New Drugs May Extend Our Lifespan to 150 Years


New member
Aug 12, 2011
Well, if i die i'll either cease to exist, God is gonna smite my arse for not caring about him or some other stuff that no one who's alive knows of, so (theoretical) immortality is one of my wishes. Good to see we're getting started on it, at least.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
It is highly debatable whether modern nutrition is actually "better" than that of hundreds or thousands of years ago. Many, many modern agricultural foods are not suited for human consumption and contribute to a litany of health problems that shorten people's lives. Expanding lifespans correlate much more strongly with improved hygiene and sanitation than with agriculture--in fact, agriculture as such may be suppressing the potential lifespan once you get over the hump where large portions of the population are undernourished to the point where they cannot fight illness.

In any case, these claims get made every few years and generally turn out to be exaggerated. I don't worry about it--better to make the lifespan you have the best life you can rather than worry excessively about making it as LONG as you can.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Ruwrak said:
Question number 1
Do I really wanna live to 150 years?
Question number 2
-HOW- exactly will I be living till 150 years? I can't imagine me looking all shrivled up and still living like I should be right?

And then of course, why do we keep meddeling with nature's course?
Everything is supposed to die sometime right?
Agreed on all counts, this seems like science doing shit for the sake of it again. We really don't need to live this long, as much as we miss dead relatives and the like, it has to happen. Why postpone it.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Hsss.... Quoted 12 times.
That... was quite unexpected.

Sorry and forgive me that I do not reply to everyone personally, but generally:

Everyone reaching about 150 years would require alot of pension funds.
Not only that it would also require ALOT of people to take care of said people.
Why not live forever? Well planet earth will get full eventually, that and we already can't stand eachother.
Fuck nature? To a certain extend. Yes. Science needs to advance eventually.
Personally I would not want to live to the finite end of the world.
Personally I think that 80 years is a good time to live and do the things you want.
I.e. you do the things you want till you're about 21, then you go to college, get a job, get married and then well.. fastforward 50 years and bam. Funeral.

ph0b0s123 said:
You, however do get a genuine reply from me.

That is quite debatable if -everyone- and -everything- on this globe wants to live till they drop dead. (quite literally). I for one have no desire to live past 100 really. Perhaps in a mechanised body a lá Deus Ex. But not in this fleshy pod that is ever so fragile.
Seriously, this thing is only 22 years old and already it's falling apart :p

Vanguard_Ex said:
Ruwrak said:
Question number 1
Do I really wanna live to 150 years?
Question number 2
-HOW- exactly will I be living till 150 years? I can't imagine me looking all shrivled up and still living like I should be right?

And then of course, why do we keep meddeling with nature's course?
Everything is supposed to die sometime right?
Agreed on all counts, this seems like science doing shit for the sake of it again. We really don't need to live this long, as much as we miss dead relatives and the like, it has to happen. Why postpone it.
Well... Because we're human I suppose? And I fully support science in making life better and all that. But I just wonder those things :p Not like I am against medicine extending life beyond 100. I'm just not going to take it for myself. And everyone dies to young anyway (you know, they say those things at funerals eh?)

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Greg Tito said:
The question is whether the extra decades will be healthy or not.
This. If it's just another decade and a half of being decrepit and wasting even further away, that's certainly not the life I want. Though logistically, something that extended your life would do so by enhancing your actual health, not by somehow adding more sand into the timer, so I'm hopeful.


New member
Oct 17, 2009
Christ, you're all pessimistic.

How many days has it been since that 100-old dude ran the marathon? That's what I'm aming for, have fun moping.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2010
United States
bz316 said:
ZZoMBiE13 said:
This sounds like a scary episode of Star Trek or something.
What do you mean? Star Trek frequently mentioned that humans lived for 150 years or more in the Federation and that the average human lifespan easily exceeded a century.
True, but keep in mind that the Federation also has the technology to create colonies on other worlds and in space as well as the ability to replicate food or just get it from other worlds. However, there have been some episodes that deal with the problems of overpopulation on planets that are far less developed.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Or, just hear me out here, we could devote some time to helping the less fortunate live a bit longer! I mean, instead of devoting all of our time to help ourselves outrun death, we could instead help improve the quality and length of life of people in Africa that are dying at 40 at best! Guys? Anyone? *Sigh.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
So this also means a limit on babies? Which no one will follow, so it also means overpopulation.

Can't we have this wait until we finally make a world in space, so we have the room for all these extra people?


New member
Sep 17, 2007
Aw damn, I could finally catch up on my gaming. :) Cheers to drug enduced longevity!


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Phishfood said:
Sure, we can live to 150 in theory.

We will likely die of Alzheimers or Cancer before we hit 150 no matter what you do to agings genes.
Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner.

Im applying for a biomedical sciences degree and i had to compile an essay of my choice on a subject of interest. My topic? Biological immortality.

Did you know one celled organisms dont die the way we do? In fact they are immortal by our standard of the word. At a certain age our cells kill themselves and dont regenerate. Its called scenescence and we evolved it early on (ie when we became two celled organisms) to beat cancer which occurs pretty much 100% after a certain amount of cell divisions. The more cells divide the worse they get at doing it because their telomeres shorten. Rats can divide 15 times, gallapagos tortioses can do it 115 times after the foetus stage. Its called hayflicks limit and we have it to prevent cancer. So we could be immortal. Its actually not that difficult, we understand the science very well. Apoptosis (cells commiting suicide when they get to old) is actually artificially induced in the womb by your forming brain to produce the gaps between your fingers and toes. Cool huh? But seriously disabling scenensence will kill you dead of horrible cancer.

Seriously its bad shit.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
If we get to be younger forever then yeah it can be a great thing, being middle aged at 75 would be pretty damn cool but being old for over half your life is not appealing at all.


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008

I think I agree with the good Mr.Morgan on this matter.

Has anyone mentioned zombies yet though, 5 pages in, -someone- has to have, right? I mean, seriously: 'resveratrol'? Sound like zombie making juice to me.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
They say this:
"People aren't going to want to retire at 65 and spend many, many decades sitting at home."

But they mean this:
"We aren't going to want our employees to retire at 65 and spend many, many decades not benefitting our company's goals."


New member
Dec 5, 2008
...but it's not going to be the Albert Einsteins and Mother Theresas living to be 150. It's going to be the Dick Cheneys and Simon Cowells.