Next Fallout: Ideas?


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Definitely keep the American setting, not sure of the location I would want. To be honest I believe I can never enjoy a Fallout as much as I enjoyed Fallout 3 anyway.


Apr 17, 2011
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Imagine a half destroyed London run by a gentlemanly ghoul dictator, voiced by Gary Oldman. Need.
It must be done!

OT: As much as a Fallout: London would be awesome, it just wouldn't be "Fallouty." There would be no BoS, (probably) no deathclaws, no Enclave, no FEV supermutants, no vaults etc. The list goes on. I'd like to see one that returns to Chicago and its environs, see how the Midwestern Brotherhood is getting along.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Hiscore0Junkie said:
There hasn't been a decent open-worlder set in London since GTA 2 really. In fact, can't think of any LOL :)
Hellgate: London?


...I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know... I'll never mention it again!

Inner Pickle

New member
Nov 8, 2010
I agree with the London angle. The 1950's British Pop Culture I think would fit very well with the bleak humour of the series, as would the city of London itself.

Think vaults under Buckingham Palace, different factions fighting for the monarchy, The Thames being infested with Mirelurks, countryside filled with mutated sheep and what were once foxes. Exploring the London Underground while Vera Lynn sings 'we'll meet again' on the radio and ageless ghouls talk about the good ol' days when tea bags weren't 40 caps a piece...


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Well the only thing I really wanted has already been said, being able to play as a ghoul or super mutant and vehicles. For a new location though I would love Fallout: Arizona. Think about it, you find the Grand Canyon and there is a giant city in it or it's become a refuge for the super mutants. I think that would be pretty sweet.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
1) New Location(s)
We get it! The whole of America is a Post-Nuclear-War Wasteland. From sea to contaminated sea. What about the rest of the world? Is Europe a mess too? What about China? What have they spent the last 200 years doing? Did victory over America fling them into a golden age, or did we nuke them back to the stone age too?

2) Playable 'Races'
Maybe I don't want to be a human. Maybe I want to be a Ghoul (Radiation heals you, but your charisma gets a penalty)... or a semi-intelligent Super Mutant (superior strength and endurance, but charisma and intelligent takes a hit).

3) Vehicle bits
Here's an idea... dump fast travel. Let players buy a rusted old car and let them customize it with salvaged parts and weapons. Players would use said car to get from place to place quickly, and would even be attacked by bandits/raiders/wildlife. It would be like Mad Max!

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
BrotherSurplice said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Imagine a half destroyed London run by a gentlemanly ghoul dictator, voiced by Gary Oldman. Need.
It must be done!

OT: As much as a Fallout: London would be awesome, it just wouldn't be "Fallouty." There would be no BoS, (probably) no deathclaws, no Enclave, no FEV supermutants, no vaults etc. The list goes on. I'd like to see one that returns to Chicago and its environs, see how the Midwestern Brotherhood is getting along.
Theres no reason why vault tec couldn't have come across the big channel 1950's London culture was heavily influence by American music and trends largely due to being allies in the war. Fev came from the vaults.

Also instead of Deathclaws....Mutant Badgers...
Do not want.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
In the vein of Operation Anchorage, I'd like to see something involving the Canadian resistance forces, fighting against the American oppressors. I think it would be cool to expand on that idea which has been around, I believe, since the first game.

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
I believe Todd Howard mentioned that they were unlikely to leave the US any time soon in part because of the importance of Americana in the Fallout setting.

I'd like to see the Commonwealth (Massachusetts) and the Institute.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
BrotherSurplice said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Imagine a half destroyed London run by a gentlemanly ghoul dictator, voiced by Gary Oldman. Need.
It must be done!

OT: As much as a Fallout: London would be awesome, it just wouldn't be "Fallouty." There would be no BoS, (probably) no deathclaws, no Enclave, no FEV supermutants, no vaults etc. The list goes on. I'd like to see one that returns to Chicago and its environs, see how the Midwestern Brotherhood is getting along.
Exactly it's not really fallout, outside of America. How about Fallout: Vancouver, or Fallout: Montreal.

I would love to see Fallout's Idea of New York, or Boston. Florida and the Everglades would be interesting.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Russian Pancake said:
Me and my friends were talking about what we wanted in the next Fallout, we all agreed that we wanted some sort of transportation and more interesting DLCs, any ideas?


I don't want to have to pay to have what should be a standard part of RPGs, in that they continue on when you finish the main storyline so you can faff about and murder the entire population.

Seriously, it's just bad game design to make an RPG of that kind just STOP.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
xXxJessicaxXx said:
BrotherSurplice said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Imagine a half destroyed London run by a gentlemanly ghoul dictator, voiced by Gary Oldman. Need.
It must be done!

OT: As much as a Fallout: London would be awesome, it just wouldn't be "Fallouty." There would be no BoS, (probably) no deathclaws, no Enclave, no FEV supermutants, no vaults etc. The list goes on. I'd like to see one that returns to Chicago and its environs, see how the Midwestern Brotherhood is getting along.
Theres no reason why vault tec couldn't have come across the channel 1950's London culture was heavily influence by American music and trends largely due to being allies in the war. Fev came from the vaults.

Also instead of Deathclaws....Mutant Badgers...
Do not want.
If I remember right the FEV came from The Mariposa Military Base. And Vault Tech didn't even manage to finish all of the American Vaults let alone make some in other countries. While it is not impossible it seems unlikely. That being said I wouldn't mind a separate spin-off series of Fallout taking place throughout Europe.

In fact I want Fallout: Earth. It has every city in every country on the planet

Big Cat

New member
Mar 29, 2011
have it set in moscow, and having your character see the world before its destroyed would be nice.


New member
May 28, 2010
I say if they are going to make a good fallout game with shit tons of possibilities include the entire planet and not just locations. That would be my idea, make it an mmo or something.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
artanis_neravar said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
BrotherSurplice said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Imagine a half destroyed London run by a gentlemanly ghoul dictator, voiced by Gary Oldman. Need.
It must be done!

OT: As much as a Fallout: London would be awesome, it just wouldn't be "Fallouty." There would be no BoS, (probably) no deathclaws, no Enclave, no FEV supermutants, no vaults etc. The list goes on. I'd like to see one that returns to Chicago and its environs, see how the Midwestern Brotherhood is getting along.
Theres no reason why vault tec couldn't have come across the channel 1950's London culture was heavily influence by American music and trends largely due to being allies in the war. Fev came from the vaults.

Also instead of Deathclaws....Mutant Badgers...
Do not want.
If I remember right the FEV came from The Mariposa Military Base. And Vault Tech didn't even manage to finish all of the American Vaults let alone make some in other countries. While it is not impossible it seems unlikely. That being said I wouldn't mind a separate spin-off series of Fallout taking place throughout Europe.

In fact I want Fallout: Earth. It has every city in every country on the planet
Well if fallout 3 was canon it was included in Vault experimentation at least.
Come on
Ghouls, in top hats, complaining about lack of tea.

You know you want it.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Tuesday Night Fever said:
I want a Fallout: Australia.

And you thought Australia's fauna was deadly before the radiation. Step aside, Deathclaws, you've just been demoted to 'kitten' level of dangerous.
This is the only thing I consider even remotely awesomer than fallout in america. So yeah Fallout:Australia, FUCKING MAD MAX MAN.

Russian Pancake

New member
Jun 16, 2011
Ok, maybe they should have a skill where you can repair Bikes,Cars, ETC. with parts you find throughout the Wasteland. Mabye we can send these suggestions to Besthesda? INTERPLAY, can someone make a troll face zombie and call it interplay?