I remember. Quick question, did you ever play Final Fight? And by Final Fight I mean the Arcade (mainly this) or Sega CD version. Not the US/Western SNES version where she and Roxxy were removed from the game and replaced with male punks. Just curious. For reference and possible memory refresher:Bruh I didn't know wtf Poison was. LOL.
Except for the Street Fighter Alpha (0 in Japan) series and their updated versions. And Street Fighter III's updated versions acted as stories took place after the other and expanded the roster. The saving grace was that most updated version would be sold at a discounted or even budget price. That sorta became a diminishing return when DLC became a thing in the 7th generation. It was not Capcom's worst case of DLC, but it was problem that got bigger as more updates came out or in their other fighting games. Hell, a lot of their other games in general after 2011. Not to mention, it's always best to wait 2 or 3 years, unless you got to have it first or now. I waited 4 years get SFV (came out in 2016), because the game was released incomplete at $60. I got it when the Champion Edition was released at $30, because I knew they would pull the same stunt they always pulled.Though on the flip side, it wasn't like those versions were marketed as entire new games the way Pokemon games are.