National Guard called into Minneapolis

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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
It did happen. Multiple times over it happened. Lists of police killings in the US. Look at those last 8 years. Notice the downward trend. The last 4 years averaged like 200 a year. The prior 4 years averaged like 600 a year. You know what happened at the start of 2016? Police leaders responded on January 29, 2016, with "Use of Force: Taking Policing to a Higher Standard". Acting like nobody is doing anything and nothing is improving is ignorant, and an insult to police and protesters alike.

That didn't happen. The president didn't threaten people mourning. Looting isn't mourning. Was his tweet presidential? No, it was garbage. But you're exaggerating to justify more anger and that doesn't help anyone. Trump said looters dishonor the memory of George Floyd. That is not fighting mourners. That is defending them. People looting are explicitly bad for those mourning George Floyd's death. Their demonstration has been stolen from them and turned into senseless rampages in multiple cities.

Know what needs to be done? What needs to be done? Tell me what solution you have that will make it so nobody is ever murdered again, I'd love to hear it. If you think the demonstrations are meaningless, that reforms don't happen, that nobody is doing anything, you're not paying attention.
The protesters at the white house were not looting, and that is who he preemptively threatened with dogs. We already have solutions that were put into the plans of both Bernie and Hillary. Trump attacked them for that remember? Not exaggerating here at all.

He continued that the Secret Service had allowed the protesters to “scream & rant as much as they wanted” and only acted when “someone got too frisky or out of line.”
“The front line was replaced with fresh agents, like magic,” he added. “Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That’s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least.”
Mr. Trump claimed that Secret Service agents had told him they were clamoring for engagement with the protesters. “We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it, and good practice,” he said he had been told. "
He also appeared to invite his own supporters to amass outside the White House on Saturday to counter the protesters, despite a ban on gatherings of more than 10 people in effect in Washington amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???” he tweeted, using the acronym for his first campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” And he tried to paint the protesters as recruited agitators instead of people organically gathering to make a statement.

Because that is somehow an acceptable way for a president to behave in a time of mourning or something now. Way to lead and mourn with your nation and deescalate tensions by calling for COUNTER PROTESTERS and talking about VISCOUS DOGS to attack people literally protesting government violence against the people. Yea.

I posted what needed to be done already earlier in the thread. It will never happen as long as Trump remains president. He has proven he is not capable of adequately addressing the problem, it requires genuine empathy and compassion and he has neither.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Thank you for responding. If anyone doubts the accuracy of my assessment, I need only point them to you.

Violence is inherent to human nature. We have a system to diminish the violence, not cause it. Your point of view is antithetical to progressive and conservative viewpoints alike.
Here’s what I read from Terminal. The system didn’t diminish violence, it caused it. Society protested but that was ignored. The system caused more violence which is training the rest of society to be violent.

None of this would have happened if the system wasn’t violent. You can call that inherent, but I’d say that if it was so inherent, it would have been the first response, not the last. Society has been trying for decades to deal with this peacefully and only limited progress has been made. This is a reaction to a problem and thought, ‘hey that system gets to enforce its will on others, lets copy that.)

(I’m putting in the qualifier that the system has some violence inherent to it. This is a case where someone jumped over that line and then into the next state. It wasn’t even close.)

edit: Maybe I could say it this way. Violence is inherent is the system. It’s a very poor idea that society is now copycatting.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Permanent blindness is no biggie right?

Use of tear gas in warfare, as with all other chemical weapons, is prohibited by various international treaties that most states have signed.
That's mostly because in live ammo warfare there is no option to retreat so you're forced to either inhale the gas and suffer damage (potentially permanent) that way due to long term exposure or face being shot and dying that way.

I know a small amount about it because a professor of mine told us the story of how she and some other accidentally made tear gas in labs and had to evacuate.

Also I'll happily condemn the police for inappropriate use of their kit to more deliberately cause harm. That is also despicable and shouldn't be done.

You'll note I did say "IF USED PROPERLY"

Clearly in the cases you are bringing up they weren't being used properly.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Clearly in the cases you are bringing up they weren't being used properly.
That’s a bit of a Catch 22. If nobody’s hurt, the gear being non-lethal is why. If somebody’s hurt, it’s operator error. Regular rounds, used perfectly, could also be as effective is less than lethal ones used poorly in this context.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
I dunno if this genuinely counts as doxxing given she’s sort of a public figure but I wonder how this is gonna turn out.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
The protesters at the white house were not looting, and that is who he preemptively threatened with dogs. We already have solutions that were put into the plans of both Bernie and Hillary. Trump attacked them for that remember? Not exaggerating here at all.

