Netflix Launches New, Low-Quality Streaming for Canadians


New member
Aug 20, 2010
There's not even that many people in Canada you'd think the US would have caps, though I remember a few years ago Time Warner presented the idea of putting caps on internet and there was literally picketing outside their office.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
I don't understand where everyone is getting this idea that all Canadian Internet providers cap their customers usage. Mine doesn't :\


Apr 28, 2008
I've started doing HD let's plays on youtube and it's just destroying my bandwidth limit. I'm seriously thinking of moving to the states just to get uncapped internet.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
gphjr14 said:
There's not even that many people in Canada you'd think the US would have caps, though I remember a few years ago Time Warner presented the idea of putting caps on internet and there was literally picketing outside their office.
isn't AT&T trying to implement one(if they haven't already).


New member
Jan 13, 2010
That actually helps. We get 60gb a month so high-def is out of the question. Netflix combined with the CTV / Comedy / Spacecast players will fill all my TV needs.
Now I just have to convince my parents of this and drop our over-prices cable.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Braedan said:
Wolfram01 said:
Meh give me full HD instead, please!

I think they're in cahoots with telecom companies who try limiting our data. Bastards.
I personally see this as a shot across the bow AGAINST telecom companies. They tried to lower our caps to stop Netflix from taking over(why pay for Cable TV, which Bell, Telus, and Rogers provide, when you can pay for ONE unlimited service and watch on demand?), and Netflix responded with a more economical streaming quality.
Edit: I guess technically it would be two services, but $8 for netflix or $50 for full HD programming?

Point Netflix.
Almost everyone I know is canceling (or has canceled) their cable, and all of them have turned to Netflix streaming as a replacement. Comcast wants $60 for Tier 1 programming plus $15 for HD enabled boxes. Netflix wants eight bucks. Hmmm...

They deregulated cable television pricing because they insisted competition would keep everything in check. Cable rates increased triple the rate of inflation, and a company with the worst customer service in the industry managed to scrape together enough cash to buy Universal/NBC. Now that Comcast is finally losing customers due to price gouging, the obvious solution is to lower prices.

Just kidding. They'll try to establish a cap first. Then they'll start taking Universal/NBC movies/shows off of Netlfix. Because it's such a good idea to give an infrastructure provider a private monopoly and content control.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
icyneesan said:
I don't understand where everyone is getting this idea that all Canadian Internet providers cap their customers usage. Mine doesn't :\
Who is yours? In my area my choices are Cogeco (caps, low caps) or rogers (caps, DPI), or bell (caps, crappy service). I could go with teksavvy, but their connection quality is not great where I live.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Wow. Mainland internet ISPs suck. Luckily down here Aliant has yet to implement caps, so I can watch movies and whatnot to my heart's content.

If only the government would get off it's collective ass and do something about Bell Canada/Rogers/Comcast/and so on's banditry.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Ugh while I'm glad Netflix did this, because it shows the greedy little fucks that make up most of Canada's ISPs that they can't simply push out competition because they have some sort of cartel monopoly, at the same time this shouldn't be even happening. Maybe with the election coming up, some politician will get it in his head that this is a good election point to make now that its out in the open. I know if one of the big parties makes it a goal, they get my vote.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I haven't decided whether Canada Crapcast or Canada Capcast is a better name. I mean, the former is just an awesome fuck you. But the latter is a more subtle, "Here we decided to release this service just for Canadians who have to deal with shitty, expensive internet caps so we can still get our service in the country" fuck you.


New member
Oct 8, 2010
Poor Canada, we Australians know exactly how you feel. The ISP's in Australia have only recently deigned to grant us mainstream uncapped plans in the last couple of years.

Super Toast said:
If the Canadian internet cap is considered to be awful, we Australians must be primitive by comparison. Not to mention that 200kb/ps is considered fast down under.
Also since when was 200kbps fast in Australia?

Maybe 10+ years ago. These days the minimum is 6000-8000 kbps and many people are lucky enough to enjoy ADSL2+ which gives speeds in excess of 12000 kbps all the way up to 24000kbps.

