Nintendo Apologizes to Fat Kids

Nov 28, 2007
A Username Not In Use said:
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Arbre said:
I think this game didn't get enough localization. Obviously the bars have to be set differently, depending on people's average weight. Had it been adapted to the american market, that little girl would have not suffered that much.
The levels should be something like:

Boot Camp
Special Forces
00-class Agent
I wouldn't want to be a 00-class agent as with the exception of number 7 every other 00-agent does not live very long
I dunno, pretty sure 008's hanging in there.
May 7, 2008
thebobmaster said:
A Username Not In Use said:
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Arbre said:
I think this game didn't get enough localization. Obviously the bars have to be set differently, depending on people's average weight. Had it been adapted to the american market, that little girl would have not suffered that much.
The levels should be something like:

Boot Camp
Special Forces
00-class Agent
I wouldn't want to be a 00-class agent as with the exception of number 7 every other 00-agent does not live very long
I dunno, pretty sure 008's hanging in there.
Thats true + 004, although he was shot with paintballs. Mind you the thing I want to know is why is that BOnd is suddenly in MI6, what happened to Navel Intelligence, and why are M and Moneypenny no longer RN officers?


New member
May 15, 2008
Can't believe this has caused any controversy at all.
My stepdad was classed as obese on it, he's not that fussed, he was a bit shocked but he's on it every day.

You're always likely to offend someone when you release a game or a film. Maybe the girl was wearing heavy clothing or even shoes when she stepped on it.


New member
May 6, 2008
Wilkopops said:
Can't believe this has caused any controversy at all.
My stepdad was classed as obese on it, he's not that fussed, he was a bit shocked but he's on it every day.

You're always likely to offend someone when you release a game or a film. Maybe the girl was wearing heavy clothing or even shoes when she stepped on it.
It could have been that, but more likely just the newspaper blowing things out of proportion, since try the BMI calculation yourself from the numbers the newspaper gave, they don't add up at all it gives you 18.2 which is not overweight.


New member
May 18, 2008
HalfShadow said:
Just imagine: 'Wow. You're fat. Also, is that your face or are you doing a handstand and walking backwards?'
I was half asleep when I read that, it brightened my morning.

If Nintendo just explain (which they now have done) that it isn't accurate for younger people, then people just have to understand that.

I know BMI isn't supposed to be the most accurate thing in the world, but for Nintendo to put it in their 'Come on everybody! Let's Play!' Wii console as an exercise replacement, which a lot of people seem to be using it for, then I think that was a bit silly.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
Alright I'm weighing with this statement chances are, well over fifty percent of people here have suffered some for of verbal or physical abuse be it a one off or a campaign of abuse so I'm not even going to bother saying my own experience other than to say that because i had a gay friend i was also gay by default. Now, this made me angry and i harnessed this anger. This child's parents should teach this child to learn to harness these negative emotions for artistic, creative or even motivational purposes because that is how you gain mechanisms to cope in the real world which lets not bullshit is not really the nicest place to those who are in anyway different.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
oh boo hoo hoo.

I am sorry but people are just too darn sensitive these days. If the kid was offended then TOUGH. Learn to accept who or what you are and try to deal with the problem instead of crying to the company because their product that they bought told them that they were fat.

As to the parents: Stop babying your kid and help them with the problem instead of ALSO whining to Nintendo.


New member
May 12, 2008
According to a recent scientific survey, fat people are contributing to the global food shortage, driving up food prices, using more fuel when they travel as well as travelling more often. Also, they're not really doing themselves any favours. You have to accept what you are. I think Nintendo are doing a laudable service by trying to introduce exercise to those who may not get any, and the fact that they told an overweight person that they were overweight hardly seems a sin. The problem is with the system of BMI, which is apparently quite inaccurate.
May 7, 2008
hastalavictoria said:
According to a recent scientific survey, fat people are contributing to the global food shortage, driving up food prices, using more fuel when they travel as well as travelling more often. Also, they're not really doing themselves any favours. You have to accept what you are. I think Nintendo are doing a laudable service by trying to introduce exercise to those who may not get any, and the fact that they told an overweight person that they were overweight hardly seems a sin. The problem is with the system of BMI, which is apparently quite inaccurate.
You left out the large tracks of good farmland destroyed in South America in the war on drugs howeve thi is forgivable because its for a good cause.

Then there is the amount of food wasted in stupid stunts such as the car advert where they make a giant cake in the form of a car.

Than those gits who insist on pouring pint after pint of beer, or some other grain based drink like scotch down their little red lanes, even those who have developed an addiction the stuff.

Finally, you have the selfish bastards who insist on turning large amounts of grain for some reason known only to themselves into flattened circles.

As for the use of fuel, I wonder how we waste on crap like F1 racing, as well as cars that excied speed limits by frighting amounts and drink petrol faster than a thirsty man does a glass of water. And finally the American army. European armies understand that fuel is a limited resource on the battle field and design vehicles acourdingly. The American army on the otherhand seems to have this weird obession with wanting to refuel its tanks twice before any european tank even begins to make a dent in its own supply.

Like everything in life there are a large number of causes, you can't blame the people or the causes you want. Its true that people like me, who overate because I was depressed, have a responsability, and I will not deny that, but I am not going to take all the blame, only my own share.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
hastalavictoria said:
According to a recent scientific survey, fat people are contributing to the global food shortage, driving up food prices, using more fuel when they travel as well as travelling more often.
I knew someone was going to bring up that dumbass news story that's been making the rounds. We have a global food shortage because *we don't have enough food for the people that are here.*

Unless fat people are the ones responsible for there being too many humans on planet earth, all that junk has nothing to do with our real environmental problem: population growth. One fat person that doesn't have kids will still consume less resources than someone with kids, no matter how skinny they are.

