Nintendo Apologizes to Fat Kids


New member
Dec 5, 2007
Is Wii Fit using the word fat? Where is this proven that Nintendo is actually using this word? I thought the phrase Nintendo was using was "over weight", no?

Where's the proof that this actually happened to this girl? This whole thing sounds made-up. If this article is to be believed, the girl weighs around 90 pounds and is 4'9"? That comes out to a BMI of roughly 19.5--I call bull-shit on the Daily Mail. For the same height, to go overweight (+25) on the BMI she would have to weigh around 120lbs meaning that she would need to weigh 9 stone instead of 6--her believed weight would have to be off by 50%. I don't believe it.

Isn't the Daily Mail a scandal rag, anyways? Isn't it like the US's FoxNews? Complete and utter bullshit?


New member
May 6, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Kikosemmek said:
No one ever says we must respond to people we deem tedious or insulting,
I don't think what you or these other people are saying is "tedious or insulting"; I think it's harmful and dangerous. Significant difference.
If you don't let it get to you, it doesn't harm you. Stop caring so much about what other people think, the only person you ever really have to answer to is yourself. People can play on insecurities and I know it's difficult to ignore someone insulting you about something you don't like about yourself, but remember everyone can change, for better or worse.

Isn't the Daily Mail a scandal rag, anyways? Isn't it like the US's FoxNews? Complete and utter bullshit?
it's just a gossip column that likes blowing things out of proportion, about 80% of Britains newspapers are the same, and even those that could be considered fair and unbias get their facts wrong so many times I no longer read them.


New member
May 6, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
You can say it as many times as you like--you still won't be right. Basically what you're doing is you're saying '2+2=5' and I say 'no' then you say '1+3=5' and I say 'no' then you say '4+0=5' and... get the picture.
I'm not, and it doesn't. However, it *does* harm others, and I don't like seeing others harmed.
Words only hurt if you let them get to you, I don't understand why this is a hard concept to grasp...

Anyway, I'm stepping out because even though I'm not insulting you in any way or form, you're still taking offense and not listening to what I'm saying.


New member
May 6, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
I'm not taking offense and I am listening. The problem is you refuse to see that there's a difference between justified and unjustified intolerance, and that's what distinguishes a bigot from a non-bigot.
ok, I'm simply going to quote myself here, because this comment proves you have not been listening...

it's not wrong being a bigot, it all depends on your reasons behind it
everyone is a bigot, it's not a question of whether you are one, it's a question of whether you are one for better reasons then the person you are arguing with
And insulting someone for being a Bigot makes you a bigot, a bigot with good intentions but a bigot nonetheless


New member
May 6, 2008
No you are confusing what bigot means when it has already been quoted to you it has got nothing to do with reasons, being a bigot is to be intolerant of someone else regardless of reasons. Therefore hating someone for being intolerant (bigot) means you yourself are intolerant(bigot) of them.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
my opinion is go wii. so what if it isnt 100% PC, the game is trying to be as realistic as possible. so they included a scale and BMI, and they are marketing it as a crappy exercise/weight loss plan. but since nothing is perfect there are some errors and if your not fat and it calls you that then you can probably figure that out, i am pretty sure in the manual it says IT MAY BE WRONG.

and for all the people who are complaining about people getting called over weight by a game FFS. its not that big a deal.

A Username Not In Use said:
KikosemmekI never took pills or took a counseling session to get thin. I work out and I eat well in order to get thin said:
The coucilling and the pills was not to get thin, it was for deppression which me an my theripist traced to the resentment that I still fell towards my time at school, the losing weight can about after I realised that I was eating to make myself feel better which I now no longer do, and as I am an active person it is dropping at a steady pace, it might drop quicker if I increase my activities a bit more.
i think he was just talking about what he was talking did, not talking about you at all.


New member
May 6, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
You can say 2+2=5, but that just means you have to compensate by saying 2+5=6. Same difference. Invent any word for the concepts you want, you can't change the underlying reality that there's a difference between what you are doing and what I am doing, and that difference means I'm doing something praiseworthy and you're doing something blameworthy.
wait, what have I done that's blameworthy? And again please read what I have already written, you just reread back to me what I have already said and have been saying all along! Read my posts the whole point behind them was that both groups can be bigots, just some are doing it for better reasons then others, which is what you just said!


New member
Jan 1, 2008
Flame Wars aside,they do lack a sophisticated online service like PSN, let alone XBL so "fat" is probably the worst insult that Wii's demographics had ever heard.