Most "holy shit" inducing game section ever?


New member
Mar 6, 2011
When Glados first tried to incinerate Chell in a massive furnace room. I'd figured that she/it was a *****/pain in the ass that wanted me dead, but not that friggin badly, it was only sheer determination to keep the moment alive that stopped me firing random portals around in shock.

Do the endings of AC2 and ACB count as "holy shit" moments, or are they more of a WTF moment?

If WTF and holy shit are the same, I guess RDR-U-N has a couple of moments, like when Seth just merrily dances with the corpse of what looks like a prostitute, or in RDR's main campaign when you finally discover the sweet old man picking flowers for his wife is keeping her rotting deceased body in a chair and talking to her, my jaw dropped on that one.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Last Hugh Alive said:
Arkham Asylum, the last Scarecrow fight. I'm pretty sure most of us, myself included, who legit thought their console/PC had broken before coming to a "...holy shit!" realisation.

I hope there are other mind-bending, memorable moments like that in Arkham City.
That reminds me of eternal darkness, I don't remember the game all that well I watched my brother play a couple of times, I couple of the mindbenders include telling you that your memory card has been wiped, and about 1/4 through the game after one of the first bosses it congratulates you on beating the game and tells you to keep and eye out for the next installment in the series, I think that screen lasted for about 2 mins, then the game continued on like nothing happened, it also had another couple of awesome things included for when you lost your sanity (just as important as your health kiddies!! :p) that was the best lol :)


New member
Feb 18, 2010
This one plane challenge in Just Cause 2 has you piloting a plane down a giant waterfall.

At a friend's house, I showed him this challenge, which he had not yet done, though he had played through plenty of the game to that point. Once I got to the section in question, his jaw literally fucking dropped, and then he said:

"Give me the controller."

Best holy shit moment I can remember right now, anyway.

Metro 2033 is filled with these moments, though. That game was just done beautifully, and I can't wait for Last Light.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
aegix drakan said:
InFamous 2 Hero ending anyone?

Seriously, that blew my freakin mind.
you should have seen me. Jumping up and down at the end of Evil Ending for Infamous 2


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Infernai said:
Gentlemen...BEHOLD! The Ending D Path!

Man...most of the shit in that game didn't make me say "Holy shit" so much as it just made my insides go cold and made me wonder if I could ever be happy again.

Sequel was way too lighthearted in comparison.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
All of Vanquish was a holy shit moment, brillient game.

Also when you re-visit Shadow Moses in MGS4 its not so much a holy shit moment but if you played MGS back in the day, seeing it in HD and getting all the easter eggs having returned was just so great, gave off a really good atmosphere.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
That part in Half-Life 2 when your working your way across the underside of the bridge- and it starts shaking like crazy as the train goes over it.


New member
Oct 7, 2009
The one moment that comes to mind would be the opening from Mass Effect 2 as the Normandy is crippled and you come on to the ruined bridge and stare out into space through the gaping hole in the hull.

It's a moment I hold on par with any anything I have seen in a movie and a lot more emotionally grabbing due to having emotional ties to the ship and crew from the first game.

Brown Cap

New member
Jan 6, 2009
I was just walking through the Capital Wasteland, hit a dead end, turned around and was inches from the head of a Yao Gui. I then proceeded to cry "holy shit!" and promptly shot it's snout off with the Terrible Shotgun.
Jan 27, 2011
Trezu said:
aegix drakan said:
InFamous 2 Hero ending anyone?

Seriously, that blew my freakin mind.
you should have seen me. Jumping up and down at the end of Evil Ending for Infamous 2
:p Gonna wait on that a bit. Once I find time to do an evil playthrough of the first game, I'll go ahead and do infamous 2 as a total lunatic.

Can't wait to see how that goes.


New member
May 1, 2011
Armored Prayer said:
When the EMP goes off and it starts raining jets and helicopters in MW2.

The crashes and explosions going off around me and the complete silence soon after gave me goosebumps.
That game had quite a few of those moments.

For exhilarating, I'd have to say the first time I did the Warthog run in the original Halo. Things are exploding all around you, you're getting shot at and trying to figure out where the hell to go and on top of it, you have that little counter steadily decreasing.

For infuriating, I'd have to say that whole "drive through exploding manhattan" sequence in Alone in the Dark. That was just awful. You literally have to do the exactly correct thing at the exactly correct time for the exactly correct reason to get past it. I think I died about 30 times getting past that because it degraded into simple memorization of what happens when and where. You get past one part, and then die on the next one.Then get past those two parts and die on the third.

For a WTF moment, in MW2 when Shapard killed Ghost and Roach. It was so out of nowhere and random for the level I just stared at the screen.

And for a truely shocking holy shit moment, also in MW2 when you start in the bunker and see all the bodies and chaotic radio chatter and explosions rocking the walls and then you go up out of the trench and see the Washington Monument about to fall over. That was a truly beautiful moment in gaming history.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
The Ending for MW2 single player, was on the edge of my seat for that

How you end Portal 2 (where you shoot your portal, i don't know how to spoiler stuff), i was like "NO WAY"


New member
Jul 29, 2011
the New Alexandria level in the Halo Reach campaign (just to counter everyone talking about CoD, lol).
There's a part where you're supposed to destroy a generator or something, but it turns out to be a trap and you get attacked by tons of Buggers (the flying enemies w/ plasma pistols and needlers). You're supposed to run away as fast as you can and make your escape in a Falcon. Not me- I got stuck in a corner. Trying desperately to conserve ammo and find bits of cover, and every time you think you're done there are more of them. I didn't rest until I killed every single one. =D That's the most recent unintentional "holy shit" game moment I can remember, they're always better than the scripted ones.

And, of course, every time in Minecraft when you're deep underground in the dark and you hear "ssssssSSSSSSSSS". Every. Single. Fucking. Time.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
most recently quite a few part of catherine. Mostly the bosses, but a little with the cut scenes.

Favorites though? Arkham Asylum. Also, every boss battle in Lost Planet 2. Hell yeah.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Possibly said:
And, of course, every time in Minecraft when you're deep underground in the dark and you hear "ssssssSSSSSSSSS". Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
At least creepers sort of help you underground, unless you're really shallow underground....
Oh well busy building my obsidian fortress with lava moat for when notch releases that new mob in 1.8 (when it comes out I have no clue), I will be prepared for those slendermen (T_T)

Zorak the Mantis

Senior Member
Oct 17, 2007
Je Suis Ubermonkey said:
When the Timurids show up in Medieval Total War II and make the Mongols look like sissyboys.
First time I was totally unprepared and lost most of the holy lands.
Yea, they got me too. Don't mess with the Timurids!

But the entirety of Amnesia was pretty crazy. Also the part in Heavy Rain where;
Ethan is forced to cut off his own finger


New member
Oct 11, 2010
The twist of Kotor, and the Leviathan

When I first used the DLC air gun in Just Cause 2... I mean I figured it would be powerful but HOLY S**T! Surely other people have had the same reaction.

The whole beginning of ME2... especially the first time.

You drive the Mako through the Conduit! That was sick!

The nuke in CoD4, EMP in MW2

There are more. Many more.