Most Under-rated Game

Zorak the Mantis

Senior Member
Oct 17, 2007
Crazedc00k said:
The Mount and Blade series has received no attention for its outstanding mod system and friendliness. Thats like eating the cone and not the ice cream.
This! Mount and Blade is great.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
I'd like to add one more game.

Makai Kingdom (77.99) play as Overlord Zetta, the self proclaimed "Most Badass Freakin' Overlord in the Cosmos", through his trials as he tries to regain his netherworld.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Crazedc00k said:
The Mount and Blade series has received no attention for its outstanding mod system and friendliness. Thats like eating the cone and not the ice cream.
I played a demo for about 10 minutes and then uninstalled. I did think it was a neat perspective and that it was cool that someone went through with the ideas, but it felt clunky and I couldn't seem to get a sense for how to control speed.

I know, 10 minutes shouldn't tell me anything.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Homeworld 2 amazing game not much publicity or support from the dev, though lack of support is a good thing considering they released a patch to allow modding. If want to know how to mod wrong just look at sis o a solar empire, great game has built in molding support but they keep releasing patches that break all the mods.

Another game that was amazing IMO: Armored core for answer. My description of the game: Fucking Amazing. Though it didn't do too well considering the first one if I remember correctly tanked cause it was rushed to be a launch title for 360 and from software always, ALWAYS polishes their game to a mirror finish. On another note AC:V looks amazing.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Valagetti said:
No More Heroes, Heroes Paradise. Its only on the PS3 so thats why its underated. Bad first impressions, but at the end it was alot of fun. Highly recommend it.
it is actually a hd remake of a wii game


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Two Worlds, a rather poorly designed game that is actually a lot of fun to play.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Julianking93 said:
Nier. No question.

Got decent to poor reviews by most critics yet it was my favourite game of last year and the best game I had played in a while. Amazing game which proves most critics are superficial assholes who can't appreciate a good game despite minor flaws.
Fuck you, Gamespot and IGN.
Fuck you hard.
Once again... pretty much this... I even bought it again just so I can play it on my PS3...<.<


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Ninjat_126 said:
Possibly Doom 3. Sure, it tried to be survival horror when it didn't need to be, but the game itself was solid enough and wasn't too bad. If it wasn't called "Doom 3", it might have been better received.
I agree. I enjoyed Doom 3 quite a bit. They put a lot of effort into making good parts of that game genuinely creepy. I actually hope they consider making Doom 4.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
creonto said:
Jegsimmons said:
HALO seriously, alot of people wont bother with it even though it made FPSs what they are today and pretty muched saved the xbox.
I couldn't agree more. Halo 1 is the game that introduced me to gaming roughly eight years ago and i have been an avid gamer ever since, regardless of the fact that i spent the second half of it scared out of my mind of the flood.
same here, the flood was fucking scary back in the day!


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Jet Force Gemini was such an awesome game. Maybe even my favourite on the N64. It deserved/deserves far more love.


New member
Nov 21, 2009

I remember playing the shit out of this game. Nice simplified Sim City-esque gameplay inside a doughnut spaceship while having to balance the social friction between different races of aliens. I have no idea why this game isn't remembered as fondly as the likes of Rollercoaster Tycoon.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Shadow hearts on the PS2. Shame FF10 (as great as it was) kind of stole its thunder.


New member
May 19, 2008
Hmm well there are a couple.

I really enjoyed Singularity regardless how close to home it hit in imitating Bioshock to an extent. It was a fun game with some interesting mechanics that although felt a little underused, was still good overall with some great set pieces.

War for Cybertron was awesome and had some really fun action and set pieces as well. The best Transformers game I've ever played that's for sure. Aside from that annoying part where you have to protect Omega Supreme, the rest of the game was so much fun and flew at a brisk pace.

Cryostasis; if you have heard of or played this game, big fucking internet high five. This game (save for a strange ending) was just amazing. It had such an amazing atmosphere that I could feel the chill of the arctic air when playing this game, and the uneasiness of trekking through the corridors of this ghost ship. It's means of presenting the story, the gameplay, and the sound design all came together to form one of the most atmospheric and creepiest games I've every played. Wouldn't call it a horror game, but it did have a creepy vibe to it.

Advent Rising was awesome (on the PC) and I'm still pissed off that I won't get to play a sequel. The game had really awesome action gameplay and the story had the potential for an entire franchise but due to the Xbox version being buggy and broken it won't happen.

The entire Ys series is underrated. Seriously, if you haven't played these games and you love action RPGs/ dungeon crawling you are missing out. Now these games are tough and take great pleasure in kicking your ass, but they are still so much fun to play and just have some of the most awesome bosses and sound tracks in video games. I always liked to call it something along the lines as "Zelda hard core", although its a bit of a loose comparison. If you are a newcomer to the series I'd suggest starting with 7 if you have a PSP (it's the easiest in the series but will still kick your ass), or if you are up for the challenge get 3 for the PC engine, PS2, PSP. Both are the highlights of the series for me.


New member
May 16, 2009
wootsman said:
Julianking93 said:
Nier. No question.

Got decent to poor reviews by most critics yet it was my favourite game of last year and the best game I had played in a while. Amazing game which proves most critics are superficial assholes who can't appreciate a good game despite minor flaws.
Fuck you, Gamespot and IGN.
Fuck you hard.
well there critics there suppose to grade the game imagine how awful the industry would get if they glitches and broken mechanics

side note: i was talking about games in general never played neir
There... aren't any though.
The only problem Nier had was that the graphics were dated and the gameplay can get a bit repetitive despite the extreme amount of diversity in it. There weren't any broken mechanics or glitches that I ever encountered.
That's my problem here. Nier was technically a flawless game, albeit the graphics were dated and looked like a later PS2 game, but still do graphics really mean that much between a game getting, say a 5 or 6 rather than an 8 or 9? Because it really shouldn't.