Maybe you need to investigate getting yourself a new internet provider.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Hashime said:
icyneesan said:
I don't understand where everyone is getting this idea that all Canadian Internet providers cap their customers usage. Mine doesn't :\
Who is yours? In my area my choices are Cogeco (caps, low caps) or rogers (caps, DPI), or bell (caps, crappy service). I could go with teksavvy, but their connection quality is not great where I live.
I use Shaw and some of my friends use Telus. From what I know neither of these providers cap their customers.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
Veloxe said:
Now we just wait for the telecom companies to throttle netflix and claim that it's to stop those dastardly paying customers pirates.
They're already doing this for other programs like WoW


New member
Oct 3, 2008
icyneesan said:
Hashime said:
icyneesan said:
I don't understand where everyone is getting this idea that all Canadian Internet providers cap their customers usage. Mine doesn't :\
Who is yours? In my area my choices are Cogeco (caps, low caps) or rogers (caps, DPI), or bell (caps, crappy service). I could go with teksavvy, but their connection quality is not great where I live.
I use Shaw and some of my friends use Telus. From what I know neither of these providers cap their customers.
Shaw used to cap with a hidden clause that stated a monthly data allowance but not anymore that I can see. They've resorted to throttling instead. Not that I am shunning Shaw as I'm currently using them myself but I just recall those heady days of "the Internet is for email and web browsing."

As for Netflix the biggest reason I've held off on their service is that they are still only serving up shit content because they haven't secured the Canadian streaming rights for a lot of the better films. Why American companies are holding back on releasing these streaming rights to make bucks is beyond me... You might as well be holding the door for pirates...


New member
Sep 14, 2010
icyneesan said:
Hashime said:
icyneesan said:
I don't understand where everyone is getting this idea that all Canadian Internet providers cap their customers usage. Mine doesn't :\
Who is yours? In my area my choices are Cogeco (caps, low caps) or rogers (caps, DPI), or bell (caps, crappy service). I could go with teksavvy, but their connection quality is not great where I live.
I use Shaw and some of my friends use Telus. From what I know neither of these providers cap their customers.
I also use Shaw, and there are no caps for me (that I've run into... and I tend to download and use netflix, as shitty as it may be), but you never know when they will sneak a clause into their next contract renewal.... so I'm kinda suspicious.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Speaking of Shitty Internet, my work uses a service that has a 10 gig per month limit and uses an antenna, which makes me DOUBLE POST BECAUSE OF CRAPPY CONNECTION.

Syntax Man

New member
Apr 8, 2008
icyneesan said:
Hashime said:
icyneesan said:
I don't understand where everyone is getting this idea that all Canadian Internet providers cap their customers usage. Mine doesn't :\
Who is yours? In my area my choices are Cogeco (caps, low caps) or rogers (caps, DPI), or bell (caps, crappy service). I could go with teksavvy, but their connection quality is not great where I live.
I use Shaw and some of my friends use Telus. From what I know neither of these providers cap their customers.
Actually Shaw does have caps, I'd know we got a snidely written letter informing us that it was our first over limit warning (is 125 GB) last month. Telus on the other hand (to my knowledge, upon investigating their site) does not have any caps to speak of, I'd change but I'm not the one in charge of the Internet connection here.

Tallin Harperson

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Telus does have caps ( As far as I know, however, neither Telus or Shaw will enforce their caps unless you regularly go over. That is, I've never had trouble here in Calgary. I'd stay away from Telus, though, unless you like crappy customer service and semi-regular outages.

Okay, they may have improved by now. Just remember that they lock you in with one of their crappy service agreements for at least a year at a time. I got out a couple years ago, and had to fax them proof that I had in fact served out my three year contract. They tried to tell me I still had six months left.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Syntax Man said:
icyneesan said:
Hashime said:
icyneesan said:
I don't understand where everyone is getting this idea that all Canadian Internet providers cap their customers usage. Mine doesn't :\
Who is yours? In my area my choices are Cogeco (caps, low caps) or rogers (caps, DPI), or bell (caps, crappy service). I could go with teksavvy, but their connection quality is not great where I live.
I use Shaw and some of my friends use Telus. From what I know neither of these providers cap their customers.
Actually Shaw does have caps, I'd know we got a snidely written letter informing us that it was our first over limit warning (is 125 GB) last month.
Really? I go over that frequently just by download anime. Throw in browsing image sites, youtube and all the porn I download I hit at least 300GB monthly.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
I'm on Telus and they do have soft caps on their service but like you said you only get snotgrams from them if you are regularly over. I've been using their ASDL service since it first rolled out in our old town (back in very late 90's) and haven't been on a contract with them. I've only pestered them a couple times for replacement modems/routers (which they happily send and don't charge me for) but have never signed a contract. Maybe that's just the joy of being an old customer?