. That was just awful. You literally have to do the exactly correct thing at the exactly correct time for the exactly correct reason to get past it. I think I died about 30 times getting past that because it degraded into simple memorization of what happens when and where. You get past one part, and then die on the next one.Then get past those two parts and die on the third.
For a WTF moment, in MW2 when Shapard killed Ghost and Roach. It was so out of nowhere and random for the level I just stared at the screen.
And for a truely shocking holy shit moment, also in MW2 when you start in the bunker and see all the bodies and chaotic radio chatter and explosions rocking the walls and then you go up out of the trench and see the Washington Monument about to fall over. That was a truly beautiful moment in gaming history.