Screamarie said:
I quit going to the the theater years ago for just these reasons. Instead I go to the drive-in! The Drive-In the savior to all misanthropes that still want to see movies on the big screen! And with better food at better prices.
3 bucks for a box of candy? Hell no, 3 bucks for a BURGER! With CHEESE!
Does it suck that I have to drive at least an hour to get to a town with a theater? Yeah. But I'll take it over loud teenagers, ringing cell phones, crying babies, and children who just WILL NOT SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!!!! and their parents going "Anthony...sit down....anthony...anthony....sit down anthony....anthony....come sit down with mommy....come on...please come sit down with mommy....anthony...anthony..."
FUCK LADY! If he won't sit down MAKE HIM! If he still won't sit down GO HOME! That's what my mother would have done.
This, a thousand times, this.
I used to go to the movies a lot, then cell phones became a thing, and going to movies just degenerated from that point on. However, we found a DRIVE-IN! Like you said, it was like finding a savior or something. Half the price per person, you can bring your own food or buy a hotdog for like a dollar, and even if the guy beside your car is annoying you you can control your own movies volume and can thus drown the man out. The kids still go running around screaming, but in the open air, it really doesn't matter, and has like no volume anymore. There are only three big downsides really, mosquitoes, the drive-in being closed in winter, and going on any holiday that might possibly involve fireworks.
Why we lost most of these wonderful things, I will never know.