New Pokemon games


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
But, maybe the stagnancy and the bullshit is the reason for the franchise's success. They don't need to change or innovate, because Nintendo is already making buckets of money, and there are hordes of loyal fans ready to suck each entry up. As much as I can sit here and hope that pokemon evolves and innovates, maybe that exact change that I am clamouring for, is exactly what will put the fanbase off. Hence the new trailers, which really didn't impress.
I dunno because there are an awful lot of people than have been unhappy with pokemon for a long time. And everytime a new trailer for a new game comes out I feel like more and more of the fanbase gets annoyed.

Then again the problem continues because most of those annoyed fans always end up buying the games so it kind of defeats the purpose.

It is what it is i guess.

I dont agree with your idea that the stagnancy is one of the reason for the success, because there are a shitload of spinoff pokemon games that play nothing like the mainline series that sell almost as well as the main games. Ranger, Mystery Dungeon, hell look at the hype for a new Snap. Pokemon fans are addicted to the Pokemon, not the bog standard JRPG's of the mainline series.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Don't forget about the human waifus, MILFs, and sometimes the husbandos. But most importantly, the moms!
Ah yes and don't forget the Sexy Bunny pokemon and Gardivior that people have people have created abominations for on the internet.

I'm convinced that nerds will fuck anything.

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The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
I dunno because there are an awful lot of people than have been unhappy with pokemon for a long time. And everytime a new trailer for a new game comes out I feel like more and more of the fanbase gets annoyed.

Then again the problem continues because most of those annoyed fans always end up buying the games so it kind of defeats the purpose.

It is what it is i guess.

I dont agree with your idea that the stagnancy is one of the reason for the success, because there are a shitload of spinoff pokemon games that play nothing like the mainline series that sell almost as well as the main games. Ranger, Mystery Dungeon, hell look at the hype for a new Snap. Pokemon fans are addicted to the Pokemon, not the bog standard JRPG's of the mainline series.
Its a little of both for me. I like pokemon and I like seeing the new stuff - Snap may convince me to buy a Switch -, but when it comes right down to it I buy main line pokemon games for the same reason I buy games like Minecraft, Terraria or Satisfactory. I am here to proceed through a low stakes series of events where I will tailor my preferred system (be it house, mining setup, factory setup or team setup) to my own desires and then trudge forward through relaxing monotony and familiarity until I hit the end having only been challenged once or twice the whole damn time.

I was legitimately pissed when I bought Moon and realized that it is 3D and the camera is different, because I was seriously entering into the situation with the expectation that I would get the same game as the something like six or seven games I played leading up to gen 5 or so. I'm still going to play it, but I honestly don't want to see innovation in main line games, I'd rather they save it for spinoffs and side games.

I know that seems backwards and silly, but I kind of think that's the mindset of a lot of pokemon fans, and part of why the franchise as a whole continues to see success even though when you step back the whole thing seems all over the place. I cracked open the wiki article on pokemon to see what generation it was that I stopped playing (lined up with a very distinct date in my life, who would have figured) and I'm looking at the spinoffs per generation and it is nonsense. After the first two generations every new iteration has like five or six spinoffs. That's insane - the series is criminally unfocused, but it shows you where all their creative and innovative energy is going right? And it explains why people can still find fresh things to enjoy about pokemon in spite of it being two and a half decades old.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
And it explains why people can still find fresh things to enjoy about pokemon in spite of it being two and a half decades old.
I also think it helps that new generations of kids reach the age where they can read and play pokemon every time a new game comes out, and since the games are always kid friendly it is a safe bet for a game the parents can get for them that will make them happy everytime.

So it's kind of a double edged sword I guess, and personally I dont think they need to drastically change up the formula. I would be happy enough to set more things like the Wild zone from Sword and Shield and more care given to actually making the Pokemon look good and animate well. Otherwise the games just look cheap and shoddy imo and that's not really fair of them to do considering the staggering cash the games make.


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
I also think it helps that new generations of kids reach the age where they can read and play pokemon every time a new game comes out, and since the games are always kid friendly it is a safe bet for a game the parents can get for them that will make them happy everytime.

So it's kind of a double edged sword I guess, and personally I dont think they need to drastically change up the formula. I would be happy enough to set more things like the Wild zone from Sword and Shield and more care given to actually making the Pokemon look good and animate well. Otherwise the games just look cheap and shoddy imo and that's not really fair of them to do considering the staggering cash the games make.
That's totally fair, I'm actually writing a moderately whiny post for the currently playing thread that cites some same issues.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Don't forget about the human waifus, MILFs, and sometimes the husbandos. But most importantly, the moms!

Delia Ketchum for life.

And now that embarrassing comment is done, as much as I appreciate Pokémon needing to maybe inject some new mechanics into the game and with the move to Switch maybe pick up the art game a bit I also appreciate not fucking with a proven gameplay loop (new type matchings and improved move pools not withstanding) for the sake of it. I also don’t expect much in way of innovation for a remake like the Diamond and Pearl games beyond fixing QOL issues like HMs.

