Most unfriendly online community


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Furburt said:
Gamefaqs! ARGH!

You can get flamed for saying your name on that bloody forum. I know, I was on there.
And that's why I'm glad I never signed up for an account there, the FAQs section is rather nice though.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Game wise? I'd say Left 4 Dead 1&2. No-mic kicking, knee-jerk team kicking, rage quitting, screaming kids, ignorant ramblers, team killers, bathroom breakers, I could go on and on. Never a good time unless I've got at least two friends playing.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Bek359 said:
Thor. said:

At least at 4chan there's some anonymity and everyone is there for laughs. This place is run by 4chan fanboys who for some reason feel the need to prove that they are superior to everyone else.
Obvious troll is obvious. Do not feed.
Nah, not a Troll. Just sharing.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
the MW2 community is total shit. if they arent hacking, glitching, boosting, noob toobing (danger close+1man army), camping, using commando then they seem to be just rude. i had enough of it months ago.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Pixeldot said:
Heroes of Newerth / DotA. Not for the Faint Hearted
Absolutely true by leagues! I have witnessed the community of nearly all these mentioned games, and they are nothing compared to the elitism in HoN and DotA!


New member
Feb 23, 2010
BudZer said:
Modern Warfare 2 on the other hand, has an awful community. I swear to God, it's either someone insulting my mother in a thick Mexican accent or blasting awful music. The first thing I did when I went into a match was mute everyone. I don't play the game anymore, half of the reason being because I hated the community so.
Oh, god, same here. Every match: mute-mute-mute-mute-mute, DAMMIT-WHY-CAN'T-I-MUTE-ONCE-TEAMS-ARE-CHOSEN, someone-thinks-the-headset-is-for-karaoke, 13-year-old-that-sounds-like-Justin-Bieber-calling-me-a-Mexican-Jew-homo, teammate-bitching-at-you-for-completing-objective, and that's just the headset activity.


New member
May 2, 2010
Actually, I think that the more popular the game is, the more asshole-y forums it gets. Sure, more traffic means a bigger probability of idiots, but the megahypegames just draw those like flies to a fire. I would say the probability of a forum turning into one big internet hate machine is..

p = rC(F * 100)H / A %

where C is the amount of players the game has (in thousands of players), F the chance of game being free, thus being 1 and otherwise being left out altogether (I'm looking at you, Travian and Runescape), H a game-specific multiplier to whether the game is MW2, COD or HALO between 1 and 100 and A the average age of players. What is r, you ask? It's the internet constant, 1.337 * 10^-3 LOL's of value. So there you have it.

(For example, the Escapist forums, assuming this was about a game, are hostile with a chance of 0,5%, but HALO3 with a chance of 64% and MW2 with a chance of 94%)

All the smaller gaming forums I've been to (for example On Mirror's Edge was like a hot chocolate with marshmallows on top in comparison) are extremely newbie-friendly and encourage free speech. But really, the big ones (oh dear, Valve) are like a step to barren wasteland without any water or food: just begging to die the most gruesome death possible.

James Cassidy

New member
Dec 4, 2008
The Red vs Blue forums. When I first started there everything was great. After a while, the forum just got so bad with trolls and mod suck ups that I quit and never went back.

The mods especially were crooked so much. They kept telling me "They are just telling me when someone breaks the rules." Yeah some kids did that in school too...we call them tattle-tails and kids would beat them up for doing that.

The worst part is, the kids who were tattle-tailing...were breaking the rules even more than I was. They did far worse things and such.

I have no idea if the forum has been cleaned up since then, but I never went back so.

Atomic Skull

New member
Jan 7, 2010
BudZer said:
4chan is a stock answer, but really, it's only /b/ that's bad, and they aren't even necessarily assholes. They are trolls, sure, but to troll on /b/ is to get made fun of.

Going on 4chan and assuming that what people post there is just a facade and that they are really compassionate and reasonable human beings and not inhuman monsters who will ruin your life if they can just for lulz will only lead to tears.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
In my opinon it has to be Xbox Live. Why do people pay for that treatment you can't just play a game there. you have to start off brillant to avoid being called a noob and if your good they will say 'thats not right' or some rubbish. Also what the hell happened to the word newb for new people? its now noob or nothing, and thats all communities.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Newgrounds isn't brilliant for friendliness. They don't exactly set off to attack you but it's generally flooded with idiots these days that act like they own the site.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Youtube and Counter-strike.

4chan isn't as bad as you'd think. They usually only flame on people who deserve it, any people acting like dicks for no reason are the new people who jump in and think they're cool because they're spouting memes.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Ieyland said:
Escapist has the best community I've seen. Normally I get yelled a lot at IGN but the worst I've got here so far is "stopz repeattting threadz omgz!!".

As for game, any FPS shooter other than L4D probably.
I didn't really play L4D online that much. One of the few times I tried, I got griefed three times in a row. Find two other players, get half-way through a stage, someone jumps into the last character, incaps the whole team and then runs off into the horde.

Rainboq said:
hmmmmmmm, lemmi think... I think Valve has this peripheral site that they don't own, you can get banned for crappy spelling.
I don't know what you mean, that sounds amazing.

The Buck Stops Here

New member
Sep 27, 2009
Thor. said:

At least at 4chan there's some anonymity and everyone is there for laughs. This place is run by 4chan fanboys who for some reason feel the need to prove that they are superior to everyone else.
Wow, looks like somebody's a little mad. I've been to this forum before, and even though I was banned from it, it's a pretty great community. The admins and mods do fuck with people at times, but it's really only those who either A: truly deserve it or B: have just been so terribly annoying that the whole community doesn't like them. I'm assuming you're one of the above.

Free Thinker

New member
Apr 23, 2010
MW2...crap. Ninja'd all over this thread.
Most online communities suck with internent anonymity.
Still sticking with Xbox Live. I'm so glad I avoided the eternal "N00B" title.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2009
psivamp said:
Rainboq said:
hmmmmmmm, lemmi think... I think Valve has this peripheral site that they don't own, you can get banned for crappy spelling.
I don't know what you mean, that sounds amazing.
yeah, but its without warning, also, you can get banned for looking at the mods funny


New member
Jul 16, 2008
The MGO community. The only people left are the hardcore glitchers and people bitching at them. I'm in the latter category. Also new players stand no hope in hell of getting into the game. Not when level 19s join average level 10 games and kill them so many times they actually make exp. Makes me fucking sick >.> I only play survival these days and it's got so many lagswitchers and mao lag I have slowly stopped playing my fave game of all time.


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
ColdFire75 said:
Pixeldot said:
Heroes of Newerth / DotA. Not for the Faint Hearted
Absolutely true by leagues! I have witnessed the community of nearly all these mentioned games, and they are nothing compared to the elitism in HoN and DotA!
I concur with both of these gentlemen.
You have to have decent game stats for your opinion to even matter on the forums.
The games are amazing,but hot damn can the community be a harsh *****.