Nintendo Apologizes to Fat Kids

May 7, 2008
KikosemmekI never took pills or took a counseling session to get thin. I work out and I eat well in order to get thin said:
The coucilling and the pills was not to get thin, it was for deppression which me an my theripist traced to the resentment that I still fell towards my time at school, the losing weight can about after I realised that I was eating to make myself feel better which I now no longer do, and as I am an active person it is dropping at a steady pace, it might drop quicker if I increase my activities a bit more.

I cannot understand the letting them insult me statement, maybe I did, but after eleven staight years of it, emotionally I was so broken that I just sat there and took it as I could not do anything else.

I have started to come to terms with my childhood, and while I am beginning to acsept what had happened.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
If Doctor Nintendo says it, it must be true then.

Somehow, you can be sure this will be ammo about how kids can't distance themselves from games enough.

I think this game didn't get enough localization. Obviously the bars have to be set differently, depending on people's average weight. Had it been adapted to the american market, that little girl would have not suffered that much.


New member
Jul 13, 2006
Arbre said:
I think this game didn't get enough localization. Obviously the bars have to be set differently, depending on people's average weight. Had it been adapted to the american market, that little girl would have not suffered that much.
All our fit are belong to them?
May 7, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Arbre said:
I think this game didn't get enough localization. Obviously the bars have to be set differently, depending on people's average weight. Had it been adapted to the american market, that little girl would have not suffered that much.
The levels should be something like:

Boot Camp
Special Forces
00-class Agent
I wouldn't want to be a 00-class agent as with the exception of number 7 every other 00-agent does not live very long


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Wow, and here I thought this was going to be another mutual 'Jack Thompson' incident we could all have a laugh over, but there's some nicely deep stuff here about modern instances of prejudice and how to overcome them.

That being said, I don't believe Nintendo has any reason to apologize for 'insults' in a game, especially unintentional ones in a physical examination. Guitar Hero has style rankings from 'YOU ROCK' to 'YOU SUCK' and the latter hasn't caused a lawsuit for gross mental anguish... Yet. I can't even COUNT the number of games that gleefully insult it's players in one case or another. Wii Fit isn't even doing that- it simply listing a score based on weight measurements, just like a scale in a doctor's office. If that scale's needle pops out of the glass casing a la Garfield, do you sue the doctor? The manufacturers?

They're probably sending another lawsuit to MacDonald's or whatever that store is that they're in. For making them fat.

Personal accountability, how I miss thee.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Why the hell would a parent depend on a video game to get their kid fit? It's called "Go outside and play you little shits!" Go to the park and play on the monkey bars or something.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
A Username Not In Use said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Insecure. You clearly are one of those little shits that dispences the insults but have never been on the reciving end. For eleven years at school I was insulted primerally for my weight which got worse as I would eat for comfort, which meant I got bigger and th insults became more frequent, not just from students, but some of my teachers and even total strangers in the street. I'm twenty six now and I am only just starting to come to terms which what I went through during that time, and thanks to coucilling sessions and some pill enduced happiness I have stopped comfort eating, and as a result my weight is dropping rapidly, but I am shocked at just how badly damaged I became emotionally, and physically, because of my "insecurity".

The problem is you people don't think about how much damage name calling can do to a person and the fact some of you found this funny fills me with discust.
And yet, if you had been proactive sooner, the motivation for most to tease you would've been gone sooner. Perhaps it is wrong that they teased you, but all along you had the power to change that, and you chose not to use it, and you cannot blame others for that.

And please don't insist I don't know what it's like - I know only too well myself. Kinda happens when you're a) intelligent, b) well off, and c) the new person in a hicksville town. The key difference is I was also constantly called gay.

Tony Harrison

New member
Jan 28, 2008
Even games like Wii Fit take a beating from The Mail? Jesus. Anyway, someone's lying , 4"9 and 6 stone is underweight.