He continued that the Secret Service had allowed the protesters to “scream & rant as much as they wanted” and only acted when “someone got too frisky or out of line.”
“The front line was replaced with fresh agents, like magic,” he added. “Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That’s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least.”
Mr. Trump claimed that Secret Service agents had told him they were clamoring for engagement with the protesters. “We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it, and good practice,” he said he had been told. "
He also appeared to invite his own supporters to amass outside the White House on Saturday to counter the protesters, despite a ban on gatherings of more than 10 people in effect in Washington amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???” he tweeted, using the acronym for his first campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” And he tried to paint the protesters as recruited agitators instead of people organically gathering to make a statement.

Because that is somehow an acceptable way for a president to behave in a time of mourning or something now. Way to lead and mourn with your nation and deescalate tensions by calling for COUNTER PROTESTERS and talking about VISCOUS DOGS to attack people literally protesting government violence against the people. Yea.

I posted what needed to be done already earlier in the thread. It will never happen as long as Trump remains president. He has proven he is not capable of adequately addressing the problem, it requires genuine empathy and compassion and he has neither.
Hate to say it but

It worked do.

Trump may be a complete moron and have the equivalent tact to the grace and appreciation of a bull in a china shop.
However it seems he gets something.

Some-one once said before Trump is conducting office like a WWE script and it's true. In this case people think he's a monster so he (likely not by design) is playing into that and also sort of calling their bluff. An "Oh you want to come get me, you think I'm a monster, well what kind of evil villain doesn't have a highly guarded lair with dogs, you still want to run the risk as to if I'm the villain you say I am or not?"

Also to be clear he said if they breached the Whitehouse grounds they'd face the dogs I think.It's like WWE heel 101 what's going on.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
That’s a bit of a Catch 22. If nobody’s hurt, the gear being non-lethal is why. If somebody’s hurt, it’s operator error. Regular rounds, used perfectly, could also be as effective is less than lethal ones used poorly in this context.
Not so much as the regular round would likely lodge in the back of the head if not go through or from side on take some of the nose with them too.

Even aiming at limbs (which isn't how most fire arms officers are trained to shoot when threatened) will still rip through the limb fully and depending on where it hits it can be pretty serious, I think there was an episode of CSI where a illegal immigrant guy shot his sister through the ankle to get her picked and taken in for treatment in America. Problem is where he shot he caught the edge of an artery and the story was started by her being found dead in the water.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Not so much as the regular round would likely lodge in the back of the head if not go through or from side on take some of the nose with them too.

Even aiming at limbs (which isn't how most fire arms officers are trained to shoot when threatened) will still rip through the limb fully and depending on where it hits it can be pretty serious, I think there was an episode of CSI where a illegal immigrant guy shot his sister through the ankle to get her picked and taken in for treatment in America. Problem is where he shot he caught the edge of an artery and the story was started by her being found dead in the water.
But what if they used them so adeptly they only hit fingers throwing rocks, or even just fired the rocks out of the sky?
Point being, these guys are using this wrong. Place I was they fired off gas then left, came back hours later to people who were just mad they got gassed, same crowd, just angrier. They are aiming at exposed flesh, which with these rounds means a ton of bleeding. Shit, Minneapolis police fired a flash bang grenade at a person’s gut, knocked him to the ground. He was recording on his phone, that’s it.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Just throwing out something that some people may not realize, Unicorn Riot, the group that has done a ton of the reporting in Minneapolis since day one and should get a pullitzer over their coverage, is an antifascist organization. Much of the media coverage of all of this has been based on their footage.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
But what if they used them so adeptly they only hit fingers throwing rocks, or even just fired the rocks out of the sky?
Point being, these guys are using this wrong. Place I was they fired off gas then left, came back hours later to people who were just mad they got gassed, same crowd, just angrier. They are aiming at exposed flesh, which with these rounds means a ton of bleeding. Shit, Minneapolis police fired a flash bang grenade at a person’s gut, knocked him to the ground. He was recording on his phone, that’s it.
I doubt any of them are good enough shots at the ranges they're firing from in the conditions they are to deliberately target exposed flesh.

The Flash bangs etc yeh that's bad.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
I doubt any of them are good enough shots at the ranges they're firing from in the conditions they are to deliberately target exposed flesh.

