Ninja Theory Defends Dante Redesign [UPDATED]


New member
Sep 1, 2007
thats all well and fine but I look to hollywood and see why you chose an anorexic,drug using teen heart throb for a fictional lead.... at least the Jrocker Dante looked the part..... the only thing this guy is going to tear into is a 40oz while hiting some meth while trying to find his 6th prescription of hydrocodone...


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Okay, defend it all you like.
It doesn't change the facts of the matter.
You screwed with a character, and the fans hate it.


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
Hot damn people are whiny. This is entertaining. As someone who never really got into DmC, and found that Dante has always looked like a preppy tit to me, I find this most amusing. Carry on.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
LC Wynter said:
I had a think about this, and after watching the trailer a couple of times I'm warming up to the idea- just so long as they change a few things.
First of all, where the fuck are Ebony and Ivory? Yes, revolvers are cool, but twin revolvers aren't Dante's weapons. Dante wields two extended barrel pistols with the impact force of a Barett 50 Cal., not some measly little six shooters. I know they're going for a wild west theme, but what the hell guys?
Next, white hair please. The new clothes are fine, but Dante without white hair isn't Dante.
Seriously Ninja Theory, what are you doing here?
Also, smoking? Dante. Doesn't. Smoke.
That's one of the things in the original design pitch- they decided not to make him smoke because Dante thought himself too cool for cigs. He was so egotistical he got his highs from lopping off heads with a sword the size of the Empire States Building; not narcotics.
The music and new settings are alright, I mean, the whole 70s vibe thing is pretty cool.
Will we see more characters? Trish? Lady? Even Nero? Oh wait, this is a bloody prequel. Thanks, Ninja Theory. Like we haven't had enough DMC (Notice the capital M) prequels.
What is with Dante's voice, too? The thing about Dante is that he isn't some gravelly voiced testosterone sack. I'm glad Ninja Theory weren't retarded enough to make him a testosterone sack, but I think I'd rather have testosterone than whiny emo looks.
To be fair, I'm judging this game on the aesthetics- and so should I! If your game looks shit, I'll assume it's shit.
If the destruction and platforming and swinging cars and shizzle makes an appearance, I'll be happy. Well, I won't actually, because I'm a DMC fanboy and because Dante looks worse than Nu-Cole. There, I got it out of my system. Notify when Ninja Theory graduate primary school.
I think this may help a little, maybe not.
1. According to the comics which I'm pretty sure are canon, he gets Ebony and Ivory not too long before the events of DMC3. He had them made because he pulls the trigger so fast he breaks most guns.
2. The white hair could be a manifestation of his demon powers. He may not have actually gotten the white hair until the first time he ever used his demon form. It's in Japanese mythology that people with special, often demonic powers have white hair.
3. Smoking? Yeah that's retarded but maybe they make a big deal out of him quitting. If not, it's a small issue.
4. The emo looks? Um... Oh look, a dog riding a unicycle!
[bolts down an alley]


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Syntax Error said:
Origin story? What the heck was DMC 3 then?
That was the origin of the Devil May Cry mercenary agency, with Dante already having powers and a rivalry with Vergil and various demons. This is supposed to be the origin of Dante.

Calvar Draveir

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Aethren said:
blakfayt said:
ultimasupersaiyan said:
They can say anything they like, but the fact is that the redesigned Dante looks like he got into a fight at a My Chemical Romance concert after shopping at Hot Topic.
Please explain this to me, I'm goth as all fucking get out, and I keep hearing people call MCR emo and dissing hot topic all over the place (certainly not the best place for goth ware, but in a pinch it'll do) Now, on more of a point
ultimasupersaiyan said:
If they change his look back to one closer to DMC3 then I'll give the demo a try but unless that happens, this fan is a fan no more.
Sounds to me like you weren't much of a fan to begin with, all you care about is his look? No cares as to how good the story or action will be? that's shallow and sad.
A lot of the types so willing to dry-hump the anti-emo bandwagon tend to mistake goth and emo because both tend to wear black, have introverted personalities, and are usually quiet, and anyone shallow enough to stay on said bandwagon wouldn't care to educate themselves enough to know the difference.

