Nintendo Likely to Go Software Only, Says Zynga Board Member


New member
Jun 9, 2010
thespyisdead said:
to be honest, this is no surprise to me... i mean the wii was a flop in the long run, and the WiiU is so "weak" spec wise, that it does not even force microsoft or sony to rush their next gen consoles out the door
Yes, but the Wii also cost them much less than a PS3 so they already made their money back on it. A "flop" means that they lost money, that did not happen. As for the WiiU specs, that also doesnt matter because Nintendo just doesnt care. Consider that Sega jumped on raising the specs higher and failed miserably because of it (and its associated costs).

As for "burning bridges" with the core gamers, lets agree that Nintendo aims at children, families, and casuals (and Japanese people), between those 4 groups they really dont need the core gamers to succeed. The Western core gamers are now being stretched between Sony, Microsoft, and their Computer so they are a far less reliable base which is why casual games have been succeeding so much more than hardcore titles.

All I have to say is that rumors of Nintendo's death have been greatly exaggerated

Yeah Right


New member
May 16, 2011
Wow, my Wii collects dust, therefore Nintendo are failing, they might as well make apps.
Herp my derp herpy opinion derp Zynga herp derp EA herpyderpy counts.
Insert trollface image of your choice.

Gamers, I mean gamers like you, me, people who probably have a reasonable PC and at least 1 console - well we are not Nintendo's target audience. It doesn't matter if our Wii collects dust, because Nintendo aren't selling games to us, they are selling games to non-gamers. See that's the brilliance in their marketting - they can sell a videogame, to someone who might not even know what a videogame is... and they've done that remarkably well, and will continue to do that remarkably well.

The bottom line is that the WiiU is what non-gamers want from a gaming machine - they want to sit on the couch and relax, or get up and do their excercises - and the Wii is far better for excercise games than Kinect, and anything the PS3 has to offer. Kinect especially, it just does not work - not outside of America at least. Most houses just don't have the space to use Kinect properly, and Nintendo's target non-gamer audience certainly don't have big living rooms nor the desire to house a 360 and all its guff.

The WiiU will get a good grasp on the console market, because people aren't really aware of what Microsoft or Sony have planned, they know that the WiiU will have a tablet style controller, like an iPad but with controls (like casual gamers have wanted since iPad1), and new, novel ways of playing games. And Miyamoto will kick serious ass with Mario Galaxy etc, and especially Pikmin3. These games appeal to people, not just gamers, and those people outnumber gamers by a huge amount. If you need to sell something, sell it to people who will be impressed, not the typical Sony or M$ fanboy who will just hate on anything that isn't their console manufacturer. Really, it grates on my nerves a bit when people hate on Nintendo - I mean, are Sony or M$ better?, someone please explain what is wrong with consistantly providing the best gameplay experiences for the last 3 decades!
M$ and Sony get by on their 2 or 3 amazing game franchises, Nintendo have a whole library of awesome to fall back on, and it's awesome games that sell consoles.

Case in point, the PS Vita - how well is that doing?, how many games does it have?, when will there be a decent FPS for it?
Answer to the last question there is NEVER. The controls just aren't good enough for a proper FPS game, but the WiiU on the other hand, and the controller for that matter, well they look to me like console FPS heaven - hell, my thumbs might even regain some of their natural shape.

Do we really need more Halo, or more Killzone, or more Gears... Because those are not the games I'm hungry for - give me Pikmin3, or a HD Harvest Moon, or how about just a game with some real depth to it. I play all sorts of games, I'm looking forward to Borderlands2 for example, but I'll but that on the 360 probably - For Pikmin3 I will be buying a WiiU. Now I'm not exactly a huge fan of any particular manufacturer, I concentrate on games that appeal to me, no matter what platform. Doing that is easy, just buy all the platforms, then you never miss out. I've been waiting for about 10 years for a new Pikmin game. In contrast, I waited a few years for a new Battlefield game on 360, and woohoo it's awesome... and BF4 will be out next year, so all the patience I spent waiting on it is kinda redundant now, it makes no difference - there's no point in looking forward to AAA titles these days - just wait another year and save your money. Save your money for the games you waited a decade for!, don't waste money on games that only last a few months before you're expected to pay more for them.

