Movie, TV, Web Series, and Music Hot Take(s).


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
I don't think I've posted this before, but IMHO, the best action sequence from Doctor Who was from nearly 60 years ago:

First thought : Damn, those brits are REALLY scared of hugs.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I don't think I've posted this before, but IMHO, the best action sequence from Doctor Who was from nearly 60 years ago:

Not bad for 1960s television. Though I am a little confused. Are Yeti's that durable, or are all the soldiers just bad shots? Because some of the Yetis go down with ease, while others looks like their immune with all the bullets pumped into them. I know this was a low budget TV series, so they could only afford so much at the time.

Mission Impossible 2 I never hated. It's weakest entry of course, but MI III I don't find that much better, aside from Phillip S. Hoffman. People like to shit on it now, but that is mainly the bandwagon effect. When MI2 first came out, everyone was praising it like crazy and said how much "better" than it was than the first movie. The only reason people changed their opinions so hard was because of Ghost Protocol. Now there are legit criticisms: James Bond copying hits hard, it is the Ethan Hunt show instead of team work (III isn't much better in this regard other than the team is slightly more proactive compared to 2), John Woo got locked out of the editing room, so he didn't get much say so on what stay/goes, and some of the one-off characters (2 isn't the only movie with this problem) are forgettable. Oh, and it's popular to shit on Limp Bitzkit for doing the soundtrack. They did a good job as far as I'm concerned on the soundtrack. People wanted them, and they got what they paid for. So no backsies.

The action is good, and is full of that Woo goodness. It's not better than his American films such as Hard Target or Face/Off, but I'll take his action choreography over JJ Abrams shaky-cam and lens flair effect any day of the week. I know MI III wasn't that bad with that style of film making, but I still hate his or the mid to late 2000s directorial style.

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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Not bad for 1960s television. Though I am a little confused. Are Yeti's that durable, or are all the soldiers just bad shots? Because some of the Yetis go down with ease, while others looks like their immune with all the bullets pumped into them. I know this was a low budget TV series, so they could only afford so much at the time.
In another scene two soldiers are talking and they mention that there's a weak spot, if you hit the Yeti right between the eyes it can destroy it, but otherwise it generally won't. Possibly the reason why one of them puts its hands over its face when it goes down.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
In another scene two soldiers are talking and they mention that there's a weak spot, if you hit the Yeti right between the eyes it can destroy it, but otherwise it generally won't. Possibly the reason why one of them puts its hands over its face when it goes down.
Ok that make more sense, but it makes you wonder why they're not going for more headshots or use more explosives? Granted the clips doesn't have the full episode, but still weird.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Ok that make more sense, but it makes you wonder why they're not going for more headshots or use more explosives? Granted the clips doesn't have the full episode, but still weird.
Headsots, yeah (especially how they are all firing from the hip, and sometimes it looks like they have to do that thing where they aim away from the actors for safety reasons, cause blanks are dangerous), though, again, in other scenes it's said they are running out of explosives (especially grenades), and the resupply problems are a thing.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Ok that make more sense, but it makes you wonder why they're not going for more headshots or use more explosives?
That's the age old twin questions of how could a zombie apocalypse even happen and how come is max brooks so overrated.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That's the age old twin questions of how could a zombie apocalypse even happen and how come is max brooks so overrated.
At least Romero's Dead series has the excuse of people coming back from dead, bitten or not, unless they died via heavy heard trauma, decapitation, or explosion.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
So I don't know 100% how a George Lucas ep7-9 would look but according to someone on the internet. Darth Maul would be the villain alongside Darth Talon. What?!?!? I am sorry that would be horrible. Plain horrible. Some godfather-like guy called Maul would fight Luke as if Grandmaster Luke couldn't no difficulty his ass. Leia could likely solo him with both hands tied behind her back. Darth Maul may be pragmatic, but he isn't powerful. Darth Talon a female grandmaster of the SIth is powerful but lost to two parent-neglected edge lords created at birth by the actual best villain of all time Darth Vitiate/Valkorion who is basically a better version of Darth Sidious, but at least cared about his people in the short term that he created a planet based utopia. Who cares about these two losers? I would argue Abeloth or the Vong make better villains. And they could even add in climate change, and AI themes with the Vong. But nope Darth maul becomes Star Wars, Godfather.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I know Eli Roth won't make the Borderlands movie overly gory like most of his early works, but I am still not a fan of the guy and his style of film making. They're bad; end of story. Their so many better directors that can handle a Borderlands movie. Tony Scott (I know he is dead. I'd still pick him over Eli Roth), Issac Florentine, James Gunn, Sam Raimi, almost any of the John Wicks guys, John Carpenter, or John Woo. Any of those guys know how to mix high-octane action with dark humor properly.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
So I don't know 100% how a George Lucas ep7-9 would look but according to someone on the internet. Darth Maul would be the villain alongside Darth Talon. What?!?!? I am sorry that would be horrible. Plain horrible. Some godfather-like guy called Maul would fight Luke as if Grandmaster Luke couldn't no difficulty his ass. Leia could likely solo him with both hands tied behind her back. Darth Maul may be pragmatic, but he isn't powerful. Darth Talon a female grandmaster of the SIth is powerful but lost to two parent-neglected edge lords created at birth by the actual best villain of all time Darth Vitiate/Valkorion who is basically a better version of Darth Sidious, but at least cared about his people in the short term that he created a planet based utopia. Who cares about these two losers? I would argue Abeloth or the Vong make better villains. And they could even add in climate change, and AI themes with the Vong. But nope Darth maul becomes Star Wars, Godfather.