OT: I for one am loving this new look. Of course, I've never played any of the games, but he just looked like a douche before. A badass douche perhaps, but a douche nonetheless.
Dude, I thought I was the only one who thought the same thing! THANK YOU!


New member
Sep 20, 2008
"The core of him is there, it's just a rougher version. It's a becoming. He's not fully actualised."

..isn't that what they temped with a bit in the anime as well?

Anyway - the question was if the "core" of the character they pulled out actually was possible to defend in any way.. They don't seem to have tried to come up with anything on that one..


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Dante, I should have saved you....I should have been the one to fill you'r dark soul with *voice crack* LIIIIIGGHHHTTTTTT!!!! *echoes*

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
He looks like a butch. I don't even play the games, and I can see how even the casual players could be pissed. Ugly brown-haied lesbian chicks don't turn into white-haired hot chicks.

De Ronneman

New member
Dec 30, 2009
LeonLethality said:
Since when was emo cooler than badass?
Since emo started making money...

OT: I like the idea, y'know, seeing someone fall down from grace, sorta like GoW1 Kratos. But then again, to do it after someone has become an awesome asskicker with a sword that doesn't fit in my room, that's a step back...


New member
Apr 9, 2010
This reminds me of the Infamous controversy, only I agree with it this time, I always though Cole's original character design made him come across as a bit of a dick, but his new one was much more original (albeit a bit too similar to Nathan Drake ), but this is just a BAD redesign, it's too much of a jump IMO, need a comparison fine, here's the original Megaman art...

Than X's...

you can see that despite a redesign they kept it recognizably Megaman, the new design is just too much of a jump, I'm watching the trailer thinking "ok, new character, I can deal with that.." then he's like "I'm Dante", than I promptly go "STFU & GTFO"


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Of course they have to defend it they wasted all that fucking money redesigning an already well rounded character. I remember when virtuaboy came out and its creator was shunned because it was a horrible product. If only western developers had a sterner sense of pride in their work.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
even though I dont play the game I have to say any change is good as long as its a change and not the same crappy character design of gun crazy bad ass or narcissistic emo


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Arawn.Chernobog said:
Hey look, he stopped looking like a girl...

Now just have him start obeying physics
You're asking a half-demon to obey a law of nature. Yup.
He used to look like a girl, and looks MORE manly now? Um...
Hey there's that dog on a unicycle again!
[bolts down another alley]


New member
Feb 15, 2010
I'll buy into the redesign if DmC is an origins story, but that be one hell of a transition for Dante.

Badass devil hunter swinging a sword that rips anything in half starting from...that. ...and smokes. ...and is mentally crazy.

Oh yeah, this is one hell of a stretch.

EDIT: Actually, I'd never buy into the redesign. I remembered a critical part of the story that can't make this a plausible origins story: Where does Virgil play in all this?!

Remember, they are twins, and both have silver hair. Are you telling me both had brown hair and they both decided to dye their hair silver? Virgil didn't want to look like Dante whatsoever (as noted in DMC3).

So yeah. This can't be an origins story because it is too far from the REAL Dante!


New member
May 3, 2009
As long as he keeps his personality I can live with it.

Logan Westbrook said:
Update: It seems that one of the new things that has inspired Dante's redesign is the recent reboot of the James Bond series. Speaking to Eurogamer [], Jones said that the new Dante was a rougher, more inexperienced version of the character than in previous games, much like Daniel Craig's character in Casino Royale.

"When you see the Casino Royale remake," he said. "You see Bond before he's actually killed anyone, and it's a really traumatic event. He's rough-hewn, he's not polished or debonair, but you can see the essence of what that character will become. That's what we want to do with Dante. The core of him is there, it's just a rougher version. It's a becoming. He's not fully actualised."
I hated Casino Royale.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
I fear of new DMC going down the Heavenly sword way :( That game was incredibly derivate and annoying


New member
Sep 4, 2010
It kinda feels like in my opinion Dante has become another victim of westernization, the same thing that made Final Fantasy 13 what it is(in my opinon anyway). For me though, i wanna wait and see how this turns out, if its a flop maybe Devil May Cry will b returned to the hands of its rightful masters. If not and its good despite his new look ill get it later on, but no way am i paying 60 bucks for it.