Really, why are people even interested in the new Xbox, or new Playstation - wouldn't we get a better deal by buying a WiiU and a decent spec PC! - IMO there aren't any 360 or PS3 exclusives that are worthwhile these days. On the whole, Nintendo has the best exclusives, and a great market position to capitalize on them - what Zynga has is money made from regurgitating old ideas into shallow, social network games that annoy everyone.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Grey Carter said:
Neither the N64 nor the Gamecube came anywhere close to matching the sheer marketing might of the PlayStation and PS2, but they certainly fared far better than the Sega Saturn and the Dreamcast(single tear).
I think it needs to be said that from a pure sales standpoint the Gamecube is kind of a bigger failure than the Dreamcast, or at least no more successful. In the 6 years that the Gamecube was supported by Nintendo it sold about 21 million units. The Dreamcast was discontinued after less then two and a half years, but sold a bit more than half that. Honestly, if it handed been for the miserable failure of things like the Sega CD, 32x, and the Saturn, not to mention the Dreamcast staring down the barrel of a PS2 loaded gun I think things might have gone down a lot differently, especially since the Dreamcast had a lot going for it.

As to the topic, the notion that the only hardware manufacturer making money on their consoles right now (with the slight hiccup of the 3DS) will go software only seems a bit silly to me. Especially when I don't think their software has been that good for quite a while.


Elite Member
Jan 18, 2010
Really? Nintendo? The only console manufacturer to consistently make money off the system sales themselves? You think they will have to step out the hardware market?


Jun 11, 2008
Matthew94 said:
Crono1973 said:
Clearing the Eye said:
thespyisdead said:
to be honest, this is no surprise to me... i mean the wii was a flop in the long run, and the WiiU is so "weak" spec wise, that it does not even force microsoft or sony to rush their next gen consoles out the door
I think the Nintendo Wii is a pile of wank (mine collects dust) but it sold really, really well. How, then, was it a flop? Or do you mean it was a failure in the sense that it's a bad product in your opinion?
It was a bad product which burned some bridges with core gamers. The WiiU would have to be something really special to make up for that but it doesn't look like the WiiU will win over too many core gamers.
"core" gamers?

Oh, so you are one of "them". Nintendo didn't burn shit, most people don't have brand loyalty, they will buy what is interesting. If you want an example of the concept then look at the sales of the PS2 and XBOX then compare them to the 360 and PS3. Brand loyalty didn't do shit for sony.

Or look at the N64 and Gamecube then look at the Wii. People will switch in an instant if it looks cool.
Well no it entirely depends on how much brand loyalty is worth and mine was not worth what was at the time an extra ?300ish on top of the price of essentially the same thing.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Not being funny but this sounds like some sort of propaganda.

Nintendo aren't doing so terrible that they would drop hardware. Zynga seems hopeful that it can rip off some Nintendo games too...


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Imagines a Nintendo/ valve tie up, that would be to awesome to be allowed.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Depending on how well we progress on the whole speed of internet around the world thing I can easily see Nintendo dropping out of the "traditional" console market and developing a completely streamed game service.
It seems incredibly logical. The box would be cheap because it would merely serve as a video streaming device so they could appeal price-wise to everyone, their graphical restrictions would be pretty much unlimited (depending on how much they spend on the server-side infrastructure) and game costs would also go down for the consumer (hopefully) due to the whole no-box thing.

Of course Im yet to try OnLive so I have no idea how well these kind of systems actually work. I do however live In Australia, so Im completely aware of how utterly garbage internet is in some parts of the globe...


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Complete bollocks. Nintendo aren't going anywhere. The Wii was a great innovation (you can't say it wasn't as you have the Move & Kineckt as evidence). The Wii U is just continuing the trend. The industry needs Nintendo.

If something drasctic happens in the industry, Sony & Microsoft can pull out as there main business is elsewhere but Nintendo is a full gaming company. If they go they'll be no one left.

People keep moaning on about the Wii being a kids console but its not. Yes it got most of its attention from family games and brought more people into gaming but tht's not a bad thing. People seem to forget that alot of new gamers were made when the PS2 came out. Not to mention the influx of peole when the original Playstation came out, alot of whom just bought football and racing games.

It didn't ignore 'core' gamers (a tag that has only surfaced this generation). The definition of a hardcore gamer shouldn't be someone who just plays mature games ('cos that's cool). It should be someone who plays anytype of game because they love gaming. They play Mario, MW3, Halo, SEGA Racing, Wii Sports, Gears of War, WoW, Half-Life etc.

