Movie Theathers to Allow TXTING?!


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
The theater I go to has an usher standing at the back of the theater watching for people using their cellphones, even for a moment, and will be instructed to not do it again.

The second offense results in removal, along with "Don't come back - we don't want your business anymore."

This is why this theater gets my money.


New member
May 22, 2010
HenrySugar said:
?Over my dead body will I introduce texting into the movie theater [...] I love the idea of playing around with a new concept. But that is the scourge of our industry. ? It?s our job to understand that this is a sacred space and we have to teach manners.?
If I ever meet this man, I need to buy him a beer. A theater chain owner who actually cares about the quality of exhibition, who understands how important presentation is? Where can I find one of his theaters? Because I'd love to see a film at a place where I know the staff cares, from the CEO on down.

OT: Honestly, as much as I hate the idea of explicitly allowing texting in the theater, it's not that big of a step down from the rest of the problems. These days, I only go to see the absolute biggest blockbusters in theaters, and then only in theaters that I know I can trust to have the picture in focus and the soundsystem switched on. I've had so many experiences with unfocused projectors and soundsystems inexplicably switched to mono that I generally have better presentation in my bedroom than I get in the local theaters. Which is really, really sad.

Edit: Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen a movie since Avatar that wasn't in 3D, for two reasons: One, I don't have the money to get a 3D TV to reproduce that at home, and 2, 3D movies by their very nature have to be properly focused to work, and thanks to being relatively new technology, always play at the best screen in any multiplex they play at. That's the problem theater owners are really facing: their employees don't bother enough with the presentation to make the experience better than watching the movie at home with a cheap but properly set up home theater. I've got a low end system, any movie theater should be able to blow it away. But they don't; quite the opposite, in fact. Because the people running the local theaters don't care, the best seats in town are all in private homes, barring 3D movies, and that's just pathetic.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Texting is all fine and good, sure. I text all the time. Not in movie theaters though. People pay movie to view the movie, not someone's cell phone. Ever since I saw the video, I instantly became a fan of the Alamo Drafthouse's policy. One warning. Period.

Enjoy said video here:
Worgen said:
This is what should happen to people who go to a theater who text during movies.
Ah, seems I've been ninja'd. Either way, great video and great policy. There is some coarse language not suited to the littl'ns.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Anyone else reminded of Patton Oswald destroying a couple of girls for talking on their phones in the middle of a comedy nightclub?

He has the right idea here.


New member
Sep 15, 2011
Allow or disallow, I still don't really see them stopping it from happening. Sort of like the guy who lights up in the no smoking area because he thinks nobody is watching.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Oh please. If Regal Theaters really wants to lure back a younger crowd, they should stop blaring commercials at the audience for showing up early and charging $5 for a "small" soft drink. If people actually need to be able to communicate with you 24-7, maybe you're somehow too important for frivolous things like movies.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
I guess I don't get why someone would want to text at the theater to begin with. Maybe it's just because I don't have a ton of cash, but if I'm paying $14+ for one viewing of a movie, I'm going to watch the movie.
Sep 14, 2009
dogstile said:
How about only texting if you are only sat next to friends (on both sides) and if you keep it in your lap. Sorted! If you're bothered by a light going off a couple people down from you, you do indeed need to chill out.
yeah this, it's like you are intensively seeking it out otherwise, if me and/or my friend needs to send a text, we turn off the backlight and have it deep in our lap with us crouching over it so there is next to no light bouncing off, even then it's usually a "in a movie, i'll text back later" kind of text.

yeah if someone answers their phone or is actively having the backlight on matching a frickin spirit bomb, then yeah, i can understand you getting a bit annoyed, but sweet jesus... Anger in this thread, there is. I'm quite glad I don't live around some of you short tempered people, how are some of you not on death row with how easily you get annoyed?


New member
Feb 6, 2012
Why not just kick their seat if they're in front of you. "HEY, Stop it!?"
"Oh, sorry, it's so bright that I couldn't control my restless leg, it's brought on by hand held devices in theaters!"


New member
Jan 4, 2012
I have to say i have thought about this and i have found out why it pisses me of so much, it is rather simple to be honest but I have never noticed why as i would automatically so this.

If some one need me and i mean truly NEEDS me they are likely to text or call more than once and i will always have my phone in vibrate, if it was to ring multiple time here is what i would do... be prepared this simple act may blow your fucking mind if you are on of the dumb fucks that texts in a theater. I would walk outside. yeah just fucking walk out for 10 fucking seconds and see if it was important, i mean it takes longer to piss and people do that all the time. I mean seriously you do not even have to walk out of the theater just go out of sight of the other people who you are ruining this for.

Not enough motivation? Okay look at this thread, seehow we all more or less fucking hate cunts that do this? Imagine 20 even as many as 50 of us in a theater. you in our minds are ruining out experience we paid "10 -12 USD" for if you get your ass handed to you by an angry mob well perhaps it is because you just ruined $200-500 in entertainment because you could not be bothered to get up.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Texting should be allowed in theatres. So should punching people in the face. Nothing more or less violent, simply a punch straight to the face. This would not only solve the just-risen texting issue, but also kids who kick your seat, crying babies, kids who are brought into movies way beyond their patience capacity and their mothers, and people who go to the toilet in the climax of the movie.


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
HenrySugar said:
Midnight Showing of Avengers...
Seven people on their phones txting...
omg lol dis movie is so funny yo shud totally wtch it man
No, texting can be done before and after the movie. If there's anything that urgent in your life, I might suggest that you shouldn't be in a movie theatre.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
I don't get what the big deal is? I've noticed people texting before and the "blinding" light is hardly distracting compared to the giant ass movie screen and screaming monitors. They're not talking so what's the problem? If a bunch of teens want to miss the whole movie to talk to their friends thenlet them be, they payed good money just like you. Or just wait for the DVD if you're so adamant about having a pitch dark room.


New member
Feb 6, 2012
TheBobmus said:
HenrySugar said:
Midnight Showing of Avengers...
Seven people on their phones txting...
omg lol dis movie is so funny yo shud totally wtch it man
No, texting can be done before and after the movie. If there's anything that urgent in your life, I might suggest that you shouldn't be in a movie theatre.
lol u bee hulk smash bro i be tony strk!

Drives me Batsh** insane; I don't care about dvd releases or anything - what they need is to put little free lockboxes outside the theaters with keys, where you have to submit your ticket (or scan it) to unlock it and put away your cell phone, then you can go inside.

I loved the movie, but seriously, that nearly ruined my experience for opening night. Luckily other people noticed it and half the theater screamed at them to shut their phone off.

Aaawwwh - Team Work.


New member
May 22, 2010
HenrySugar said:
TheBobmus said:
HenrySugar said:
Midnight Showing of Avengers...
Seven people on their phones txting...
omg lol dis movie is so funny yo shud totally wtch it man
No, texting can be done before and after the movie. If there's anything that urgent in your life, I might suggest that you shouldn't be in a movie theatre.
lol u bee hulk smash bro i be tony strk!

Drives me Batsh** insane; I don't care about dvd releases or anything - what they need is to put little free lockboxes outside the theaters with keys, where you have to submit your ticket (or scan it) to unlock it and put away your cell phone, then you can go inside.

I loved the movie, but seriously, that nearly ruined my experience for opening night. Luckily other people noticed it and half the theater screamed at them to shut their phone off.

Aaawwwh - Team Work.
I'm surprised nobody said something to the effect of "Film Presentation Avengers, Assemble!"