starwarsgeek said:
John Funk said:
Fox News Report on Kinect Sex Hack Could Arouse Parents
is what I saw on the home page. I snickered immaturely.
Ah, now that I've gotten the tea that sprayed from my mouth off of my keyboard, I can type a response.
It warms my heart when an agenda this blatant gets spread around because it lends greater credibility to those fighting it. Yes, there are going to be folks who use the latest technology to further the spread of porn. This is not news. This happened when the printing press came along, happened when cameras were invented, happened with the creation of motion pictures, and yes, Kinect is going to carry porn to new and weird horizons where most of us will shudder and go, "Man, there are some sick people on this planet."
To those who seem to think that Fox needs defending, please don't. If they had a modicum of ethics, they'd apologize for the glaring distortions they put on the screen or at least hire editors who could filter out the obvious dross from the stuff that could pass for actual news. Fox learned a long while ago that they don't have to apologize for spraying bull far and wide and that's not just the affiliate stations, but the main channels as well. They lean very far to the right, they blatantly cater to the paranoia of their core audience, they know it, and they smile as they lie about being fair and balanced.
This is not a bad thing. Know why? Because nobody has any illusions about what they will see when they turn on Fox. It allows those who enjoy this sort of thing to put it on their favourite channel list and lets the rest of us put a parental block on the channel with the solemn warning that anyone who tries to access said channel will have the remote taken away from them before having it brought down on their fingers. And, as I said, when the time comes to fight the folks who use these stories as justification for legislation or condeming video games as being morally degenerate, those of us on the defending side of games can sit back and laugh before tearing the arguments apart.