Im getting a Wii U. First off its going to be different to anything that Microsoft or Sony bring out which will just be upgrades of the 360 & PS3 and there's only so far you can go with the tech. For other games i'll just use my PC.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Pokemon on IOS and Andriod....

All versions from red Red/blue/yellow to white and black and BEYOND, trading enabled between ALL VERSIONS.

Are you loving this yet?


New member
Dec 25, 2008

I don't think so [].

[NARROW-MINDED]? I think even the Captcha has this Zynga hack's number.

Oh, and...
JediMB said:
Nintendo never abandoned any gamers. Gamers have been abandoning Nintendo since the original PlayStation was released, so Nintendo had to find a way to attract new ones.
Finally someone else who gets this. Heads up: if you went and bought a PlayStation or Xbox over the "kiddy" console backs in Gens 5 and 6, you're not the abandoned one in this equation and you have no right to complain. No company has to cater to the whiny brats who don't buy their stuff anyway. That'd be like a vegan bitching if McDonalds were to put less lettuce on their cheeseburgers. You weren't biting anyway, so shut your goddamn trap until you actually buy the products you're moaning about. You don't dump a guy and then expect him not to find another girlfriend.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
"Nintendo Likely to GO Software Only Says Zynga-"
AANNDD dismissed.

"Ginger bread"

Captcha agrees that this Zynga member is ginger bread!... zing?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I would see Nintendo making software only being a interesting development.

Thing is, I think Nintendo is believing that the WiiU will replicate the Wii's sales.

Thw Wii itself was rather lacking when compared to the PS3 or 360, but succeeded because it appeal to a market that neither the PS3 or 360 catered to. But with smartphone games, and everybody having a Wii, is that market still deep enough for the WiiU? or has this pond dried up?


New member
May 9, 2012
Took around 3 posts for someone to claim to be too much of a gamer for Nintendo.

Though JediMB has it right, Nintendo abandoned nothing. MadWorld, Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy,No More Heroes, Nintendo and the Wii released a load of games that are fun for 'core' gamers (Yeah, counting Mario Galaxy because I can enjoy primary colours without feeling it threatens my maturity). If you don't buy them, Nintendo's going to stop making them.

I play games, I enjoyed the hell out of Dark Souls, and I also enjoyed Mario Galaxy and WiiSports. So, I'm not about to decry Nintendo as being only for casuals because WHY exactly can't we play Casual AND 'Core' games? Do I need to delete my Angry Birds App to be a real gamer or are we maybe allowed to enjoy things? Seriously, we as a culture can't be so immature.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
yes because a company that has proven it can survive without much third party support and whos in-house games sell better then others consistently is in trouble. I cant see a third party nintendo, their flagship titles are still to popular for them to go thrid part. When we see people stop buying the old classics I'll consider it but as long as pokemon and mario can sell systems on their own their fine.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
The instant dismissal of his point due to him working with Zynga and EA is lol-worthy. People on these forums seem to do nothing but pick a reason to disregard what someone says based on something about them they don't like and the enter their own opinion. And usually the opinion is repeated so many times in the same thread that its borderline sheepish. Its getting to a point where people are making excuses for Nintendo's lack of a core crowd. Excuses like this:
JediMB said:
The Wii was never meant to not be for core gamers. It was media that sowed the seed for this false claim when they started writing about "casual gamers", and both gamers and developers helped in fulfilling that prophecy.
Saying the Wii was never meant to be for core gamers isn't really a defence. It's not like that PC/360/PS3 were "meant" for core gamers either. The other consoles didn't have a target demographic that they pushed selling consoles to. There are plenty of casual titles on the other platforms. And it wasn't "the media" who pushed the casual gamers agenda. That was Nintendo's rigorous marketing towards the casual market. The other platforms market the games that they feature, while Nintendo was marketing that creepy looking grandfathers could join in the electronic fun with their grandkids. They marketed their target customers instead of their library, and that hurt their relationship with the 3rd party pretty bad.

