Wow, great footage. This is certainly a nice find that gives us even more incite into Bioshock 2.
It's good to see the little sister is on your shoulder most of the time, only coming to harm when she's collecting adam. The escort question in Bioshock was bearable at best, and I wasn't keen on the good side leading to great big drawn out version of that.
I'm extremely excited to be playing as a big daddy, but the talk about slicers not being as big a problem and so on brought up an interesting question in my mind. Will it be scary?
Part of the point of a horror game is to feel trapped and helpless, fighting off against impossible odds. Of coarse Bioshock stopped being very scary once you realized you couldn't die. Will this be an even greater problem in Bioshock 2?
If the vita-chambers are taken out (it makes sense *spoiler* since your not related to Andrew Ryan anymore *spoiler*) then maybe the experience will level out a little, but I can't imagine myself tremberling with fear when I know I'm one of the strongest creatures in rapture.
The underwater section looks pointless. I've heard that they're simply there as a place where you can slip away and harvest the slugs that contain Adam and a place between places. Once again, this sounds like a bad move scare wise. If you know you can simply slip away any time you want, why worry?
To be honest I'm still unsure about this game. But I loved Bioshock, and I am keen to jump into the Big Daddy's mammoth boots. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.
DeadlyYellow said:
ThePeaceFrog said:
oh, God! They've ruined Bioshock
In what way did the idea of making the player character the one thing you truly feared in the last game seem like a good one? They've just turned you into some invulnerable killing machine and removed any aspect of fear from the game, its just plain lazy.
You were afraid of the Big Daddies?
If anyone was ever afraid of anything at any point in Bioshock, it was a Big Daddys. I'm with Frog, being a Big Daddy may well take all fear out of the game.
That being said, I did love them as well as fear them, and I'm interested to see what the end result will be.