Okay here’s a hot take: there is no way in hell that Luke Skywalker, on his best day, would be able to defeat any of the Force users - Jedi or Sith - from the Clone Wars era on their worst day.

So yeah that outline sounds fuckin’ awful, but it’s not because Darth Maul wouldn’t be able to 1v1 Luke Skywalker. It’s shit because it’s just shit. Although I agree Valkorion and his Empire need some more visible canon exposure. The SWTOR cinematics aren’t enough.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Yeah but I relate them ambiguously. I have this weird theory that we seek scary movies/novels/games to get back in touch with a sort of absolute dread that we've lost after childhood, as the world did shrink with its boundaries of possible. The kind of cosmic, abstract dread that Lovecraft was after and that only Lynch manages to capture at times. I tend to think that 1) this cosmic dread is warranted, but everyday life a) teaches us that it doesn't affect us, b) distracts us from existentialism, and 2) his dread is an object of nostalgia. Once we cease to be able to feel it, we're both liberated and deprived of something, even though that something may not be the dread itself but all that surrounds it, the uncanny immensity of the unknown, a sense of infinity, the enchanted word of childhood. That we try to re-enchant through fiction, or through beliefs (UFOs, gods, witchcraft, ghosts, telekinesis, etc) that reopen a door on the infinite possibilities of the unknown.

Sometimes I miss some childish anxiety in front of night forests, storm, or the obscurity in itself. As if there was a lost poetry to these feelings. And I "admire" or feel "jealousy" for those who are still in touch with these magical, cosmic, existential, primal fears. But it may be naive of me. Maybe I just fail to truly remember the cost of it, and how it wasn't worth keeping it.
Have come across a couple of versions of that theory somewhere before, though can't pin down exactly where, perhaps some cultural osmosis were involved. The theory could plausibly apply to certain chunks of the human condition am sure, though reliance on a couple of base assumptions means am not confident it can applied more broadly across the spectrum of experience. People still feel plenty of fear throughout adulthood - am one of those to the point of not being able to live the life I want or obtain any real sense of happiness or even contentment, childhood was not good and have no intentions of ever wanting to go back: the fears back then were of drunken abuse and violence, not wonder. Watching horror is more an attempt of clawing back some sense of control over everyday life fears and anxiety, the gnawing realisation am fated to die miserable and alone, putting them behind a screen to expose and analyse with minimal risk to perception of safety. There's nothing from childhood worth chasing.