Blaming fat people for environmental problems is like blaming gay people for AIDS.
But fat people with fat kids will consume more.
The family car will be at pain, more fuel will be consumed to move the leisure wagon.
The consequences regarding death toll on roads are even more dramatic, as the heavier an ensemble is (car+ fatz inside), the more time and distance said ensemble will need to slow down. So fat people should drive slower. But if they do, they force people to slow down. And thus have erratic driving behaviours, which leads to an increase of tension and fuel consumption as well.
Besides, fat people take more room in their car, so people driving behind them can't see through for overtaking, so it also increases danger here.
Could you believe it ?!!!

Relax people [] and enjoy life...
May 7, 2008
No, at least not while we have tinted windows, rear spoilers, and of course, people carriers, range rovers and all the other wonderful examples of the Chealsea tank that I cannot help but notice are normally driven by health obsessed middle class morons who insit on buying this things under the daft notion that they are safer, and then ensure that their money was not wasted by filling the things up with their own brats. As for the rising death toll on the road, what bout this crazy idea, a car that cannot exceed a countries speed limit, slower engine, less fuel.

But as I said earlier, only blaming the people you want to blame.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
A Username Not In Use said:
No, at least not while we have tinted windows, rear spoilers, and of course, people carriers, range rovers and all the other wonderful examples of the Chealsea tank that I cannot help but notice are normally driven by health obsessed middle class morons who insit on buying this things under the daft notion that they are safer, and then ensure that their money was not wasted by filling the things up with their own brats. As for the rising death toll on the road, what bout this crazy idea, a car that cannot exceed a countries speed limit, slower engine, less fuel.

But as I said earlier, only blaming the people you want to blame.
Geez, it was some 2nd degree for crissake.


New member
Nov 9, 2007
I think it's kinda stupid of Nintendo. I can understand that some kids can get upset over it. Why? They think the machine is telling the truth. They don't have the knowledge that we have; that BMI isn't always right and doesn't work well on children. Nor do children have the rock-hard confidence that many of us seem to have. So I can actually see the point there.

On the calling names: If someone is getting called names a lot, it's quite easy to say 'shrug off and ignore', but people tend to forget that this is amazingly hard. People are social group creatures, we work in such a way that we *do* care what people around us think about us. And there is no good way to handle people calling you names. If you ignore them, they won't stop (unlike popular belief tells us) and retaliating, even if you're witful, doesn't help much either. Only physical violence helped me Breaking someones glasses, stabbing them with the sharp ends of pencils, bringing along a little knive...may sound stupid, and absolutely not correct, but hey, they stopped. Though, I wouldn't recommend it. Kids at my school were easily impressed. If thats not the case, ti turns into a bigger war, one that you could easily loose.
Ignoring people sounds very chique, but its hard. And even if you get to that point, you still have to cope with the fact that you're alone, which just sucks as well.

I am all for it of course, to learn to depend on yourself, but it isn't the grail of the easy way to get rid of the pain and/or solve your problems. People who are getting called names don't just need a 'learn to like yourself more'. They also need a hug.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
L.B. Jeffries said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Yeah kinda gotta take it easy on teens. Those hormones aren't making them the most rational people at the moment.
Seriously if a game affects you this much you should never play them, that goes double for online.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
Girlysprite said:
I think it's kinda stupid of Nintendo. I can understand that some kids can get upset over it. Why? They think the machine is telling the truth. They don't have the knowledge that we have; that BMI isn't always right and doesn't work well on children. Nor do children have the rock-hard confidence that many of us seem to have. So I can actually see the point there.

On the calling names: If someone is getting called names a lot, it's quite easy to say 'shrug off and ignore', but people tend to forget that this is amazingly hard. People are social group creatures, we work in such a way that we *do* care what people around us think about us. And there is no good way to handle people calling you names. If you ignore them, they won't stop (unlike popular belief tells us) and retaliating, even if you're witful, doesn't help much either. Only physical violence helped me Breaking someones glasses, stabbing them with the sharp ends of pencils, bringing along a little knive...may sound stupid, and absolutely not correct, but hey, they stopped. Though, I wouldn't recommend it. Kids at my school were easily impressed. If thats not the case, ti turns into a bigger war, one that you could easily loose.
Ignoring people sounds very chique, but its hard. And even if you get to that point, you still have to cope with the fact that you're alone, which just sucks as well.

I am all for it of course, to learn to depend on yourself, but it isn't the grail of the easy way to get rid of the pain and/or solve your problems. People who are getting called names don't just need a 'learn to like yourself more'. They also need a hug.
They also need to be told what's behind the screen, and how stuff works. Especially kids.
It's been observed that kids who were put in front of the existence of "behind the scenes" tools, no matter the medium, were less fooled, if you excuse me the word, by the magic of certain products.
This is not without saying that certain products shouldn't be shown to kids.

Now, do you really expect to have to explain to your kids how Wii Fit estimates your weight and health?
Even more, do you really think you could expect your kids to react so emotionally to what is essentially harmless?

That's the problem with those doctor wannabe tools. If adults are already willing to give them more credit than they deserve, there's no reason to believe kids would be more cynical than their parents about these "games".