Ninja Theory Defends Dante Redesign [UPDATED]


Blogger Person
Jan 31, 2010
Well, it's good to know that they're staying true to the theme of making him look like a complete asshole.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
mr_rubino said:
Hm... The Craig-Not-Bond people used that silly Happy Feet argument and they were sufficiently laughed out the door of every message board they swarmed. I suppose you could be an adult and understand the difference between a G-rated family movie and a PG13-rated action movie in terms of how many people it can draw, and you could just abandon the silly "flop" non-argument which is unsupported by... well... reality, but that doesn't jive with your argument about why your VG-boyfriend's new hair color made you mad, now does it?

EDIT: Silly me, how could I miss this? Those 5 (out of 30 or so) movies you mentioned? All from the first 20 years or so of the franchise. And CR was right behind those in gross. Yeah, that's a hell of an argument for your side. Bwahahaha!
mr_rubino said:
Double post'd.
Wow... I really gota hand it to you!
You take Trolling to new and greater Heights ...and please don't deny your own Nature.
The fact that all you do is counter my every word without making no actual statement or expressing any opinion of your own makes it blatantly Obvious.

And since...
I'm not even going going to bother.

Now kindly crawl back under your Bridge and die.

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
Nieroshai said:
LC Wynter said:
I had a think about this, and after watching the trailer a couple of times I'm warming up to the idea- just so long as they change a few things.
First of all, where the fuck are Ebony and Ivory? Yes, revolvers are cool, but twin revolvers aren't Dante's weapons. Dante wields two extended barrel pistols with the impact force of a Barett 50 Cal., not some measly little six shooters. I know they're going for a wild west theme, but what the hell guys?
Next, white hair please. The new clothes are fine, but Dante without white hair isn't Dante.
Seriously Ninja Theory, what are you doing here?
Also, smoking? Dante. Doesn't. Smoke.
That's one of the things in the original design pitch- they decided not to make him smoke because Dante thought himself too cool for cigs. He was so egotistical he got his highs from lopping off heads with a sword the size of the Empire States Building; not narcotics.
The music and new settings are alright, I mean, the whole 70s vibe thing is pretty cool.
Will we see more characters? Trish? Lady? Even Nero? Oh wait, this is a bloody prequel. Thanks, Ninja Theory. Like we haven't had enough DMC (Notice the capital M) prequels.
What is with Dante's voice, too? The thing about Dante is that he isn't some gravelly voiced testosterone sack. I'm glad Ninja Theory weren't retarded enough to make him a testosterone sack, but I think I'd rather have testosterone than whiny emo looks.
To be fair, I'm judging this game on the aesthetics- and so should I! If your game looks shit, I'll assume it's shit.
If the destruction and platforming and swinging cars and shizzle makes an appearance, I'll be happy. Well, I won't actually, because I'm a DMC fanboy and because Dante looks worse than Nu-Cole. There, I got it out of my system. Notify when Ninja Theory graduate primary school.
I think this may help a little, maybe not.
1. According to the comics which I'm pretty sure are canon, he gets Ebony and Ivory not too long before the events of DMC3. He had them made because he pulls the trigger so fast he breaks most guns.
2. The white hair could be a manifestation of his demon powers. He may not have actually gotten the white hair until the first time he ever used his demon form. It's in Japanese mythology that people with special, often demonic powers have white hair.
3. Smoking? Yeah that's retarded but maybe they make a big deal out of him quitting. If not, it's a small issue.
4. The emo looks? Um... Oh look, a dog riding a unicycle!
[bolts down an alley]
Speaking of white hair... well...

I, for one, thinks the black hair looks better on this new Dante...

Just saying.

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
Nicarus said:
I'll buy into the redesign if DmC is an origins story, but that be one hell of a transition for Dante.

Badass devil hunter swinging a sword that rips anything in half starting from...that. ...and smokes. ...and is mentally crazy.

Oh yeah, this is one hell of a stretch.

EDIT: Actually, I'd never buy into the redesign. I remembered a critical part of the story that can't make this a plausible origins story: Where does Virgil play in all this?!