Other people are different of course, and I suppose if a life is comfortable enough, many will grow bored and even numb, pining for excitement like 1950s housewives on prescribed methamphetamine. Are you experiencing a kind of emotional numbness nowadays? (Not like meth housewives, that was just a poor rhetorical attempt at maintaining light heartedness) Cause it looks like that's what you're saying, unless am misinterpreting. There are ways to counteract such roadblocks...though any advice I got will most certainly be bad and involve drug abuse one way or another, lol. Like taking strong hallucinogenics and wandering blindly into a busy unknown city centre on a weekend night. Or overdosing on ketamine outside the local police station. Any bad trip will produce anxieties beyond comprehension, completely inescapable terror and an inability to sleep it away. Hobbies like skydiving, bunjie jumping, Airsofting, building faulty submersibles for underwater exploration, playing real life frogger on busy highways while blindfolded, ropeless rock-climbing, chainsaw juggling, and many more activities should provide some fresh sense of fear (without drugs, like a pious god-fearing member of society!) if that is desired. Either way, am still bad at advice. Nonetheless the experiences are out there awaiting - perhaps not the childhood nostalgia for wonder, am unable to ever know what those felt like, but something close enough for the adrenaline at least?

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
So, I'm sure this steaming pile of (not) hot take is sure to rile up only those of us older (or at least old mentally) members, but I'm tired of sitting on it.

Quadrophenia > Tommy

In fact, Quadrophenia is so much better than Tommy, that I'd say it's not really even a contest. I'd even go as far as rank it as the best Who album they produced. Hell, I haven't even seen either of the film versions of either, but from just from what I've looked up online I'd even give the film version the leg up too. The whole album is nothing but great songs, from the main singles and medleys to even the filler songs, there just isn't a bad song on the entire album. It's a genuine tragedy that none of the songs from this album get any airtime on the radio outside of occasionally Love Reign O'er Me.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Apparently Secret Invasion, the latest D+ content, cost $212 million to make.

You (well, not you, but Christopher Nolan) could make Oppenheimer TWICE for that money and still have a cool $12 million in change.

Or for the extra sum of $16 million you could fund both Oppenheimer AND Barbie, for the combined gross profit of over a billion dollars plus half the Awards next year.

Something to mull over in the next meeting.

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Apparently Secret Invasion, the latest D+ content, cost $212 million to make.

You (well, not you, but Christopher Nolan) could make Oppenheimer TWICE for that money and still have a cool $12 million in change.

Or for the extra sum of $16 million you could fund both Oppenheimer AND Barbie, for the combined gross profit of over a billion dollars plus half the Awards next year.

Something to mull over in the next meeting.

View attachment 9345
Everything about that looks so washed out and ugly. There are low budget straight to VHS and DVD action movies the 90s and early 2000s better looking and better produced than this. There are better straight-to-DVD and Netflix movies from now or few years ago better than looking than this with less than half the budget. Jesus, Disney and Marvel, lay off the cheap and overuse of CGI. You have more than 10x the amount of money to afford high end practical effects.

EDIT: For further rant, Ghost Rider: SOV (2011) has actual unique and better looking visuals than this!
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Apparently Secret Invasion, the latest D+ content, cost $212 million to make.

You (well, not you, but Christopher Nolan) could make Oppenheimer TWICE for that money and still have a cool $12 million in change.

Or for the extra sum of $16 million you could fund both Oppenheimer AND Barbie, for the combined gross profit of over a billion dollars plus half the Awards next year.

Something to mull over in the next meeting.
My favorite comic book movie podcast was so uninterested by this show that they didn't even bother talking about it, until they saw clips from the finale and decided that it looked just too horrible that they HAD to discuss it. What an achievement.

Anyway, on topic: One condition of the strike is that actors are no longer allowed to do promotional work. Which makes sense. At the same time, personally, I couldn't give less of a fuck about some actor going to some banal interview. And even if I do wanna see this interview (lets say, in the format of a Hot Ones episode), I can't see that particularly influencing my decision to see that movie.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Apparently Secret Invasion, the latest D+ content, cost $212 million to make.

You (well, not you, but Christopher Nolan) could make Oppenheimer TWICE for that money and still have a cool $12 million in change.

Or for the extra sum of $16 million you could fund both Oppenheimer AND Barbie, for the combined gross profit of over a billion dollars plus half the Awards next year.

Something to mull over in the next meeting.

View attachment 9345
What the hell…is that an actual shot from the show? I hope it doesn’t lead to more aneurisms for Emilia.
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Regular Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States of America
Let's pretend that Secret Invasion had good special effects and budget management. Ret-conning Nick Fury as a pathetic failure is the biggest load of horse-shit in Sam Jackson's entire career.
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