MovieBob: Intermission: Oh, Behave!


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Xanthious said:
These rules are the exact reason the Alamo Draft House is THE best movie theater to ever grace this planet of ours. It's in Austin Texas they serve beer, don't have ads before the movie (besides trailers) and don't tolerate ANY shit. Unaccompanied minors aren't allowed and neither are any children under six years old. Talking, texting or otherwise being a dick? You are thrown out. No warning no refund just shown the door and given the management's best wishes that it doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out of it. There really should be more theaters like The Alamo Drafthouse.
Lol, I was just about to mention this myself, plus the Alamo serves beer and food, so it is the future of cinema.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
I gotta say, I loved the comment about "emergencies". Seems like being connected 24/7 has really ramped up our idea of what counts as an "emergency". Not to sound like an old geezer who rambles on about "back in my day", but I don't even own a cell phone; I really can't imagine any scenario where someone would need to reach me so desperately that it couldn't wait two more hours. If you're a doctor or a volunteer firefighter, you can be bothered to have separate cell phones for regular use (that you turn off when you're in theaters and restaurants) and real emergencies (that you immediately leave when it goes off because you know you'll need to anyway). Otherwise, forget it.

In fact, if I may soapbox a moment about cell phone networks: They really dropped the ball by never evolving beyond the original century-old model of telephony, where everyone identifies by an impossible-to-remember random number and where a phone is either on or off. Why haven't we started transitioning to a system like instant messaging, where people can set their "status" so anyone who tries to call them not only can see, but has to see whether they're available or not first, and under what conditions. Right now, either you open yourself to being called by anyone in the world who might want to get in touch with you for any reason, or nobody at all. And theaters are definitely a "nobody at all" scenario. For the very, very rare real emergencies that can come up for ordinary people, it's very inconvenient to not be able to just click a button to change your status to "At a movie; DO NOT CALL UNLESS IT'S A LIFE-OR-DEATH SITUATION."

EDIT: Oh, forgot to add, I like how Bob italicized "Adult Swim" like it were a single show. It might as well be for how uniform its suckiness is nowadays.

Xanthious said:
I feel this video from the Drafthouse is in order.

Seen that before, and let me just say: I'm going to make an exception to my usual reservations about big conglomerates and corporate accretion and say that I wish that company would get bigger and buy out all the other theaters in the country. They sound like they would do a better job of actually giving a shit about customers than any of the other chains out there.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
Me and about 8 friends got kicked out of a late in its run matinee showing of Snakes on a Plane for MST3King and laughing too loud at the back of the theater. There were a total of 3 other people in the screening. I understand the rules, and I respect them, but there has to be some exceptions.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Platinum zone Bob.

It's here in Poland also known as "Grownups Zone".

The tickets are double the price but you get a nice quiet movie room, the rows of two seats each, waiters with snacks and booze and I can swear that the seats are just so bloody comfortable you want to spend a night there.

Well worth the price.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
I always wait a week or 2 before I'll go and see a movie and then I'll go for the last showing on a friday or saturday this means there usually only a handful of other people and they too are there to watch the movie. Anytime I deviate from the system I end up with talkers and what not and it kills my experience.


New member
Jun 6, 2011
TitanAura said:
I miss those overly elaborate "please turn off your phone" trailers all of the major theatres had a few years ago. Whatever happened to those?
We still have them in the UK, sponsored by a mobile telecoms company (Orange) and with the tagline "don't let a mobile phone ruin your movie".

Latest one:


New member
Apr 28, 2010
1nfinite_Cros5 said:
Surprisingly, I've never seen anybody...drag their infant along.
Oh trust me, it happens. Saw a disturbing number of little children when I went to see Watchmen. Although I did get a huge laugh when the sex scene came up and the parents scrambled out of the theater shielding their eyes.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Point 1 made me think of this:

Compared to that (if it were real, which it thankfully isn't), tweet seats probably wouldn't seem so bad, provided I was nowhere near them.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
The baby rule is especially annoying when you're in an R-Rated film. Which, yes, I've had happen before.


New member
Apr 22, 2011

Rule 7 does not apply when it is a kid-centric/targeted movie. Although still not a great idea to let them role around and play on the floor.


Actually it does. I am an artist who loves animated movies as a medium. One of my biggest problems is when I go to see a Pixar film and people see this as an excuse to let their children behave rudely in theaters just because it has an under pg-13 rating. In fact, I pretty much had the Lion King re release ruined for me by children who were much to young to be in a theater. Please understand that just because the marketing crew sees a movie as kid oriented, doesn't mean that there will not be adults or young adults that also want to enjoy it. Please have kids be courteous; there are only so many quality animated films released (my next will be "The Burrowers") so please do not let the kids run wild.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
PipPup said:

Rule 7 does not apply when it is a kid-centric/targeted movie. Although still not a great idea to let them role around and play on the floor.

Actually it does. I am an artist who loves animated movies as a medium. One of my biggest problems is when I go to see a Pixar film and people see this as an excuse to let their children behave rudely in theaters just because it has an under pg-13 rating. In fact, I pretty much had the Lion King re release ruined for me by children who were much to young to be in a theater. Please understand that just because the marketing crew sees a movie as kid oriented, doesn't mean that there will not be adults or young adults that also want to enjoy it. Please have kids be courteous; there are only so many quality animated films released (my next will be "The Burrowers") so please do not let the kids run wild.[/quote]



New member
Dec 25, 2008
My favorite theater became really annoying because of too many smartphones.
Some people tell me I'm overreacting about it but it's too fucking annoying when I see a climactic scene and then those that little flashe ruins it for me.


New member
Aug 27, 2011
They should post these at the ticket counter of every cinema in the country.

Also, having checked out the other three enraging articles, I have to admit that, so long as it remained faithful to the concepts and themes of the original novel, that a reboot of Starship Troopers would be awesome. Honestly, the novel is one of my favorite science-fiction stories ever and I can't see why it wouldn't make a great movie as is, but Paul Verhoeven turned it into an absolute travesty - really, I think there should also be a special level of hell for movie makers who rape to death good books. . .


New member
Mar 16, 2008
I quit going to the the theater years ago for just these reasons. Instead I go to the drive-in! The Drive-In the savior to all misanthropes that still want to see movies on the big screen! And with better food at better prices.

3 bucks for a box of candy? Hell no, 3 bucks for a BURGER! With CHEESE!

Does it suck that I have to drive at least an hour to get to a town with a theater? Yeah. But I'll take it over loud teenagers, ringing cell phones, crying babies, and children who just WILL NOT SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!!!! and their parents going "Anthony...sit down....anthony...anthony....sit down anthony....anthony....come sit down with mommy....come on...please come sit down with mommy....anthony...anthony..."

FUCK LADY! If he won't sit down MAKE HIM! If he still won't sit down GO HOME! That's what my mother would have done.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
I think those rules involving children and babies should be elevated to #1. At least you can turn your phone off. Babies however, will never shut up unless you make them.