Remember, they are twins, and both have silver hair. Are you telling me both had brown hair and they both decided to dye their hair silver? Virgil didn't want to look like Dante whatsoever (as noted in DMC3).

So yeah. This can't be an origins story because it is too far from the REAL Dante!
Actually, Dante could have dyed his hair black in reference to always denying his Demon heritage, even going so far as to saying "Father? I have no father." When Vergil brought up Sparda in DMC3. He only accepted it around the time of DMC1.

EDIT: If you look closely in the trailer and pictures you can see a bit of his silver roots showing.

Also, Vergil, as a kid, was supposedly "killed" along with Eva, Dante's mom. No one knows what happened to him. DMC3 was the first time Dante saw Vergil since they were eight and he "died".


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
hellboy323 said:
It kinda feels like in my opinion Dante has become another victim of westernization, the same thing that made Final Fantasy 13 what it is(in my opinon anyway). For me though, i wanna wait and see how this turns out, if its a flop maybe Devil May Cry will b returned to the hands of its rightful masters. If not and its good despite his new look ill get it later on, but no way am i paying 60 bucks for it.

FF13 was not was the product of a once good company masturbating Pre-rendered scenes and 'story' to mindless fanboys.....yea Dragon Quest IX!....

OT:New Dante?I've seen emos....he just looks 'rough'...and how can you be emo and smoke?
cig's help you grow!:p

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
FriedRicer said:
hellboy323 said:
It kinda feels like in my opinion Dante has become another victim of westernization, the same thing that made Final Fantasy 13 what it is(in my opinon anyway). For me though, i wanna wait and see how this turns out, if its a flop maybe Devil May Cry will b returned to the hands of its rightful masters. If not and its good despite his new look ill get it later on, but no way am i paying 60 bucks for it.

FF13 was not was the product of a once good company masturbating Pre-rendered scenes and 'story' to mindless fanboys.....yea Dragon Quest IX!....

OT:New Dante?I've seen emos....he just looks 'rough'...and how can you be emo and smoke?
cig's help you grow!:p
Oh, jeez, every FF after X was just some drooping after-sex drops they scraped off the floor. Though, twelve and X-2 were THE worst. Vaan, the obnoxious little he/she, that annoyed me more than Navi from Legend of Zelda. I would have rather have a fairy fly around in FF12, instead of Vaan, screaming "Hey! Listen! Hey, listen!" instead of "I'm Basch von Rotsenburg of Dalmasca!"

Navi at least was important to the story of the game SHE was in.

And don't get me started on Final Fantasy: The Barbie Dress-Up edition (X-2)


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
Josh Kurber said:
FriedRicer said:
hellboy323 said:
It kinda feels like in my opinion Dante has become another victim of westernization, the same thing that made Final Fantasy 13 what it is(in my opinon anyway). For me though, i wanna wait and see how this turns out, if its a flop maybe Devil May Cry will b returned to the hands of its rightful masters. If not and its good despite his new look ill get it later on, but no way am i paying 60 bucks for it.

FF13 was not was the product of a once good company masturbating Pre-rendered scenes and 'story' to mindless fanboys.....yea Dragon Quest IX!....

OT:New Dante?I've seen emos....he just looks 'rough'...and how can you be emo and smoke?
cig's help you grow!:p
Oh, jeez, every FF after X was just some drooping after-sex drops they scraped off the floor. Though, twelve and X-2 were THE worst. Vaan, the obnoxious little he/she, that annoyed me more than Navi from Legend of Zelda. I would have rather have a fairy fly around in FF12, instead of Vaan, screaming "Hey! Listen! Hey, listen!" instead of "I'm Basch von Rotsenburg of Dalmasca!"

Navi at least was important to the story of the game SHE was in.

And don't get me started on Final Fantasy: The Barbie Dress-Up edition (X-2)
This^...oh and the three originals that helped make FF are no longer in Enix since 10 i believe....2002/3/4? i forget....Enix and Capcom have SHIFTED some serious sex-joke intended...its on wiki.Original DmC maker gone too.and Resident Evil..and Viewtiful Joe...i think Okami and also God-hand...yep

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
FriedRicer said:
Josh Kurber said:
FriedRicer said:
hellboy323 said:
It kinda feels like in my opinion Dante has become another victim of westernization, the same thing that made Final Fantasy 13 what it is(in my opinon anyway). For me though, i wanna wait and see how this turns out, if its a flop maybe Devil May Cry will b returned to the hands of its rightful masters. If not and its good despite his new look ill get it later on, but no way am i paying 60 bucks for it.