The Flash bangs etc yeh that's bad.
True, seems more likely they should get more long arms training with these if they’re gonna deploy them like this so it’s less of an issue. Either that or just stick to batons and spray. And not abuse the use of those which, well, I’ve posted plenty of abuses of mace.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
True, seems more likely they should get more long arms training with these if they’re gonna deploy them like this so it’s less of an issue. Either that or just stick to batons and spray. And not abuse the use of those which, well, I’ve posted plenty of abuses of mace.
Just get them some Water Cannons they'll probably have less capacity to do physical harm with them unless protesters try to play chicken with them or something.


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020

How long you think it will take to make arrests?
Oh and the guy who started the damage in Minnesota, does that look like a local protester?
Locals asked the man if he was a cop.. Go figure. They aren't wrong. He looks like he could be a cop:
Dude was pretty tall. Are there still height requirements for police over there?


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Edited out a joke about the LAPD because I forgot this was in Louisville since it’s a strongly LAPD move.
Just get them some Water Cannons they'll probably have less capacity to do physical harm with them unless protesters try to play chicken with them or something.
Well, that probably has some shitty connotations here. Also that can totally fuck people up too. And if it’s used on someone on the ground it’s probably torture


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Here's something for people checking in.

Odd how the people in black get up seemingly go right over and pull away the barriers then tell everyone how they have bricks.......



Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Lol another bit of good news captured on camera. Protesters grab guy smashing up pavement to create makeshift projectiles and deliver him to the police to take away

Strange how a guy all in black with some painball armour stuff then comes up and starts trying to antagonise the police and checking the cops names as some kind of intimidation tactic.

Seems there very much are certain groups using these protests to try cause trouble and cause riots and now the actual legit protesters are getting wise.

Oh and the Free Brick distribution Car has been sent home too



We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Here's something for people checking in.

Odd how the people in black get up seemingly go right over and pull away the barriers then tell everyone how they have bricks.......

Ok, that looks like an op. Antifa show up with jugs of milk and street medics, not pallets of bricks. Plus if you wanna break windows yourself you don’t even need that, seems more like something some dumbass security agency would come up with. Better to travel light than plant a bunch of bricks in an area you don’t even know the cops will push you towards. Idc, but I’d bet on some dumbass private security firm.
Edit- also lines up with some of the “unmarked black van” shit. Once again, do not, will not care about dumb shit like this. These private security guys exist but the best avenue is to ignore them.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Ok, that looks like an op. Antifa show up with jugs of milk and street medics, not pallets of bricks. Plus if you wanna break windows yourself you don’t even need that, seems more like something some dumbass security agency would come up with. Better to travel light than plant a bunch of bricks in an area you don’t even know the cops will push you towards. Idc, but I’d bet on some dumbass private security firm.
Well either round the country a lot of places are doing the same OP or there's a lot of people in Red and Black very interested in making sure people know there are bricks and people can have and carry bricks......

Here's More Bricks

Also the other 2nd tweet video shows people have been going round in a car handing out bricks.

More photos of Brick turning up



We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Well either round the country a lot of places are doing the same OP or there's a lot of people in Red and Black very interested in making sure people know there are bricks and people can have and carry bricks......

Here's More Bricks

Also the other 2nd tweet video shows people have been going round in a car handing out bricks.

More photos of Brick turning up

You realize Antifa doing something new and very specific in multiple places is probably more weird than it being a weird private security firm or collection thereof? Fuck, it’d make even more sense if it was organized crime. Antifa is absurdly decentralized while all of those groups tend to have actual hierarchies. Could maybe be coincidental. In any case, this is one of those weird ass things we’ll get an explanation of in a few decades when it’s no longer some kind of confidential.
Edit- Think of it like the AutoZone, people suspicious of whether a cop did that or whatever, but ultimately other people looted it too and it got lit up multiple times, along with tons of other buildings. Maybe you can argue that guy was some kind of agent, maybe not, but we probably won’t know for years so who the fuck cares compared to the more tangible realities here.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
So, as a more verifiable case of the cops sabotaging themselves for some reason to show we live in a post-postmodern hellworld with more resemblance to MGS2 than any logical reality, this. Look at this and understand why I try not to overthink shit because sometimes reality is too dumb.
Edit- AND FURTHER MAKING MY POINT THIS. Focus on broad, verifiable realities. Conspiratorial thinking is a death sentence.
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