There's an upside to this. A lot of people lately have been going into movies, planning on making it a cheesy, so-bad-it's-good cheese fest that has to be seen to be believed. Snakes on a Plane is a great example. However, a mixture basic competence tricking the filmmaker into useing sensible approaches, and the sense that the cheese is forced to produce the so bad its good effect, undermines most of these films and shows, leaving them...not necessarily bad, but far flatter then expected. With this man, judging from the interview, we finally have a creator who is genuinely batshit insane, with absolutely zero grounding in reality. It could rekindle that exhilarating sense that not only is this train wreck a glorious abortion of taste, but the creator seems to believe that he honestly said something of great artistic value. Delusion of this scale is so entertaining, it probably deserves a noble prize of some variety.