New Drugs May Extend Our Lifespan to 150 Years


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Depends on if this drug A. Can be sold to the poor and middle class, and B. If it will slow down shriveling as well i.e. 90 is the new 50. If this drug can achieve those two things, then sign me up.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
After reading how quite alot of people feel about humanity has screwed up the planet/we're evil/we shouldn't live forever/etc, its a wonder how these people can get out of bed in the morning.

Me, I'm all about the cutting edge, but even without age extending drugs, I don't plan on spending my old age sitting in a retirement home playing solitare on the Matrix Supergrid (tm). Maybe in a lab somewhere. Working. Inventing. Hiring escorts to do the wierd stuff.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I heard the most stupid statement about this a few days back, someone said "I guess in a couple of years we will have people living to 150" (facepalm)


New member
Jan 3, 2011
If we all lived till 150 the world's economy would be completely fucked over. We would spend too much time and money caring for these people so they can just sit there all day and do nothing. Seriously unless it reduces aging so we can work longer and contribute to society for longer not just extend our lives, then maybe I would be up for this new drug. But I think it is a bad idea with our current way of life.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Greg Tito said:
"Our bodies have an extraordinary ability to repair themselves," Sinclair said. "I think we're seeing the beginning of technology that could one day allow us to reach 150 [years of age]."
Congratulations Mr or Mrs citizen Rapture, youve been approved to join the Sinclair Solutions team as a product tester!


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Pretty sure 100 years is already pretty awesome for humans.
I'm also pretty damn sure that you'd have to have this drug every day, multiple times in a day, to get to your 150 years.
So this becomes a drug for the rich.
Suddenly, this trailer comes to mind:

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Too many people think they're going to live forever. It's unhealthy. I don't mean to sound like I'm a death booster, far from it, but there are honestly people in this day and age who think they will never die and thus never prepare themselves for the possibility.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
GothmogII said:

I think I agree with the good Mr.Morgan on this matter.

Has anyone mentioned zombies yet though, 5 pages in, -someone- has to have, right? I mean, seriously: 'resveratrol'? Sound like zombie making juice to me.
"We'll have the drug ready for the market sometime late in December of 2012"
Mar 26, 2008
WolfThomas said:
I heard the most stupid statement about this a few days back, someone said "I guess in a couple of years we will have people living to 150" (facepalm)
Good news for all those 148 year olds out there, knocking on heaven's door.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
I shake my head at some of the pessimists in this thread.

Science should keep making huge leaps forward, any problems we find along the way are mere challenges for us as human mankind to solve. And people saying "we shouldn't meddle with nature", please don't speak of nature as a sentient being, makes you sound like a hippy.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
witheringsanity said:
Baresark said:

You can keep it. I'll take my 80-100 or so years of total health and happiness then die a happy man.
total health??? 80-100 years???? how old ARE you? you've got to be young to even dream you'll be in "total health and happiness" for 80 years. hell i'm only 28 and already starting to feel old. i can't imagine how old i'll feel when i turn 50, much less 70 or 80. no, you'll be in "total health and happiness" til you're 25, then realize you're not an unstoppable force of nature, but a frail organic life form.

OT: sounds amazing. i wish people would actually READ the article though, then they'd have read the part about "slowing the aging process", rather than assume 70 on the drug and 70 off would feel the same, and at 120 they'd be a walking corpse.
LoL, I'm actually 30. I feel fantastic 99% of the time. Happy and healthy have a lot more to do with lifestyle than genetics, though it helps that the men in my family have an uncanny ability to abuse their bodies and still live into their 80's. I take much better care of myself than any other men in my family have ever done, so it's not inconceivable that I could be happy and youthful into my 80's.

Also, I wasn't speaking particularly about the slowing of the aging process. I was speaking more along the lines of things that do not have to do with aging, such as the micro-fracturing of the human spine that happens throughout a normal lifetime, the degradation of spinal discs and sinovial joints, and such things. All of which are not age related as much as they are lifestyle related. Still, it's a fascinating idea.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
This is a terrible idea! The human body isn't built to last more than a century, man I would willingly fight this!


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
we are extremely overpopulating. extend our lifespan 3 times, yeah thats going to work.

"People aren't going to want to retire at 65 and spend many, many decades sitting at home."
are you kidding me? i would retire at 20 if i could!

We will likely die of Alzheimers or Cancer before we hit 150 no matter what you do to agings genes.
incrrect. most people die from causes from other aging progress. if we dont polute our brain, it can live to 300 years EASY. then again try telling people they shouldnt drink alcohol, see how that works...

Id say invent a drug that cause people to stop having 20 children. oh wait, there already is one, WHY THE HELL ARENT WE USING IT!


New member
Mar 1, 2010
The idea of living that long is wrong both socially and economically. We already have trouble with keeping up with amount of retired people as well as older people occupying the job places for fresh out of college kids.
Living longer means either working longer, and thus making the whole employment system too stagnant, or being on social support for longer which means more spending on social care by countries.

There is also problem with advancement of life style and technology, unless they can keep brain "fresh" which i doubt, you will end up with people that will be completely lost in "new" world around age of 100. Even these days people above 50 have trouble with modern technologies, and 100 more years and You have some serious issues.

Another issue is resource consumption. World as a whole already has torubles with water and food, and while it's not visible in "first" and "second" world countries, the third-world feels it, rather painfully. The longer people would live the more resources they would need over the course of their lives...

There is no point in extending human life unless we find answer to all the other problems that we have, and until we can safely colonize space i doubt it will really be an option.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
JoJoDeathunter said:
The aim is not just to eke out extra existence, but to facilitate a longer healthy life," he said. "People aren't going to want to retire at 65 and spend many, many decades sitting at home."
It's not even a case of "want" though, I can't see the current pension scheme surviving if people retired so many years before death, we would probably have to extend working to about 120-130 years old approx if we were able to live to 150. There's also demographic issues, we already have an aging population and this would only make it worse.

Edit: Plus even worse, this could lead onto the horrors of immortality, a world frozen in time with ancients living empty hedonistic lives, offspring presumably banned to prevent the world exploding from increased population. I would willingly fight to prevent such an occurance.
You mean I'll live until the world ends, so will people I already care about, and no kids?
Sign me up :)


New member
Feb 20, 2011
i saw a documentary that told of human life being increased to figures of around 300 in this generation... it also said that some people born in the 60's could live to be 200. this is because of technology and the singularity and what not. this wasn't the only estimate though. it also told of a chance that we could possibly achieve immortality.


New member
May 7, 2010
It's weird how people seem to be continuously forgetting that the whole point of this project is to extend people's *healthy* lifespans. I don't want to spend half my life as a shriveled prune either, but if I can still be active at 100, well, I'll take that any day.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Oh god! Driving is going to be a nightmare!

150 years seems like to old for a person to be living. Humans breed like crazy anyways. What are these really old people supposed to do for work? Then again, most of us will be long gone before the effects of any miracle pill are seen, so whatever.