FF13 was not was the product of a once good company masturbating Pre-rendered scenes and 'story' to mindless fanboys.....yea Dragon Quest IX!....

OT:New Dante?I've seen emos....he just looks 'rough'...and how can you be emo and smoke?
cig's help you grow!:p
Oh, jeez, every FF after X was just some drooping after-sex drops they scraped off the floor. Though, twelve and X-2 were THE worst. Vaan, the obnoxious little he/she, that annoyed me more than Navi from Legend of Zelda. I would have rather have a fairy fly around in FF12, instead of Vaan, screaming "Hey! Listen! Hey, listen!" instead of "I'm Basch von Rotsenburg of Dalmasca!"

Navi at least was important to the story of the game SHE was in.

And don't get me started on Final Fantasy: The Barbie Dress-Up edition (X-2)
This^...oh and the three originals that helped make FF are no longer in Enix since 10 i believe....2002/3/4? i forget....Enix and Capcom have SHIFTED some serious sex-joke intended...its on wiki.Original DmC maker gone too.and Resident Evil..and Viewtiful Joe...i think Okami and also God-hand...yep
Oh yeah, the original DMC maker only had a hand in DMC1 and the DMC 1 novel. Every other birth came from someone new. Except 3 and 4. Both directed, I think, by Reuben Langdon, who also did the mocap and voice for Dante.

Games usually go downhill when traded from the original source. But for most games, I just focus on storyline. Gameplay isn't as important to me. That's why I am one of the rare people to actually LIKE DMC2. And, of course, to enjoy this new punk rocker look of Dante's.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Josh Kurber said:
Nieroshai said:
LC Wynter said:
I had a think about this, and after watching the trailer a couple of times I'm warming up to the idea- just so long as they change a few things.
First of all, where the fuck are Ebony and Ivory? Yes, revolvers are cool, but twin revolvers aren't Dante's weapons. Dante wields two extended barrel pistols with the impact force of a Barett 50 Cal., not some measly little six shooters. I know they're going for a wild west theme, but what the hell guys?
Next, white hair please. The new clothes are fine, but Dante without white hair isn't Dante.
Seriously Ninja Theory, what are you doing here?
Also, smoking? Dante. Doesn't. Smoke.
That's one of the things in the original design pitch- they decided not to make him smoke because Dante thought himself too cool for cigs. He was so egotistical he got his highs from lopping off heads with a sword the size of the Empire States Building; not narcotics.
The music and new settings are alright, I mean, the whole 70s vibe thing is pretty cool.
Will we see more characters? Trish? Lady? Even Nero? Oh wait, this is a bloody prequel. Thanks, Ninja Theory. Like we haven't had enough DMC (Notice the capital M) prequels.
What is with Dante's voice, too? The thing about Dante is that he isn't some gravelly voiced testosterone sack. I'm glad Ninja Theory weren't retarded enough to make him a testosterone sack, but I think I'd rather have testosterone than whiny emo looks.
To be fair, I'm judging this game on the aesthetics- and so should I! If your game looks shit, I'll assume it's shit.
If the destruction and platforming and swinging cars and shizzle makes an appearance, I'll be happy. Well, I won't actually, because I'm a DMC fanboy and because Dante looks worse than Nu-Cole. There, I got it out of my system. Notify when Ninja Theory graduate primary school.
I think this may help a little, maybe not.
1. According to the comics which I'm pretty sure are canon, he gets Ebony and Ivory not too long before the events of DMC3. He had them made because he pulls the trigger so fast he breaks most guns.
2. The white hair could be a manifestation of his demon powers. He may not have actually gotten the white hair until the first time he ever used his demon form. It's in Japanese mythology that people with special, often demonic powers have white hair.
3. Smoking? Yeah that's retarded but maybe they make a big deal out of him quitting. If not, it's a small issue.
4. The emo looks? Um... Oh look, a dog riding a unicycle!
[bolts down an alley]
Speaking of white hair... well...

