My teacher wants us to become social deviants...


New member
Jul 27, 2008
I had this same assignment (At college). Every meal there'd be a huge line (It'd be at least 50 people long at lunch time) at the cafeteria, and for my norm, I just cut to the front of the line, got my meal card scanned, and ate my food. Did it for a week strait and no one stopped me, although, one guy at lunch said "What are you doing? You can't cut in line.!" I kept walking, didn't even look at him, and scanned my card. I didn't say anything, but I think I heard the guy next to him say "He just did."

When I sat down with my food that day I looked over at the entrance and saw that the line had become a mass of people squeezing through the door to the scanners. Guess it does only take one anomaly to completely screw up a system.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Walk around drinking any type of drink from a baby bottle.
Drink milk from it in public for bonus points.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Break a societal norm by not doing your assignment and expecting to fail.

1) It's outrageous
2) You don't have to do any work
3) You might get an A


New member
Dec 18, 2009
w1n5t0n said:
Go trick-or-treating. Just dress up and go door to door asking for candy. It's not halloween and i assume you're kinda too old for it now, so a societal norm thing is broken, and you might get candy out of it!
I was going to say cannibalism before I read your rules. But now that I have either This, or the idea of not doing any work at all are the best ones so far.

Alternatively, you could try to not sleep, or sleep all day depending on the rest of your classes.

Incompl te

New member
Dec 13, 2008
If you happen to be a creative type, try saying everything in rhyme, or try singing everything.

Better yet, read books aloud to the tune of a random song you know (bonus points if others can hear the song being played. Idea from here []


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Buy a really pretty handbag and go shopping like some grandmas do. Carrying your little purse on your arm, opening it to get your smaller money containing purse, counting pennies one by one when you buy things, use any coupons you can find in the paper e.t.c.

Also, ask people to help you accross the street.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Breaking social norms....hmm.

Is it illegal to buy a blue roller light and pull a cop over? :)


New member
Aug 5, 2009
dress up as a bat and hang upside down in a bus-stop remi gaillard style and just wait for people to walk by


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Stand facing the opposite way in an elevator. It freaks the heck out of people. Or just start narrating every moment of your life like it's a Jane Austen book.


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Mar 1, 2010
Insanum said:
Hug strangers.
Probably counts as threatening.

...and I am a girl myself...
...try reading Maxim or GQ or some other 'men's magazine' (or Skin Deep) on the train or in the library, and make sure other people can see the cover. Paste a copy of something actually readable inside to preserve your sanity. Might be too subtle though.


New member
Jun 7, 2008
Find somewhere public and just start dancing. Preferably of the "pre-set routine" kind to "spastic flailing". Music is optional. In fact, it might be even better WITHOUT music, since the norm would be dancing TO music.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
I remember that assignment. We had one of my friends dress up in an English Guard's uniform we found in the back of his church (to this day, not sure what it was doing back there), and had him stand outside a Jersey Mike's for about an hour. He had to stand perfectly still, in a red coat and big black hat, motionless, while the rest of us sat inside and observed.

It was a fun day.


New member
Jan 10, 2010
Her rules are somewhat restrictive actually.
Embarassment is judged upon a sliding scale, and breaking a social norm generally incites a vaguely negative reaction, which is why it IS a social norm.

LockeDown said:
I remember that assignment. We had one of my friends dress up in an English Guard's uniform we found in the back of his church (to this day, not sure what it was doing back there), and had him stand outside a Jersey Mike's for about an hour. He had to stand perfectly still, in a red coat and big black hat, motionless, while the rest of us sat inside and observed.

It was a fun day.
Actually, come to think of it, I did once do something quite similar to that myself...
My folks where forcing me to go to the art gallery and like... Appreciate art and stuff for a couple of hours.
I decided to mix things up by wearing a leather trenchcoat, black leather hat, and large mirrored shades.
I couldn't see shit, and it was especially awkward because I was wearing glasses 'neath the shades, but fun nonetheless.


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Mar 5, 2008
Luke5515 said:
Don't do anything and tell your teacher that the norm you are breaking is doing work. Everyone does their work always, but why?
If your teacher has a good sense of humor, you get an A for not doing anything. If not E. Worth a shot right?
This. Not doing your homework is a great example of social deviance. And you can do your homework by not doing your homework!


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Sep 19, 2008
zana bonanza said:
So I turn to you, good people of the Escapist. Care to throw any ideas my way? (I don't suppose asking the internet for help with your homework is breaking a social norm, is it?)
I've done this assignment like 9 times. (Sociology Masters degree)
I think I high school we had a hot girl in our group wear a giant sweater and short shorts so it looked like she wasn't wearing pants and she sat by the side of a busy street on a toilet we stole out of my aunts backyard (don't ask). I'm not really sure what this proved exactly but it was funny.

In college we wore all our clothes backwards (which isn't as easy as it sounds) for about a day and logged reactions. A more controversial one, we just acted very very stereotypically gay in not good places to act as such... rural south dakota. (They were just jealous of how good I look in a midriff).
A lot of times it just has to do with appearing out of the norm for the area you're in deviant behavior doesn't have to be giant in scale. Being dressed as a big hiphop fan at an indie rock show could cause you to be treated as a deviant.

I just remembered another one. We had two girls walk around the mall, one made up to be all sexy-like (not slutty) and one made to be frumpy. Both wore jeans which made it very obvious that they likely wetted their pants (the insperation came from Fergi who had recently been in the public eye for this)
The reactions were much less different than we expected.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Eat a bucket of tuna-flavoured pudding and wash it down with a gallon of Strawberry Quik.

(cookie to whoever gets the reference)


New member
Jan 10, 2010
ace_of_something said:
A lot of times it just has to do with appearing out of the norm for the area you're in deviant behavior doesn't have to be giant in scale. Being dressed as a big hiphop fan at an indie rock show could cause you to be treated as a deviant.
Recently I told a few friends of mine to go to a heavy metal concert wearing My Chemical Romance/Greenday T-Shirts, and go moshing.
But that wasn't so much to the purpose of observing reactions to perceived deviation so much as me trying to get them killed.