Most Under-rated Game


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Most under-rated game/series of all time? I'd have to say the SHENMUE series. It wasn't so much under-rated review wise, but it was by gamers. What drew me in initially about Shenmue were the graphics at the time, incredible. When I played the game, I played for maybe 30 minutes and was pretty bored by the experience. However, I gave it another chance and kept plugging on through, and I gotta say, best gaming experience of my life so far, nothing has matched it.

The overall story about revenge, though cliche, was told so well especially with secondary characters whom you actually began caring for. The Virtua Fighter-esque fighting and leveling-ip system was a breath of fresh air when compared to the standard RPG turn-based fighting of the time. The in-game cinematics and were second-to-none, and (I believe) the first time a game incorporated QTE in a cinematic way. The environments were fleshed out just as much as the characters; day turned to night, leaves fell in the fall, snow fell in the winter along with Santa ringing his bell outside the arcade. It truly was an RPG, you lived the life of Ryo Hazuki. It could be a slow life every now and then, but experiencing the full series in its entirety, I doubt many people would be disappointed. Again, I can see where some people might get bored and IMO there were very few of those moments past the first hour of the game, but the positive experiences in the game FAR outweigh the negative, 100 fold.


Sep 23, 2010
Resonance of Fate, Nier, Phantom Brave, Deadly Premonition.. all good choices.

A more recent example to which I would like to give a shout-out is Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls. I've mentioned it quite a few times on these forums, but it bears repeating: This game is good. Fucking good, even. Beautifully detailed anime-style character designs, catchy music [small](although there are only about five or six tracks, all of which are only played in the city save for the battle theme)[/small], tons of interesting monsters, tactical combat and dungeon crawling so oldschool you'll grow a monocle.

62 on Metacritic.
Jan 29, 2009
On this particular site, COD. Sure they are mainstream and bland, but they can hold their own, and are very competently made when executive meddling doesn't tell them what to do. Don't forget the first 4 were amazing, as far as I'm concerned.
Jan 29, 2009
On this particular site, COD. Sure they are mainstream and bland, but they can hold their own, and are very competently made when executive meddling doesn't tell them what to do. Don't forget the first 4 were amazing, as far as I'm concerned.
EDIT: Huh. It posted twice. Sorry, guys, nothing I can do about it.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Singularly Datarific said:
On this particular site, COD. Sure they are mainstream and bland, but they can hold their own, and are very competently made when executive meddling doesn't tell them what to do. Don't forget the first 4 were amazing, as far as I'm concerned.
I quite like the series as a whole, but think its ridiculously overated in general.
However CoD 1 and 2 should have gotten a lot more attention I reckon. They had some of the best shooter campaigns I've played and they of course spawned the entire hugeass series. Its funny how most Modern Warfare/Black Ops players probably don't even know they're WW2 games.

TheMann said:
I actually hope they consider making Doom 4.
Actually its been confirmed and supposedly in development for a while. It might not be released for ages, but they are apparently going to go back to the old run and gun, kill the shit outta everything you see feel of the first two games, which to me is not at all a bad thing.


I'd go with the Brothers in Arms series. One of the few action oriented games I've played with great story and characters and it had quite a few innovative mechanics which were actually pretty fucking innovative.
Man, I'd totally kill for a new BiA style game set in a different area of WW2, or a different conflict, Vietnam maybe.

Austin Howe

New member
Dec 5, 2010
whiteblood said:
Resonance of Fate. It's one of the better JRPGs I've played in a long time.
Absolutely. A breath of fresh air in an era supposedly dominated by stagnation for the genre( I honestly don't believe that, but yeah, really good.)

My vote goes to the Super Nintendo bastard-child of 2D-Zelda, Secret of Mana, and quality of writing typically displayed by Atlus.

That's right, it's Terranigma
Jan 29, 2009
IBlackKiteI said:
Singularly Datarific said:
On this particular site, COD. Sure they are mainstream and bland, but they can hold their own, and are very competently made when executive meddling doesn't tell them what to do. Don't forget the first 4 were amazing, as far as I'm concerned.
I quite like the series as a whole, but think its ridiculously overated in general.
However CoD 1 and 2 should have gotten a lot more attention I reckon. They had some of the best shooter campaigns I've played and they of course spawned the entire hugeass series. Its funny how most Modern Warfare/Black Ops players probably don't even know they're WW2 games.

TheMann said:
I actually hope they consider making Doom 4.
Actually its been confirmed and supposedly in development for a while. It might not be released for ages, but they are apparently going to go back to the old run and gun, kill the shit outta everything you see feel of the first two games, which to me is not at all a bad thing.


I'd go with the Brothers in Arms series. One of the few action oriented games I've played with great story and characters and it had quite a few innovative mechanics which were actually pretty fucking innovative.
Man, I'd totally kill for a new BiA style game set in a different area of WW2, or a different conflict, Vietnam maybe.
My brother just lent me COD2, and I'm playing through the Russian campaign with a huge grin. I like this one the best, actually.

Austin Howe

New member
Dec 5, 2010
6_Qubed said:
God Hand.

Yes, I know that it had that one MS Paint comic so technically everyone knows it's good, but nobody I've met ever knows what I'm talking about when I mention it, and then all I can tell them is that it's the best game about punching people that was ever made. Then they look at me funny and slowly back away. :(
"The beutih of Good Haand, es tha' i's just a gayam, aboot punchin' people!"

I've never played God Hand, (I intend to) but I watched taht review like 7 times just to hear that soothing Scottish accent.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
I am shocked that there is Kotor fan criticism of Kotor 2. Kotor 2 streamlined the clunky aspects of the first game such as switching between primary and secondary weapons..and a several times updated personalized lightsaber crystal was awesome. Sure there was Atton, but Kotor had the need to put in a pissy douche bag is apparently unavoidable in uber dramatic RPG games.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
I'd have to say Duke Nukem Forever. For all the heat it got, it was a fun, mindless shooter that made you feel like a badass.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Alpha Protcol bash and crashed everywhere but what game is there where you cant make your own super spy and how you want to make him


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Currently enjoying The Void on PC.

Edit: Also, how can /anything/ related to Halo be considered underrated?

Olecksandr Babiak

New member
Jun 5, 2011
Bionic Commando("new" one)
It's not the best game ever, but I heard that the game got it's poor ratings just because most of the reviewers wanted to see its features in sandbox game (for some reason, I think IGN is behind that thought).


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Austin Howe said:
6_Qubed said:
God Hand.

Yes, I know that it had that one MS Paint comic so technically everyone knows it's good, but nobody I've met ever knows what I'm talking about when I mention it, and then all I can tell them is that it's the best game about punching people that was ever made. Then they look at me funny and slowly back away. :(
"The beutih of Good Haand, es tha' i's just a gayam, aboot punchin' people!"

I've never played God Hand, (I intend to) but I watched taht review like 7 times just to hear that soothing Scottish accent.
"Kan ye' deal w' thaht? If ye' cannae, I'll punch ye'."

Why yes, I love that video as well. LINKS FOR THE NONBELIEVERS!!!