I, for one, thinks the black hair looks better on this new Dante...

Just saying.
That's a terrible recolor, but I'll say I still think they're going to have him metamorphose. Theyy hinted as such.

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
Nieroshai said:
Josh Kurber said:
Nieroshai said:
LC Wynter said:
I had a think about this, and after watching the trailer a couple of times I'm warming up to the idea- just so long as they change a few things.
First of all, where the fuck are Ebony and Ivory? Yes, revolvers are cool, but twin revolvers aren't Dante's weapons. Dante wields two extended barrel pistols with the impact force of a Barett 50 Cal., not some measly little six shooters. I know they're going for a wild west theme, but what the hell guys?
Next, white hair please. The new clothes are fine, but Dante without white hair isn't Dante.
Seriously Ninja Theory, what are you doing here?
Also, smoking? Dante. Doesn't. Smoke.
That's one of the things in the original design pitch- they decided not to make him smoke because Dante thought himself too cool for cigs. He was so egotistical he got his highs from lopping off heads with a sword the size of the Empire States Building; not narcotics.
The music and new settings are alright, I mean, the whole 70s vibe thing is pretty cool.
Will we see more characters? Trish? Lady? Even Nero? Oh wait, this is a bloody prequel. Thanks, Ninja Theory. Like we haven't had enough DMC (Notice the capital M) prequels.
What is with Dante's voice, too? The thing about Dante is that he isn't some gravelly voiced testosterone sack. I'm glad Ninja Theory weren't retarded enough to make him a testosterone sack, but I think I'd rather have testosterone than whiny emo looks.
To be fair, I'm judging this game on the aesthetics- and so should I! If your game looks shit, I'll assume it's shit.
If the destruction and platforming and swinging cars and shizzle makes an appearance, I'll be happy. Well, I won't actually, because I'm a DMC fanboy and because Dante looks worse than Nu-Cole. There, I got it out of my system. Notify when Ninja Theory graduate primary school.
I think this may help a little, maybe not.
1. According to the comics which I'm pretty sure are canon, he gets Ebony and Ivory not too long before the events of DMC3. He had them made because he pulls the trigger so fast he breaks most guns.
2. The white hair could be a manifestation of his demon powers. He may not have actually gotten the white hair until the first time he ever used his demon form. It's in Japanese mythology that people with special, often demonic powers have white hair.
3. Smoking? Yeah that's retarded but maybe they make a big deal out of him quitting. If not, it's a small issue.
4. The emo looks? Um... Oh look, a dog riding a unicycle!
[bolts down an alley]
Speaking of white hair... well...

I, for one, thinks the black hair looks better on this new Dante...

Just saying.
That's a terrible recolor, but I'll say I still think they're going to have him metamorphose. Theyy hinted as such.
My friend had done it, but either way, the new Dante does not look all that good with whitish hair. And he just may morph into the Dante we all love, or he could just be part of the remake. Apparently Ninja Theory can't make up their mind because they keep switching from prequel to reboot.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Josh Kurber said:
Nicarus said:
I'll buy into the redesign if DmC is an origins story, but that be one hell of a transition for Dante.

Badass devil hunter swinging a sword that rips anything in half starting from...that. ...and smokes. ...and is mentally crazy.

Oh yeah, this is one hell of a stretch.

EDIT: Actually, I'd never buy into the redesign. I remembered a critical part of the story that can't make this a plausible origins story: Where does Virgil play in all this?!

Remember, they are twins, and both have silver hair. Are you telling me both had brown hair and they both decided to dye their hair silver? Virgil didn't want to look like Dante whatsoever (as noted in DMC3).

So yeah. This can't be an origins story because it is too far from the REAL Dante!
Actually, Dante could have dyed his hair black in reference to always denying his Demon heritage, even going so far as to saying "Father? I have no father." When Vergil brought up Sparda in DMC3. He only accepted it around the time of DMC1.

EDIT: If you look closely in the trailer and pictures you can see a bit of his silver roots showing.

