My teacher wants us to become social deviants...


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Wear your clothes backwards. Just don't do it with a hoodie. In the middle of winter. During a snowstorm. When your face gets cold.

It's happened before. We had a good laugh about it and he didn't get frostbite so it was a win-win.

If all else fails go with this:
just be sure it's not at a murder or rape scene.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
I've got a couple ideas.

1. You could do something really childish, like wear a cape or carry around a toy at all times. Or, since it's college, you could get a childs backpack or lunch box.

2. Wear make-up, face paint, or a mask at all times.

3. Narrate your life and all your actions, or talk about yourself in the third person.

4. Read out loud in public or sing your own background music.

That's all I got. These are things I would do myself, so I don't think they're too outrageous.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Find a restaurant, set up a deck chair outside of it and bring a home-made picnic. Best done in the middle of a high street.


New member
May 22, 2009
Going with the elevator motif, how about farting or talking to yourself in a crowded elevator?


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2009
300lb. Samoan said:
Where your underpants on the outside of your pants.

Also consider wearing your belt on your head and painting a Q on your chest.

Angry Caterpillar

New member
Feb 26, 2010
Whenever someone says stop, shout "HAMMER TIME!"
Do the Time Warp in public. Then do it again.

Or, in seriousness, talk backwards, in a different language, or if you can't do either fluently, with a constant smattering of another language or lingo thrown in. Just make sure they don't know what the lingo means; using game talk with someone you know is a gamer is kind of redundant, isn't it?


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Go to a movie you're pretty sure won't have a lot of people in it. When you go into the theatre find someone sitting by themselves and sit right next to them. Extra points if they're the only other person in the theatre.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
zana bonanza said:
The example she gave us: getting into an elevator and facing the rear, while others are (most likely) facing the doors. Obviously, I can't use the example.
Haha! That's freaking brilliant.

Anyway, your best bet is probably to wear or change something on your appearance that is completely extraordinary. Walk around with a feather in your hair for a day or such. Put on hot pants. Or woolen gloves, if you can still do this assignment by summertime. Or, playing on on your idea of walking backwards, jog whenever you'd normally walk for a day.

Edit: I thought of something else, playing on the idea of using other languages. Try and do something like repeating the last word of every sentence for a set amount of time, time. Or shout whenever YOU use a personal pronoun in a sentence. Or start whispering randomly in the middle of a conversation.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Sociology, eh? It's my major. I suggest doing something simple, like wearing your jacket or pants inside out. It's minor, but noticeable.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
zana bonanza said:
For an assignment, which has limits and is only for a little bit, so it's actually not that big of a deal. However, I am having the hardest time coming up a social norm to break.

If you haven't guessed yet, the class is Sociology and the assignment includes a paper about my experience. We have to break "a clearly defined societal-level norm" in the presence of others, without the help of anyone else or letting anyone know why we're doing it initially. It cannot be illegal, "stupid", cause embarrassment to or threaten others, involve a moving vehicle of any kind, involve anything sexual, or be done under the influence of alcohol/drugs. So, yeah.

The example she gave us: getting into an elevator and facing the rear, while others are (most likely) facing the doors. Obviously, I can't use the example. I thought about walking backwards everywhere, but that's not very practical and I'd rather not fall on my ass. For some reason, my brain is now drawing a complete blank.

So I turn to you, good people of the Escapist. Care to throw any ideas my way? (I don't suppose asking the internet for help with your homework is breaking a social norm, is it?)
How about wearing a kilt to school.

If you want to be less outgoing though a good example I can think of is bringing your own tray to school for lunch.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
zana bonanza said:
Luke5515 said:
Don't do anything and tell your teacher that the norm you are breaking is doing work. Everyone does their work always, but why?
If your teacher has a good sense of humor, you get an A for not doing anything. If not E. Worth a shot right?
She probably would find it funny, but I don't know if would she would still consider it acceptable. It's kind of a paradox: doing the assignment by not doing it? Also, I have to do in the presence of others. >3< I would love to be able pull it off though; I have like three other papers I need to write this week, so one less would be a godsend.
This is a great idea, but you have to be very careful about how you actually pull it off. Remember that the teacher didn't just tell you to be deviant, she said you have to write a paper about your experience. On the day the assignment is due, if you just say "yeah, I didn't do the assignment because that's the social norm I'm breaking," the teacher will know you're just a smartass trying to get out of doing her homework. More importantly, since you don't actually write the paper, your teacher's superiors may actually require her to fail you for the assignment. I'm guessing you don't want that.

So instead, you play it this way: On the day it's due, say that you didn't do it, but don't give your reason (just let the teacher think you were slacking and blew it off)--after all, she did specifically say not to tell anyone what you're doing as you commit your faux pas. Then go home and write about that experience; talk about how the teacher made you feel alienated by calling you out in front of your classmates, mention the embarrassment of being the only one in the class who didn't do it, and conclude that society just doesn't have a place for a free spirit like you.

When that's done, walk up to your teacher after class one day (preferably within a week of the original due date) and give it to her, completely unannounced. Just put it in her hand and walk away without any kind of an explanation. She'll have no idea what you were doing until she reads the paper, which is exactly the way you want this to play out. This way you're thinking outside the box, but she can't fail you because you actually did the work. Meanwhile, you managed to swing a nice week-long extension on this assignment, so you have plenty of time to work on your other homework.

The Bread is Delicious said:
Walk around everywhere with a teddy bear or some other random object with you all day.
Okay, I have to say I really like this one too. Call that a plan B if you don't have the courage for the first one.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Too bad you have to do it yourself.
Here's a fun thing to do.
Get decals that look like the pictures they put on bathroom doors to distinguish between the male and female bathrooms. Put them on a random set of double doors. Hilarity ensues.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Act like this guy

no one ignores social norms like phantom


New member
Jul 23, 2009
When in public, place your hand on your waist, your other hand on your neck, and stand on one foot in a elevator. Someone might think you are a bit crazy though.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Why hasn't anyone mentioned going up the down escalator or vice-versa yet?