New member
Dec 5, 2007
There is a big difference between User... being called fat and Wii Fit calling this girl fat, namely, intent.

To insult someone, you must have the intent of insulting them, act on this intent, and then the second party must be insulted. User...'s classmates/teacher were trying to insult him when they called him fat--their intent was to offend. That's not the case for Nintendo, clearly. Wii Fit is simply a tool made by Nintendo. If their explicit intent wasn't to insult the user, they can't be responsible for any offense taken. You can't fault the first party for the interpretation, or misinterpretation in this case, of the second party. If there was no intent for Nintendo to insult, then no insult was delivered, thus no insult should be received.

User... himself used the phrase "filthy n****r"--something that many people, even in the context that it was used in, would find offensive. Was he trying to offend people with this phrase? Or was he using [traditionally] inflammatory language to prove a point? In his context, I don't think he was being offensive, regardless of how someone else would take it--same thing with Wii Fit using the word "fat." If the intent isn't to insult, there was no insult.

Language must be looked at with intent--just like any other action. Look at the legal system--Murder, manslaughter, self defense--all three ways of killing someone--same outcome for the 'victim' but the intent of the defendant is different in all three. You might disagree with this but that's how the world is working these days. Wrong isn't judged based on the outcome or even the action itself, but the intent of the person doing the action.

Unless there is proof that Nintendo's intent was to insult someone, they've done no wrong.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I fail to see the huge controversy here...

WiiFit told kids that they were fat. Because it is a health and wellness game, the young and inexperienced child thought it must be accurate. Everyone trusts authority on some level, because the world is too big to know everything about it, so a healthy kid being told hes fat by a machine (Not a bully whose trying to be mean, but a machine that a kid can assume is just being objective)really sucks. Parents complain that there healthy kid shouldn't be told there fat. They get enough of that through role models. Nintendo realizes that there product is misleading in an unexpected way. Mistakes happen, they apologize for the screw up. The End.

Wheres the controversy? It was an honest mistake, could happen to anyone, the kids now know that they aren't fat, and everyone learns a little more about BMI. A few kids happened to hit one of the many, MANY rough patches of childhood over a game, Nintendo manned up and admitted they weren't perfect.

And yes, kids are getting fatter, its a problem, it shouldn't be funny and needs to be taken seriously, but it evokes a few giggles of schadenfreude that some people are more willing to accept as part of themselves, and that others are better at denying out of a sense of etiquette and tact. Regardless, its a problem that won't be solved in a simple sentence-long answer, nor will it be helped or harmed by anything connected with this article.

There plenty of mountains out there already without making molehills into them as well.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
You can't change being born black, white, gay (despite what the Evangelicals say), Jewish, albino, or a midget.

You can change being fat and running up healthcare costs, while grossing people out and slurping down excess amounts of food while people starve in the world, then bitching about your problems and growing a massive out-of-control, weepy, histrionic, attention-whore victim complex, comparing your detractors to Nazis (the inevitable way the delusional, persecution-complex set always does) and avoiding an ounce of personal responsibility for your own life by falsifying statistics (less than 1% of morbidly obese Americans suffer from ANY kind of glandular or genetic disorder). Of course it takes work, just like EVERYTHING ELSE, diet and exercise aren't easy, but McDonalds tastes like shit, and really, it's insulting, disgustingly selfish, demeaning, alienating and infuriating to the aforementioned minorities to try to lump yourself in with them because you want sympathy/attention.

Full stop.


New member
May 6, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
How does insulting bigots make one a bigot? That's like saying 'killing an armed soldier who is killing unarmed civilians makes you a killer of unarmed civilians'. It just doesn't make sense.
Of course it does, killing a murderer, makes you a murderer, regardless of whether it was right or wrong. And insulting someone for being a Bigot makes you a bigot, a bigot with good intentions but a bigot nonetheless. Though as I said before everyone is a biggot to an extent.