Also, Vergil, as a kid, was supposedly "killed" along with Eva, Dante's mom. No one knows what happened to him. DMC3 was the first time Dante saw Vergil since they were eight and he "died".
You bring up a pretty good point there. This is starting to sound more plausible. Not by much though; I'm still gonna wait to see how it turns out.

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
Nicarus said:
Josh Kurber said:
Nicarus said:
I'll buy into the redesign if DmC is an origins story, but that be one hell of a transition for Dante.

Badass devil hunter swinging a sword that rips anything in half starting from...that. ...and smokes. ...and is mentally crazy.

Oh yeah, this is one hell of a stretch.

EDIT: Actually, I'd never buy into the redesign. I remembered a critical part of the story that can't make this a plausible origins story: Where does Virgil play in all this?!

Remember, they are twins, and both have silver hair. Are you telling me both had brown hair and they both decided to dye their hair silver? Virgil didn't want to look like Dante whatsoever (as noted in DMC3).

So yeah. This can't be an origins story because it is too far from the REAL Dante!
Actually, Dante could have dyed his hair black in reference to always denying his Demon heritage, even going so far as to saying "Father? I have no father." When Vergil brought up Sparda in DMC3. He only accepted it around the time of DMC1.

EDIT: If you look closely in the trailer and pictures you can see a bit of his silver roots showing.

Also, Vergil, as a kid, was supposedly "killed" along with Eva, Dante's mom. No one knows what happened to him. DMC3 was the first time Dante saw Vergil since they were eight and he "died".
You bring up a pretty good point there. This is starting to sound more plausible. Not by much though; I'm still gonna wait to see how it turns out.
I believe that's how most people bashing this game should feel, instead of just mainly basing the entire game on his look. We've seen no gameplay nor do we know anything of the story.

Plus, Ninja Theory can't make up their fuggin' minds on whether it's a pre-prequel (Prequel of a prequel lol) or if it is a complete wiping of the original slate.

I rather enjoy the new look. It's different. And he is actually wearing stuff people would wear/look like. Considering his other outfits were pretty gothic (DMC 1 and 2), a model (DMC3) and a cowboy (DMC4). And by Gothic I don't mean the stereotypical "goth kid".

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
Mcoffey said:
Well he looks like less of a transvestite now, so i'm gonna chalk that up as a plus.
no, if anything, he looks MORE like a transvestite now.
and to support this i have a completely neutral opinion. i went to my sources that never knew or cared about DMC or anything japanese/western/game-related (my parents) and they both agree new dante looks like shit compared to the old one, to quote "the old one looks like he can actually fight"

new dante looks too busy cutting himself to linkin park to care about the game's plot.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Josh Kurber said:
Nicarus said:
Josh Kurber said:
Nicarus said:
I'll buy into the redesign if DmC is an origins story, but that be one hell of a transition for Dante.

Badass devil hunter swinging a sword that rips anything in half starting from...that. ...and smokes. ...and is mentally crazy.

Oh yeah, this is one hell of a stretch.

EDIT: Actually, I'd never buy into the redesign. I remembered a critical part of the story that can't make this a plausible origins story: Where does Virgil play in all this?!

Remember, they are twins, and both have silver hair. Are you telling me both had brown hair and they both decided to dye their hair silver? Virgil didn't want to look like Dante whatsoever (as noted in DMC3).

So yeah. This can't be an origins story because it is too far from the REAL Dante!
Actually, Dante could have dyed his hair black in reference to always denying his Demon heritage, even going so far as to saying "Father? I have no father." When Vergil brought up Sparda in DMC3. He only accepted it around the time of DMC1.

EDIT: If you look closely in the trailer and pictures you can see a bit of his silver roots showing.

Also, Vergil, as a kid, was supposedly "killed" along with Eva, Dante's mom. No one knows what happened to him. DMC3 was the first time Dante saw Vergil since they were eight and he "died".
You bring up a pretty good point there. This is starting to sound more plausible. Not by much though; I'm still gonna wait to see how it turns out.
I believe that's how most people bashing this game should feel, instead of just mainly basing the entire game on his look. We've seen no gameplay nor do we know anything of the story.

Plus, Ninja Theory can't make up their fuggin' minds on whether it's a pre-prequel (Prequel of a prequel lol) or if it is a complete wiping of the original slate.

