nope! My best friend is bi, and he hates boobs XDMacksheath said:Well, the politically correct statement would be "Every straight/bi-sexual man loves tits."
But all-in-all, I promote thee to Captain Obvious.
Sexy, sexy polydactyly. Aw yeah.StarStruckStrumpets said:Honestly, the boobage is pretty boring, seeing as they're something that the majority of women have. I tend to look for factors that separate people from others.
I'm sorry, but smothering baby seals with boobs that are on fire... I need you. We're eloping together. We'll move to Alaska to live with the seals. No one will ever find our collection of disembodied hands there.MaxTheReaper said:marry me
That's just one of my many associations!
Baby seal clubbing is so passe.
We smother them.
With boobs.
That are on fire.
I wish I knew where Team Ninja got it from, NONE of the original Ninja Gaidens had rubbery tits. There was a girl love interest, but she was rather pixieish. And she died in the third game.annoyinglizardvoice said:I agree with this bloke.TsunamiWombat said:I am a man. I like tits. I don't like YOUR tits sir. Your tits are oversized, rubbery, and make me feel EMBARASSED to like tits. You've made me feel embarassed for liking tits, happy?
Someone take the franchise away from these goddamned morons and put it back on track.
The game is called Ninja Gaiden, where does tits come into it (there isn't even a t)?
Pretty much sums up my thoughts too. Liking tits is one thing, but realising what having a game with such a crass feature says about you as a gamer and a person is something else entirely.ViktorValentine said:Every boy likes tits, every man should be above simple titillation.
My girlfriend has gay friends that love tits. Trust me, breasts are pretty much a universal love.Sparrow said:"Every man", being, every heterosexual/bi-sexual man, right? I don't know many gay folk who oogle at boobs.
My feelings exactlyJoshimodo said:Well, you have to admire theboobsfact that they know what they're doing, and aren't just hiding behind corporate bullshit.