Mystery Beast Terrifies Kids

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Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
Musta been terrifying to see that but people really need to stop killing new creature things.

Surely there's some kinda psychological, freudian, innate evil discussion kidna tihng to be had about this..

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Damnit! You killed Andy Serkis! We didn't have the budget for CGI in the new Hobbit film, so you kill the one actor who both had Gollum experiance and was willing to undergo genetic engineering. Now we'll have to kidnap someone.


Wicked Prolapse
Aug 27, 2009
Torque669 said:
Haseo21 said:
Torque669 said:
This is one weird thing. I cant even make out if it looks like any other sort of animal.

With the recent thread about that Snake growing some sort of foot. This comes a close second in weirdness. Any ideas what it could be?
That is fukin weird, I like your avatar by the way, is that Harry Tipper
Damn right its Harry Tipper.

And Cookies to Canton for showing what it actually is. Sun the slimy bastards trying to stir everything up. I also found it incredibly funny how they went off into talking about Gollum half way through. Really stupid.
Hey id like to talk about Time Splitters some more with you, but i dont want to change the subject in the thread

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Mr. Grey said:
Canton said:
its a hairless sloth(probably shaved)
After reading this link I suppose the kids killed the sloth, became afraid that they'd get in trouble so they shaved it clean and then went to go get their parents and staged the whole story. As for killing it, being kids they probably threw rocks at it for fun and killed it by accident.
That probably is what happened. The creature definitely resembles a sloth, so it obviously would not be capable of charging at them like a bull. Either that or they just killed and shaved the sloth to create this stupid hoax.

Woem said:
Mcupobob said:
why did the kids kill and thow it into the ocean?
silasbufu said:
why the hell kill it?
That's exactly what I'm asking myself. Humans have come a long way that when they see something they don't know that want to kill it. And then throwing it in the water is not something you do because you are scared. So they are so scared of it that they throw rocks at it, but then later they step up to it and touch it? Come on. And I really doubt that that create would charge at them. It doesn't look like a very athletic creature to me.
I'll never understand why people say this. If you saw a strange bizarre creature about to attack you, you would try to kill it to. You don't think clearly when you're in danger.

Of course that doesn't really apply here because the kids probably faked this whole thing.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
The Sun: world-renowned experts in the paranormal.

It was probably some kind albino contortionist man-child. Yes. That's definitely what it was.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
"that the water-monster was "Gollum from Lord of the Rings" "
Well, that takes care of identification then! :p

Seriously, like with all these things a lab is going to say "we can't identify the DNA" in the end, and people will be postulating and venting weird theories forever about it.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Emilie Diabolica said:
Yokai said:
Is the Sun really a reliable news source? Judging by the other headlines they flashed on that page, and by the random tangent they went off on concerning Tolkien, I don't exactly see them as top-notch journalists.
They dont look like a particularly reliable source. However, i found out about it here, if you want a less tabloid-ish version of the story:
I wouldn't really call ninemsn top notch either. But yeah methinks fake.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
turtle with no shell.

the wierdest part of the story though is how the kids... STONED IT TO DEATH.
4 kids all around 16 threw rocks at this thing till it died. Thats horrible, whatever it was.