I rather enjoy the new look. It's different. And he is actually wearing stuff people would wear/look like. Considering his other outfits were pretty gothic (DMC 1 and 2), a model (DMC3) and a cowboy (DMC4). And by Gothic I don't mean the stereotypical "goth kid".
I'm not doubting that it could be a good game (Ninja Theory just brought out a good game recently with Enslaved). I'm just a bit reluctant at the moment with how Dante looks to believe this to be proper tribute.

By all means, it could be awesome. I'm just not going to believe it's Dante without good reason.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Nicarus said:
I'm not doubting that it could be a good game (Ninja Theory just brought out a good game recently with Enslaved).
Problem: Enslaved is everything DMC is not. While it's being lauded for story and atmosphere, everyone agrees that the fighting mechanics are just bad. The draw of Devil May Cry is the mechanics. The stories have always been kind of a joke. DMC 3 is hailed as the best for a reason, and the story ain't it.

Both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved have terrible fighting engines and that doesn't bode well for DMC.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
TOGSolid said:
Nicarus said:
I'm not doubting that it could be a good game (Ninja Theory just brought out a good game recently with Enslaved).
Problem: Enslaved is everything DMC is not. While it's being lauded for story and atmosphere, everyone agrees that the fighting mechanics are just bad. The draw of Devil May Cry is the mechanics. The stories have always been kind of a joke. DMC 3 is hailed as the best for a reason, and the story ain't it.

Both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved have terrible fighting engines and that doesn't bode well for DMC.
One of its worst case scenarios is that it's like the Bomberman 360 remake: bad design + bad gameplay. Looks aside, there is a lot more at stake, and a lot of it comes down to the mechanics as you said.

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
Nicarus said:
Josh Kurber said:
Nicarus said:
Josh Kurber said:
Nicarus said:
I'll buy into the redesign if DmC is an origins story, but that be one hell of a transition for Dante.

Badass devil hunter swinging a sword that rips anything in half starting from...that. ...and smokes. ...and is mentally crazy.

Oh yeah, this is one hell of a stretch.

EDIT: Actually, I'd never buy into the redesign. I remembered a critical part of the story that can't make this a plausible origins story: Where does Virgil play in all this?!

Remember, they are twins, and both have silver hair. Are you telling me both had brown hair and they both decided to dye their hair silver? Virgil didn't want to look like Dante whatsoever (as noted in DMC3).

So yeah. This can't be an origins story because it is too far from the REAL Dante!
Actually, Dante could have dyed his hair black in reference to always denying his Demon heritage, even going so far as to saying "Father? I have no father." When Vergil brought up Sparda in DMC3. He only accepted it around the time of DMC1.

EDIT: If you look closely in the trailer and pictures you can see a bit of his silver roots showing.

Also, Vergil, as a kid, was supposedly "killed" along with Eva, Dante's mom. No one knows what happened to him. DMC3 was the first time Dante saw Vergil since they were eight and he "died".
You bring up a pretty good point there. This is starting to sound more plausible. Not by much though; I'm still gonna wait to see how it turns out.
I believe that's how most people bashing this game should feel, instead of just mainly basing the entire game on his look. We've seen no gameplay nor do we know anything of the story.

Plus, Ninja Theory can't make up their fuggin' minds on whether it's a pre-prequel (Prequel of a prequel lol) or if it is a complete wiping of the original slate.

I rather enjoy the new look. It's different. And he is actually wearing stuff people would wear/look like. Considering his other outfits were pretty gothic (DMC 1 and 2), a model (DMC3) and a cowboy (DMC4). And by Gothic I don't mean the stereotypical "goth kid".
I'm not doubting that it could be a good game (Ninja Theory just brought out a good game recently with Enslaved). I'm just a bit reluctant at the moment with how Dante looks to believe this to be proper tribute.

By all means, it could be awesome. I'm just not going to believe it's Dante without good reason.
I haven't played Enslaved yet, but I rather enjoyed Heavenly Sword. It was really good in my opinion. I just hope they stick to the gameplay of the original DMC games, with maybe a few GOOD tweaks here and there.