Nintendo's Wii U doesn't have the want factor that the Wii had, this can not be denied. No one is excited for it. There's no noise coming from the core gamers which is to be expected, but what should be really scary for Nintendo is the fact that no casual gamers are excited about the Wii U at all. Its almost like the Wii was a fad, like Beyblades or Yu Gi Oh cards. People stopped buying them a while ago, and the WiiU doesn't look like its going to get the same amount of sales.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Clearing the Eye said:
Crono1973 said:
Clearing the Eye said:
thespyisdead said:
to be honest, this is no surprise to me... i mean the wii was a flop in the long run, and the WiiU is so "weak" spec wise, that it does not even force microsoft or sony to rush their next gen consoles out the door
I think the Nintendo Wii is a pile of wank (mine collects dust) but it sold really, really well. How, then, was it a flop? Or do you mean it was a failure in the sense that it's a bad product in your opinion?
It was a bad product which burned some bridges with core gamers. The WiiU would have to be something really special to make up for that but it doesn't look like the WiiU will win over too many core gamers.
Well, the "hardcore" demographic is quite small compared to the casual market--there's a fuckton more money to be made on, for example, the iPhone than the Xbox 360. Casual games are cheaper and faster to make, and they reach an audience many times larger than the core's. This is why small games are all the rage at the moment. Very nice profit margin potential.

So Nintendo did the smartest thing they could have from a business standpoint and their bank balance shows it. Where Sony and Microsoft have struggled up and down to make a profit, often losing money, Nintendo reporting a single loss is big news. They're simply a money making powerhouse.

BUT, I think the WiiU will come close to ruining them. With core gamers not giving two shits about Nintendo anymore (most of us, anyway) all they have left to bank on is the flaky casuals who all bought the Wii and ended up never using it. Are they going to buy what looks like another add-on for it? Nope. It's all been leading up to this moment. Nintendo climbed up the mountain, planted a flag and won over the hearts if gamers everywhere. But from the 64 onward, they've been losing their image and blowing away all the goodwill they built up. Now there's none left and the WiiU will flop. I bet my life on it. No more free passes, no more being fooled into buying platforms with no support and no more excuses.

  • Nintendo 64: Sells very well, cements Nintendo as a a powerhouse gaming company.

    Gamecube: Sales are relatively low but not horrendous. Popular with some, but largely ignored.

    Wii: Sells fantastically and makes a load of money. Tons of mini-games. Short life. Hardcore market is disenfranchised.

    DS: Sells very well. Some great games, lots of bad ones. Mixed opinions.

    DSi: Sells well. Hardcore market begins to lose all faith in Nintendo.

    3DS: Sells horribly, then picks up a little. Largely ignored and gameless.

    WiiU (Prediction): Sales are low, very few games, casuals ignore it totally and few gamers care.
Actually since they cut the price the 3ds has sold better than the ds did in the same amount of time and the ds started out a bit weak also.

If anything I think the WiiU will have allot of games since its on par with the current systems so that makes porting to it rather easy.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
CaptainMarvelous said:
Took around 3 posts for someone to claim to be too much of a gamer for Nintendo.

Though JediMB has it right, Nintendo abandoned nothing. MadWorld, Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy,No More Heroes, Nintendo and the Wii released a load of games that are fun for 'core' gamers (Yeah, counting Mario Galaxy because I can enjoy primary colours without feeling it threatens my maturity). If you don't buy them, Nintendo's going to stop making them.

I play games, I enjoyed the hell out of Dark Souls, and I also enjoyed Mario Galaxy and WiiSports. So, I'm not about to decry Nintendo as being only for casuals because WHY exactly can't we play Casual AND 'Core' games? Do I need to delete my Angry Birds App to be a real gamer or are we maybe allowed to enjoy things? Seriously, we as a culture can't be so immature.
You're mixing in a whole bunch of issues that need clarifying.

First of all Nintendo didn't make MadWorld and No More Heroes. Sega and Grasshoper Manufacture did. They flopped because Nintendo doesn't help let people know what 3rd party games are on their console like the other companies do for their platforms.

Of course Mario Galaxy and Skyward Sword sold, their both party of mainstay franchises with a 20+ year history. New 3rd party IPs on the Wii were treated like Buffalo being driven off a cliff. People didn't buy them because most of the people who bought the Wii were either casual gamers or Nintendo hardcore fans.

Second, your attack on the criticism of Nintendo pandering to the casual base is flawed. No one is saying you can't enjoy Angry Birds on one hand and Dark Souls on the other. What's being said is that Nintendo catering to people who have NEVER played video games before specifically really hurt the sales chances for 3rd party games that weren't targeted for the same market. No one as a casual gamer or a core gamer should accept the fact that the Cold Stome Creamery Video game exists on the Wii. That's an embarrassment.