Gralian said:
I haven't played through Other M myself, though i have played Super Metroid and the Metroid Prime games. I think they should characterise Samus primarily, if not entirely through her actions. I think her choosing not to kill the last baby metroid in one of the earlier games is one of the greatest expressions of her character and that's without the need for all that dialogue and cinematic effect. We don't need her whiny life story and we don't need a voice actress so dull and sedated that it sounds like she's trying to force out every single line. Grrr, i didn't need to play the game to know how annoying that was.
Exactly. They should of used Jennifer Hale again, yet I can only assume they didn't to cut even more costs from the game. The whole thing reeks of lazy design. I've seen Moviebob's statement for it, and honestly refuse to watch it more than once, as he refuses to actually examine it, pushing aside everything valid that people bring up, by blanketing it with the whole "You all just don't want her to have personality and be your misinterpreted idea of stoicism" rant.
Yahtzee, on the other hand, is completely right to me. Samus has thus far given us an idea of her personality, through her actions, and the snippets of voice work in the GBA titles.
What we got in Other M was some 2-bit work handled for a more cheese-cake fashion with little, if any care, to the script, voice work, or even logic behind the game's storyline and dropped plots.
She's striked down Ripley several times before Other M, so why break down now?
She has all her powers active, so besides being a closet masochist, why wait til one insignificant character says its fine to activate something vital to your own survival, and nothing else?
And for the love of god, did they even observe the acress for Samus when she did her lines? Or did they just throw her in the closet and left her alone, without checking how it was read? Even an untrained child could handle the voice work better.
And, because I have to bring it up every time when one refers to the game.
"What's past, is prologue"
Pure. Unadulterated. Genius. Really. Someone should let that man write a bloody novel. Oh yeah... Stephanie Myer did with Twilight, or Dan Brown with some chunks of his writing.
Even Ninja Gaiden had better writing than Other M.