I gotta say, I loved the comment about "emergencies". Seems like being connected 24/7 has really ramped up our idea of what counts as an "emergency". Not to sound like an old geezer who rambles on about "back in my day", but I don't even own a cell phone; I really can't imagine any scenario where someone would need to reach me so desperately that it couldn't wait two more hours. If you're a doctor or a volunteer firefighter, you can be bothered to have separate cell phones for regular use (that you turn off when you're in theaters and restaurants) and real emergencies (that you immediately leave when it goes off because you know you'll need to anyway). Otherwise, forget it.
In fact, if I may soapbox a moment about cell phone networks: They really dropped the ball by never evolving beyond the original century-old model of telephony, where everyone identifies by an impossible-to-remember random number and where a phone is either on or off. Why haven't we started transitioning to a system like instant messaging, where people can set their "status" so anyone who tries to call them not only
can see, but
has to see whether they're available or not first, and under what conditions. Right now, either you open yourself to being called by anyone in the world who might want to get in touch with you for any reason, or nobody at all. And theaters are definitely a "nobody at all" scenario. For the very, very rare real emergencies that can come up for ordinary people, it's very inconvenient to not be able to just click a button to change your status to "At a movie; DO NOT CALL UNLESS IT'S A LIFE-OR-DEATH SITUATION."
EDIT: Oh, forgot to add, I like how Bob italicized "Adult Swim" like it were a single show. It might as well be for how uniform its suckiness is nowadays.
Xanthious said:
I feel this video from the Drafthouse is in order.
Seen that before, and let me just say: I'm going to make an exception to my usual reservations about big conglomerates and corporate accretion and say that I wish that company would get bigger and buy out all the other theaters in the country. They sound like they would do a better job of actually giving a shit about customers than any of the other chains out there.