Nintendo Apologizes to Fat Kids


New member
Nov 9, 2007
well lets put it into perspective...A lot of girls under 12 already think they are too fat. Yes, they will react emotionally when a machine, that has been designed to be accurate (although it isn't) tells them that they are over weight. Being distressed for days is overdone of course, but I can imagine a girl isn't happy at all when seeing this.

Of course parents should raise their children to be confident, but its hard to battle against at least a hundred pictures today showing that the fantasy model is thin.

It's not Nintendo's fault of course, but they just made a slight error in a field thats just incredibly touchy for many, many people. (and funny thing is- it sells so well because it's in that touchy field)


New member
Oct 8, 2007
hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha I really have nothing else to say about it. Maybe parents should kick their kids outside to play once in a while. Video games are fun, but get out there and run around! Scrape some knees! Get into some trouble, not a lot, but a little. Now how many mothers do you know give permission to get into trouble? *sorry...Sandlot flashback*


New member
Jan 4, 2008
A Username Not In Use said:
Methonias said:
A Username Not In Use said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Insecure. You clearly are one of those little shits that dispences the insults but have never been on the reciving end. For eleven years at school I was insulted primerally for my weight which got worse as I would eat for comfort, which meant I got bigger and th insults became more frequent, not just from students, but some of my teachers and even total strangers in the street. I'm twenty six now and I am only just starting to come to terms which what I went through during that time, and thanks to coucilling sessions and some pill enduced happiness I have stopped comfort eating, and as a result my weight is dropping rapidly, but I am shocked at just how badly damaged I became emotionally, and physically, because of my "insecurity".

The problem is you people don't think about how much damage name calling can do to a person and the fact some of you found this funny fills me with discust.
Too bad your sense of humor isn't as big as your ass!
Hardly original, and I have a very good sence of humour, but it may be a bit too advanced for you as its not centred on taking cheap shots at other peoples expence.
Mate, if you had a good sense of humor, you'd be able to laugh at how stupid it is that a game is the regiment for health, to laugh at yourself, and to laugh with every other comment being made - as it is all utterly rediculous that we are so upset over a stupid game. It is a game. It is not a delaration of war nor a new decree from some holy man. It is a game and it is not meant to be taken seriously. Therefore, if your sense of humor was as intact as you claim it to be, then you would have laughed and let it go.
Feb 13, 2008
A Username Not In Use said:
I know, I am just starting to realise that myself.
Try wearing National Health Glasses since 10, and being whiter than a sheet. People don't get bullied because they're fat; they get bullied whatever shape/size/colour/creed they are.
Nov 28, 2007
A Username Not In Use said:
thebobmaster said:
A Username Not In Use said:
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Arbre said:
I think this game didn't get enough localization. Obviously the bars have to be set differently, depending on people's average weight. Had it been adapted to the american market, that little girl would have not suffered that much.
The levels should be something like:

Boot Camp
Special Forces
00-class Agent
I wouldn't want to be a 00-class agent as with the exception of number 7 every other 00-agent does not live very long
I dunno, pretty sure 008's hanging in there.
Thats true + 004, although he was shot with paintballs. Mind you the thing I want to know is why is that BOnd is suddenly in MI6, what happened to Navel Intelligence, and why are M and Moneypenny no longer RN officers?
No, 004 was the bloke who fell to his death after getting his rope cut. Quick recap:

001: hanging in there, I believe

002: killed by Scaramanga in The Man with the Golden Gun

003: killed in both A View To a Kill and Everything or Nothing

004: fell to his death in The Living Daylights

005: hanging in there

006: fell to his death and had a satellite dish fall on him in Goldeneye

007: well duh

008: hanging in there

009: knifed in the back in Octopussy

Edit: And Bond was always in M16. They just toned that down for the original films. He served in the British Navy in his earlier years though, hence the "Commander" ranking.


New member
May 14, 2008
I'm still holding out for an apology from the Duck Hunt Dog. His cruel mockery wreaked havoc on my childhood self-esteem.
May 7, 2008
thebobmaster said:
A Username Not In Use said:
thebobmaster said:
A Username Not In Use said:
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Arbre said:
I think this game didn't get enough localization. Obviously the bars have to be set differently, depending on people's average weight. Had it been adapted to the american market, that little girl would have not suffered that much.
The levels should be something like:

Boot Camp
Special Forces
00-class Agent
I wouldn't want to be a 00-class agent as with the exception of number 7 every other 00-agent does not live very long
I dunno, pretty sure 008's hanging in there.
Thats true + 004, although he was shot with paintballs. Mind you the thing I want to know is why is that BOnd is suddenly in MI6, what happened to Navel Intelligence, and why are M and Moneypenny no longer RN officers?
No, 004 was the bloke who fell to his death after getting his rope cut. Quick recap:

001: hanging in there, I believe

002: killed by Scaramanga in The Man with the Golden Gun

003: killed in both A View To a Kill and Everything or Nothing

004: fell to his death in The Living Daylights

005: hanging in there

006: fell to his death and had a satellite dish fall on him in Goldeneye

007: well duh

008: hanging in there

009: knifed in the back in Octopussy

Edit: And Bond was always in M16. They just toned that down for the original films. He served in the British Navy in his earlier years though, hence the "Commander" ranking.
Yes your right, at for the MI6, I always thourght it was Navel Intelligence, simply because before Goldeneye M is often refered to as Admiral, and in You Only Live Twice Moneypenny has the uniform of a 1st Officer in the WRENS. Of course there is an argument that Moneypenny resigned her commission when the WRENS cesed to exsist in '93 but she could have easily become a lieutenant. Also When did Bond stop being an alumni of Cambridge and become one from Oxford?

The Anonymous Mr P

New member
Apr 17, 2008
While no doubt the subject has already moved on by now, given recent posts in this thread, might I just say I find it ridiculous to use the picture selected for the article, and really, I thought better of the Escapist.

Hell, if I wanted sensationalist "I'm not politically incorrect, I'm just a cock", I'd read the Metro.
Nov 28, 2007
Username, he's always been a Cambridge graduate, but he took classes (and a professor) at Oxford to learn Dutch. On topic, this topic is sensationalist and overblown. This is now a James Bond Q&A topic.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Ture, but I still maintain that its unaccesptable, be it weight, race, religion, tastes or styles of haircut.

I can see where you are coming from and would completely agree with you if this was an actual, targeted insult by Nintendo. However, it's not. It's an error message. Does the message "please insert the correct disk" instantly imply that you are stupid for buying the wrong disk? It doesn't and it's not intended to do so either. It's just shitty coding on somebody elses behalf.

The Anti Noob

New member
May 27, 2008
If a game told me I was fat, I would be all "Hmmm maybe you're right. I'm gonna lay off the carrots and go eat some cake." Just to spite it. Lol and also, if I had a monkey, I'd name it El Sanchez!


New member
May 14, 2008
if a game told me i was fat then i would laugh so hard i'd die of malnutrition, and then my family would sue the games creators just to rub it in.

(I'm 6ft4 and weight about 10 stone)


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Wow, just pathetic.

It's a fitness game, it's supposed to be blunt and honest.

However, I'm sure in Wii Fit 2, it won't call you fat, it'll just say "Well, you're a little overweight, a little chubby, but you are fine just the way you are. I mean, you don't have to work out at all. You probably should. But you're already perfect."