Next CoD Speculation


New member
Mar 1, 2011
It will be zombie space nazi communists from the middle east. The shocking moment will involve someone playing Battlefield 3.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Same game they were selling for the past five years now called CoD: WaW 2, and then CoD: MW4, CoD: BlOps 2, CoD: MW5, CoD: WaW 3, .... several decades later... CoD: Super Warfare 17

Clairvoyance is an awesome skill to have :p


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Wolfram01 said:
CoD: Future Warfare.

Now with jetpacks!
That is probably the ONLY thing that they could do to make me truly interested in the series at this point.

I loved CoD4: Modern Warfare, but its sequels were rediculous and every FPS and its brother has been ripping off the style of that game since.

CoD4 gave the series and the "military FPS" genre something new and different, and I still hold the original Modern Warfare up as one of the stand-out titles of this generation.

If CoD is going to stay relevant, they need to put a new spin on things. Bring on the Future Warfare!


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
oZode said:
Probably a whole game based around zombies seeing it is treyarch's turn to make a CoD game.
I always enjoyed Zombie Mode, but not enough to make me want to by any of their games. If it came along as a standalone download then I and (I suspect) many others would pay for it.


New member
May 9, 2010
It's Treyarch's turn. I hope they go back to World War II, seeing as CoD: World at War was one of, if not the greatest World War II shooters made in recent memory.

Or it'll be a zombie game, and they're not too bad at the whole zombie thing either.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
It might be original...

Then again I might care about the game.

But in all seriousness, I have stopped carrying about cookie-cutter military FPS games. They are about as interesting as Nickelback.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
ThatDarnCoyote said:
My guess is Black Ops 2. The Cold War has tons of history that has been largely unexplored in games. A game that covered, say, the late 70's-early 80's period would be cool: defectors in Prague, covert ops in Central and South America, that sort of thing.

If Infinity Ward continues the series, I expect they'll make a game out of "Operation Kingfish", which was referenced in MW3. I remember hearing some rumors that Ghost was going to get his own prequel game, so that might be it.
A Modern Warfare Zero could possibly be good. Assuming that the story was delivered on a comparable level to MW1's, I'd love to play as Captain Price or Gaz in their earlier years, which would likely have them operating during the late Cold War in the 80's. We already got a taste of Modern Warfare prequel with the "All Guillied Up" mission in MW1, and that was arguably the best mission in the game.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
It will be exactly the same, but with a new maps and a different boring 3-4 hour campaign.

EDIT - Oh yeah, i forgot, there might actually be a new gun or character but dont get your hopes up, this is a CoD game remember, and they hate change


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Well Treyarch will likely stay away from anything modern, so any conflict starting at around 1980 isn't going to happen. I'd like to see them do something that doesn't rely on history for a story.

Whatever they do, they've already got a bunch of childish haters hating a game that doesn't even exist. Look at this thread, for example. Kids these days....


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Tommeh Brownleh said:
Call of Skyrim. Guns are now magic little fireball things. Knifes are now daggers, killstreaks usually involve dragons. *awaits internet hatred*
I can't tell if you've just made a combination that will take the awesomness of skyrim and enhance it with the popularity, or if it will turn the awesomness of skyrim into a bland, colourless game re-released every year.

So confusing!


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Fox KITSUNE said:
What I think based on what we all know now

COD Black Ops 2 Of course will come out. I mean BlackOps (IMO) had the best story and of course if you saw all the "Code" stuff on YouTube you'll know that...

Reznov might not be dead

Modern Warfare 1,2,3 story line is done, I mean it should be. I'm a big MW fan but it'll be stupid if they went back again to the same story line. If you ask me if MW4 came out it might go the same route as Ghost Recon Future Soilder is going; Add all the High Tech Foot soilder technology but make the new enemy either some home born American terror group or China (Leaning toward China)

What I want...

What I want, I want a ENTIRE COD game made around the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and Mossad. Think about it... Israel has seen a large amount of conflict (Suez Crisis, 6 day war, First Intifida, the Lebanon War) I mean the entire region is ripe for story, conflict and history.

Tl; DR - BlackOps 2 and Call of Duty: Israeli Conflict
Seriously, IDF needs some love. They have fought a large number of recent conflicts that could make a great game.


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Fawxy said:
Since it's Treyarch's turn this year (yay) it'll most likely be Black Ops 2.

