Movies that everyone you talk to seems to think are bad but you think are actually pretty great.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Zontar said:
I honestly can't think of anything. In fact, I have the opposite problem, people not being able to shut up about how good bad movies are, like Frozen or The Lion King.
Yeah, I can sympathize with this. I'm really hard to impress, so if I like something, you know it's good. I try to keep my opinions to myself around my family, though, I'm far too critical for my own good (even though I'm right). I just can't seem to let it go.

There are some things I enjoy, despite knowing that their bad. I liked Mirai Nikki when it wasn't actually trying to take itself seriously. It was a fun train wreck to watch. I don't think that counts, though, as those kinds of films fall under "so bad they're good."

The only thing I can think of is FF7. That game has a lot of hate, but I unironically think it's really good. The plots weird as all hell, but there weren't any major plot holes that I can remember, and everything made sense if you really stopped and thought about it.


New member
Mar 7, 2015
People thought the new Hercules movie with Dwayne Johnson was bad. I loved it. People thought Exodus: Of Gods and Kings was bad, and I loved it. Mindless action? YES PLEASE!


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Fox12 said:
Mirai Nikki and FF7?
Having seen/played both, I find this a little confusing, Fox.

Mirai Nikki had the advantage of being properly nuts and nicknamed 'Game of Phones'. (Because in the Game of Phones, you win or you die.) At the very least, the club I viewed it at thought 'good'. Disturbing and weird, but good.

As for FF7...not as much hate as would be termed for this thread. It was incredibly well-received, people enjoyed it, and it's pretty much THE ONE apart from FF6 that people want remade for a newer format.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
FalloutJack said:
Fox12 said:
Mirai Nikki and FF7?
Having seen/played both, I find this a little confusing, Fox.

Mirai Nikki had the advantage of being properly nuts and nicknamed 'Game of Phones'. (Because in the Game of Phones, you win or you die.) At the very least, the club I viewed it at thought 'good'. Disturbing and weird, but good.

As for FF7...not as much hate as would be termed for this thread. It was incredibly well-received, people enjoyed it, and it's pretty much THE ONE apart from FF6 that people want remade for a newer format.
Mirai Nicki always seemed to get bad reviews from what I've seen. I'm one of the few people I know who liked it, and the characters even grew on me after a while. It had a lot of plot holes, and it's mixture of (actually quite good) humor and drama didn't always work, but overall I thought it was a fun experience. It must have it's fans, but I assume it falls into the SAO trap of either being the best or worst thing ever made. Personally, I just liked it for what it was.

As for FF7, I know it was hyped for the time, but all the feedback I've heard about the game has been overwhelmingly negative. I wasn't around to see the hype as a kid, and it's become quite cool to hate the game. People say it's overrated, but if that's true then I certainly don't see it. If anything it's suffered such a great backlash that it's become critically underrated. If the game is still as popular as people claim, then it must be some silent majority that I don't know of. I see plenty of FF6 fans, though, and Chrono Trigger never got lambasted like this.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Sucker Punch. Seriously, what the heck? Spiderman 3 too I suppose, but at least there I understand their complaints. But not so with Sucker Punch.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Sahara, from 2005. How can anyone not like it? It's basically The Mummy's non-supernatural brother, with every bit as much action and bombast. Funny as hell, too.



New member
Jul 12, 2009
I don't know what the general feeling about it in a wider mass is, but amongst my friends I am the only one who seemed to enjoy PacificRim. Then again most my mates want some sort of stupid "higher draama" in their movies, or deeper meanings and if there's one wrong actor/actress in a movie they'll instantly hate it. So I guess I had that one coming. I just loved to see del Toro put huge Monsters fight huge Robots, and it glorious it was! :D


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Arnoxthe1 said:
Arshaq13 said:
Starship Troopers.

It feels like nobody I know gets it.
I get it and I still don't like it. The director didn't even READ the book it was based on all the way through. He didn't even like it! WTF? That's like giving the LotR books over to someone who hates them to make it into a movie! And really, the message he trashed the book for wasn't even that good too.
Apparently he was making some other vaguely similar movie, and told to make it into a Starship Troopers movie. And failed very badly, which should not have been a surprise.


New member
Sep 20, 2011

Everyone I know says how bad than film was but imo it's a classic.

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
I liked Pirate 3 and Spider Man 3. Yes, they had cheesy moments, and in the case of Spidey 3 there were multiple villains going on, but I thought it was well done and wrapped things up nicely (haven't seen Pirates 4 and don't plan on it).

Did like the Lost World Movie. There were some silly parts in it, yes, but it was still solid, and the dinosaur stuff was awesome. I don't hate three and like watching it because of the Dinosaurs, but the screaming mother gets to me every time.

I liked Cars. Not sure why people seem to hate it so much. Not the best Pixar movie, but it has a nice story and lesson in it like any other Pixar movie.

I loved the first 2 Hobbit movies. I know that it was quite different from the books, but it stuck mostly with the light hearted tone of an adventure with some dark moments here and there. I did like the Barrel scene, because it gives the idea of how the Hobbit and LotR films are supposed to differ in tone. The third movie didn't do so well wrapping things up, but I thought it was a solid trilogy overall.