The new mainline, as in post Sword and Shield, that’s where I expect the money and effort to really be spent.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Pokemon has been the same game for 25 years as far as mainline entries are concerned.

Indeed they have and as much as I have problems with the newer games, the fact that they are the same shit with a different coat of paint doesn't bother me. In a way I do like knowing what I'm gonna get, much the way I assume Call of Duty players feel. I just wish the finer things like graphics and animation didn't feel so half-assed each time.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Indeed they have and as much as I have problems with the newer games, the fact that they are the same shit with a different coat of paint doesn't bother me. In a way I do like knowing what I'm gonna get, much the way I assume Call of Duty players feel. I just wish the finer things like graphics and animation didn't feel so half-assed each time.
We have games like Pokemon and Dragon Quest for comfort food, if people want wild variations between each game then they should go to series like Final Fantasy because stuff like Pokemon isn't going to change anytime soon.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Why fuck with a proven gameplay loop and system?
I'm not complaining personally, but there is a reason why I have not touched a Pokemon since Crystal. I did not even finish Crystal. Played a quarter way through and stopped playing to never touch it again. I'd sooner play the newer Digimon games. They at least try something different and succeeded because of it. Plus, I was always a bigger Digimon fan than Pokemon, if we're talking TV shows.

Pat is right. The mainline Pokemon games are almost no different than Madden or COD at this point. The only difference is the new games are looking worse than iPhone/Android game or the older games on DS from a decade ago look better. Game Freak has gotten super lazy and their assets look like shit. I can't exactly blame the fans. All I can add, is thank Sega I am all variety gamer and don't fall in to the gamer comfort trap often.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I can't exactly blame the fans. All I can add, is thank Sega I am all variety gamer and don't fall in to the gamer comfort trap often.
That and the games you like only get sequels every 10 years or so. *glances at Streets of Rage 4 and Street Fighter* It helps the repetition when your next game in the series isn't only 18months away.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That and the games you like only get sequels every 10 years or so. *glances at Streets of Rage 4 and Street Fighter*
I had to wait 26 years for Streets of Rage 4, because Japanese Sega execs hated one of their own franchise for no reason other than to be petty. I had to go with the next best thing or 3D "successors". Fighting Force, Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Deka (Cop), Spikeout, and Demolished Fist were all Streets of Rage 4 in 3D. Also, the Capcom method ain't fool proof. There is a reason the term, Capcom Sequel Stagnation exists. You have a point, but you need to keep certain details and contexts in mind.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I had to wait 26 years for Streets of Rage 4, because Japanese Sega execs hated one of their own franchise for no reason other than to be petty. I had to go with the next best thing or 3D "successors". Fighting Force, Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Deka (Cop), Spikeout, and Demolished Fist were all Streets of Rage 4 in 3D. Also, the Capcom method ain't fool proof. There is a reason the term, Capcom Sequel Stagnation exists. You have a point, but you need to keep certain details and contexts in mind.
I meant it as a good thing though. You like a game and it takes long enough to get a sequel that even if the next game is very similar, it is fine because it has been enough time between games.

Versus pokemon getting the same shit every 18-24months. It becomes tiring.

For example if i removed half the mainline games, pokemon would be far less boring everytime one comes out because even if it is more of the same, i had enough gap between releases that it feels fine to go back to the well so to speak.

I hope i explained that right.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I meant it as a good thing though. You like a game and it takes long enough to get a sequel that even if the next game is very similar, it is fine because it has been enough time between games.
I do appreciate and thank you. But do you how many updated versions of SF II Capcom released? Or how they did the same thing nearly every other sequel? Granted, this only happened SF III twice. Three times if you count the online edition that came out in 2012. Granted, at least the updated version came with new characters, refined gameplay, or newly implemented mechanics. Like I said though, it is not fool proof. There are times where it bit Capcom in the ass. Darkstalkers/Vampire Saviors and the many versions of SF IV. More so the former, but by the time SF IV: Arcade Edition came out, everyone got sick and tired. The final version, SF IV: Ultra barely alleviated this. The addition of Hugo, Poison, and Elena, and the fact you can play all the various versions of each characters from IV managed get some extra life out of the game. For ex. SF4!Guile could fight SuperSF4!Guile and etc.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
But do you how many updated versions of SF II Capcom released?
Bruh I didn't know wtf Poison was. LOL.

I dunno if would would count updates to the same game. SF2, turbo, ultra, hyper ultra, etc etc. Most of those fighting games were out before you could patch things out to people But yeah I can see the point of all the SF itteration and Capcom had a bad history with those things IIRC. Though on the flip side, it wasn't like those versions were marketed as entire new games the way Pokemon games are.