However, I would LOVE to see a World War 1-based game. That'd have some serious potential.
What, sitting in trenches, not moving for hours at a time, just picking off any enemy that pokes their dumb head out of cover like a freakin' firing range-


That DOES sound like a CoD game.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Silent Protagonist is the new recruit of American Elite Special Soldiers with Heroic Figure as their leader, and is sent to Communist Foreign Country to help kill/overthrow Ultranationalist Baddie. Ultranationalist Baddie gets away because Silent Protagonist was caught in an explosive blast, and while he escapes around the world, Different Protagonist from Foreign Country is in the middle of a fight with some Other Foreign Enemies in Different Foreign Country, at the climax of the fight, Different Protagonist uncovers a plot and/or secret weapon about to be used by Ultranationalist Baddie in order to RULE THE WORLD.

Silent Protagonist finds Ultranationalist Baddie while undercover, and with his Hardcore Elite Team they begin blowing up Foreign Soldiers. There is an exciting chase scene, but Ultranationalist Baddie gets away. Meanwhile, Different Protagonist catches up with the Other Foreign Baddie, and after listening to his speech he is shot by The One Bullet and is killed while his friends try to revive him. Back as Silent Protagonist, Other Foreign Baddie is killed after finding out where Ultranationlist Baddie is hiding. They travel further around the world, blowing up famous landmarks until the final showdown with Ultanationalist Baddie. At this point, Heroic Figure turns out to be a Dastardly Traitor and kills Elite Squad Leader.

Everyone is sad and chase down Ultranationalist Baddie, killing him and saving the world. But first they have to stop Dastardly Traitor, for he has decided that he can gain fame and immortality by fighting for those he has killed for the past 2 hours, and Foreign Country accepts this as it is perfectly acceptable. Silent Protagonist fights along side the American Elite Special Soldiers, but they are all eventually shot, and Silent Protagonist is gravely wounded. Dastardly Traitor decides that he has had enough with Silent Protagonist and begins a Lengthy Speech. During, or after, Lengthy Speech, Silent Protagonist kills Dastardly Traitor and escapes from a Top Secret Base while it crumbles and explodes around him.

Or did it? (Cue Sequel)


A Simply Dignified Manly Man.
Feb 3, 2011
Pseudo-realism, cinematic sequences and a shouty fanbase. Formulaic current-gen fps at it's most marketable. I know I'm dreaming here, but rather than all of what I stated above. Why not make CoD zany, cel-shaded, and over the top? All this grey seriousness is getting a little outdated.

CoD needs more SCIENCE!!!


New member
Nov 21, 2007
It would not surprise me in the least to see the next one simply being called "Call of Duty 2012". Thus cementing Activisions plan to literally just rehash the same game, every year, and slap a $70 price tag on it. (and yes, I mean 70. Kotick has said they'll raise their game prices to 70 because, well, people are stupid enough to pay it)

There's also the possibility it'll be named Call of Duty 9, but I'm doubting it. Blatantly showing the fan base that they've been playing nine versions of the same game might actually force series fatigue.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
I remember CoD 2, it had terrible multiplayer but I really loved the single player campaigns. Especially being able to play as the Russians. The game was very much the same with the flashy explosions and on-rails driving scenes which make your mouth drop with the amount of action going on, but it was more interesting to me because they were based off real life battles (Stalingrad, D-Day, Rhine, Alamein, etc).

However, with these new CoD games, they have lost all their charm with their shift to cheap manufactured plots about crazy Russians with nukes and evil government conspiracies.

Maybe it's just me but I loved watching the old school 40's style clips that they played in between missions to give an insight as to what it was really like at war, especially the clip following the Pointe du Hoc mission.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Call of Duty: Time Traveling Space Nazis

A bunch of Nazi's were cryogenically frozen, only to be woken up by the Russians to achieve their goals of colonizing Saturn before the Americans do. And every ship the Americans send over to Jupiter is mysteriously attacked by a rogue group of terrorists, who are actually under the employ of the Russians. Fueled by a desire to uncover the truth (as well as avenge a lost puppy) they send out Commander Puffinfresh and a squad to investigate, whereupon they uncover the Frozen Space Nazi's, who wake up and attack them. After the Nazi attack, the Russians launch another attack at The United State of Every America (by this point Canada, Mexico, and the entire South American Continent have realized how awesome America is and asked to join) and pinned behind enemy lines, it's up to Puffinfresh's squad to defeat the Nazi Russian Terrorist Army High Command