I liked the Star Trek Reboot (haven't seen the second one). Story and characters were fine enough, and made me somewhat interested in the series (not enough to get into it).

If I had to reverse the situation and name a few movies, it would be District 9, the Dark Night movies (at least the first 2), and 2001 a Space Oddessy.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
Speaking of Nicolas Cage, I adore Vampire's Kiss, and not in the "So bad it's good" sort of way. It bills itself as a black comedy, and as a comedy, it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I mean, it's a movie about a man who goes around thinking he's a vampire. That plot is so ridiculous and unique that it can only be done this way, and Nic Cage's performance was appropriate for the role he played.

There are some others that come to mind. One is Interstellar. I hear a lot of people bash the movie, but I ended up really, really liking it.

And put another one for The Lost World. I don't love it as much as the first film, but I still found it to be a fun movie, especially as a kid. Even watching it recently I still have fun with it. Fuck Jurassic Park III, though.

I also love the Ace Ventura movies, especially the second one (Except Ace Ventura Jr. or course. That can fuck right off) In fact I liked a lot of old goofy Jim Carry comedies, even The Grinch.

Also, would Frozen count? Because these days I'm seeing more hate for it than love, at least on the internet. I still enjoy it despite the over-hyping and backlash. I'd much rather that be popular than some other films.

As for the opposite, well, I can't really think of much. The only thing that comes to mind is Martyrs, which I really didn't like. I felt that it was a boring, ugly film that by the end was completely pointless.


New member
May 14, 2013
Wakey87 said:

Everyone I know says how bad than film was but imo it's a classic.
What kind of heathens are you hanging around with? Tremors is a great take on the cheesy horror movies of the 50s. It's a genuinely loving parody of the material that's not self conscious about being cheesy or constantly trying to prove it is too cool for school. It scores the right balance of laughs with some tense moments. There's no real horror to speak of, but the movie makes you care about the characters so that you do start feeling tense when they're in danger. Heck, the Tremors series is one of the few franchises to have at least one or two decent sequels as well.

Most of all it is a well made movie that knows exactly what it wants to be.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Great movie, sure it's silly but it wasn't trying to be a dark, gritty apocalyptic movie like all my mates were expecting.

Arshaq13 said:
Starship Troopers.

It feels like nobody I know gets it.
Yep! Same here, I Love it!


New member
Sep 29, 2014
The 2002 version of The Time Machine. For some reason that movie gets a lot of flak, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. I didn't even see it until about 10 years after it came out either.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Contact, with Jodi Foster. I really enjoy that movie, and really enjoyed it when I saw it in the theater when it released. But most people seem to feel it was a bad movie. I agree it wasn't great, but it was an enjoyable story.
Dec 10, 2012
Signa said:
I hear people shit on Freddy Got Fingered a lot. I don't know what they were expecting when they went to see a Tom Green movie called Freddy Got Fingered, but I got what I was wanting out of it. I've seen that movie more times than I'd care to admit.

I still don't know the answer to the burning question: "Daddy, would you like some sausage?"
I'll be honest: I hate that movie. I had no idea what I was getting into, because my friend insisted that I watch this movie I'd never heard of. He laughed uproariously all through it, and I was baffled as to what was funny.

However, I did laugh once, and it was a good laugh. That question still burns in my brain...

OT, I don't really get why people are so hard on the Matrix sequels. The first one's an honored classic for the most part, but the sequels get so much hate. The sequels are not bad by any stretch. Reloaded is almost solid excitement, and Revolutions, though flawed, was still a decent movie that did well in furthering the themes and motifs of the series. To this day, I have not met anyone who could give a good reason why they hate them; they just do.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Arshaq13 said:
Starship Troopers.

It feels like nobody I know gets it.
Come on. That's a good movie. Campy, pretty dumb (What's a strategy?), but fun to watch and awesome.

Awful adaptation of the book though.

Because it really isn't an adaptation of the book (Well, short story) in any way whatsoever.

If it was it would have super powerful exoskeleton suits with jetpacks and wrist mounted flamethrowers flying around murdering tons of aliens (And not just the bugs. Something called the Skinnies too). I do believe the handheld nukes were a thing in the short story as well but, you know, not as dumb (Nukes don't work that way. If it was a nuke they would all die, the explosive power of these "nukes" is easily achieved by elements that does not shower your own troops in lethal radiation).


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
TheVampwizimp said:
Signa said:
I hear people shit on Freddy Got Fingered a lot. I don't know what they were expecting when they went to see a Tom Green movie called Freddy Got Fingered, but I got what I was wanting out of it. I've seen that movie more times than I'd care to admit.

I still don't know the answer to the burning question: "Daddy, would you like some sausage?"
I'll be honest: I hate that movie. I had no idea what I was getting into, because my friend insisted that I watch this movie I'd never heard of. He laughed uproariously all through it, and I was baffled as to what was funny.

However, I did laugh once, and it was a good laugh. That question still burns in my brain...
Damn that sucks. Well, if you think you might enjoy Tom Green when you are expecting Tom Green, it might be worth trying out again when you know what to expect. If not, no big deal. His sense of "lol randum" humor is hardly for just anyone. Hell, if you watch the outtakes in the credits, even he knows he goes too far. "What the fuck am I doing?" he asks himself once.