Limos said:
Astounding amounts of Butthurt in this thread.
We get it guys. You hate fun. You don't have to keep beating us over the head with your opinions. The rest of us however enjoy activities that are fun, and we don't need super high resolution ferns and muzzle flash to achieve that feeling.
The sooner you accept that the Wii is a successful console and stop treating it like your bastard stepchild the sooner you can start having fun with the rest of us. If you would rather hang out on the internet and spew bile over the littlest praise that Nintendo receives then that's up to you.
I'll be in the living room actually playing a game, with other people, in the same room.
Yes, I quite agree with you. There are too many haters out there that only go after what is currently popular and innovative. I mean, the most that the 360 and PS3 have put out is shooter games, racers, and madden, nothing much to tell about, while Nintendo is busily expanding in just about every genre. Besides, I really dislike games where you absolutely have to have an internet connection to 'fully enjoy' a 360 game and how you have to download stuff in order to be able to fully play it.
News flash to 360, finish the games and then bring them out! It's basically their attempt at trying to bring out games as fast as Nintendo but they cut down greatly in quality by leaving them half-finished.
Would you agree to this?