Not that I want to be offensive here...rather, just something to gnaw on in your head. Everyone...and I mean everyone, has talked about the 'theoretical' power advantage the PS3 has. Everyone. It's also widely known that the PS3 is more difficult/completely different than PC architecture to program for. We've seen the 'theoretical' power, laid out on paper. The problem is, as everyone has noticed, nobody seems to be able to tap into that...which kind of turns it into a mockery, no?
But, what happens if someone actually figures out a way to make use of that power...and is able to apply it to a game. We're not just talking graphical acuity here, we're talking about things that go on behind the scenes, physics, lighting, particle effects, AI, environmental effects, immersive sound, objects on screen etc... all of those things as well. According to what we know about the consoles at this point in their cycle...hardware makeup and such...shouldn't the PS3 be able to handle some things the 360 just wouldn't be able to? And really, if anyone is going to do it, it's gonna be a 1st party, right?
Same thing applies to the 360 though. A Game that's designed specifically to exploit the hardware advantages it has over the PS3...shouldn't be able to be replicated on the PS3, right?