Nintendo Puzzled Over Other M's Poor Performance


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Arec Balrin said:
I'll say giving Metroid to Team Ninja is like giving Transformers to Michael Bay. We know how it went.
Metroid to team ninja was a nice change, but Transformers to Michael Bay you hit on the spot.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
because it turned a a complex withdrawn but loving character into a whiny scared child.
I could have forgiven it if the damn game worked right but not having the ability to lock onto enemies or turn around in first-person is unforgivable
doesn't help that every cutscene in the game sounded like this.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
It's not that difficult to figure it out.
The story was a big part of the game, it guided it. The story wasn't very good, therefore the game wasn't very good.
Nintendo games do best when their stories can be summed up one sentence.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I respect that Nintendo for once tried something different, but that doesn't make the game suck any less. The fact that people are angry because you tried to do something different is kinda dumb. It it an awful game? Absolutely. Was it at least trying to be special? Yep. If the rage is because it sucked, sure, but if it's because it was different, that's ridiculous.

I can see a future where nintendo decides to make an awesome new game that is hardcore enough for people who play Gears of War, but still simple and non explicit enough to have a blast playing it with your kid. It would feature a main character who's like a mixture of Jack Bauer, Scorpion and Optimus Prime who fights against dragon zombies in the center of black holes with a flaming katana and lightning vision. However, Mario, Zelda, And Metroid fanboys would rage enough because it was different that it would never be made.

Space Jawa

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Feb 2, 2010
EarthBoundGiygas said:
Arec Balrin said:
I'll say giving Metroid to Team Ninja is like giving Transformers to Michael Bay. We know how it went.
Metroid to team ninja was a nice change, but Transformers to Michael Bay you hit on the spot.
Irony is that the the Transformers movies have done well with the public (selling a lot of tickets and making a lot of money) while not getting the greatest of reviews from critics, while MoM did well with critics but isn't doing so well with consumers.

Just something to think about.

Death God

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Jul 6, 2010
Aura Guardian said:
Personally..I loved it. It's just that you can't please all fans. Fans are fans after all.
Same here. In my opinion, there wasn't much wrong with the game, it's just the fans are so upset over it.


New member
May 17, 2010
Fronzel said:
vid87 said:
I never actually played the game, but I've been reading up on it as much as possible, especially on youtube. I don't find the "softer" characterization that much of a problem (and of course she's going to be sensitive when she starts out, she's a rookie after all).
She's not a rookie; Other M is set after Super Metroid, which itself is set after the original, Metroid 2, and the Prime games. Samus has faced plenty of monster-filled challenges.
By "rookie" I mean when she was starting in the academy and first met Adam, with the whole "thumb down" thing. She was a young orphan and she saw Adam as a bit of a father-figure. Probably a bit heavy-handed, but I think it makes sense. And like I said, by the time this game happens chronologically, she's already fought Ridley several times. There was no reason for her to freak out when she's kicked his ass so many times before.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
Logan Westbrook said:
Fils-Aime also touched on the complaints about characterization of lead character Samus Aran, which a number of reviewers - including our own Steve Butts [] - commented felt different, and much less appealing, then in had in previous games. He didn't think that this had been the reason for the poor sales, although he did acknowledge that there might be some validity to the complaints.
Translation: We're well aware everyone hated the characterization.

Look..... As I've said before, this could have worked. There are ways to have written Samus Aran to have more emotional depth without sacrificing her badassery. There are ways to write in Daddy-Daughter issues without sacrificing her badassery. They could have had a Samus who was willing to work WITH Adam but not FOR Adam.

Metroid:Other M, quite possibly due to Sakamoto/Team Ninja's issues with portraying strong women, did none of that. They gave us a Samus with the emotional stability of a 15-year-old girl who is going to her first prom. They gave us a Samus whose independence was traded in for meek submissiveness to Adam MANkovich and had to have her formerly tough-as-nails ass saved by MANthony Higgs.

After rental, I did eventually buy the game because, despite the story and characterization being crap and a few unnecessary dumb design decisions (Other M team, make a choice. Either let us play in Prime view or let us play in Classic view but stick with one rather than two gimped modes), there is potential here and there is some enjoyment to it. But Team Ninja left it largely unexplored to make the weakest Metroid game that didn't involve pinball.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Did everything right?

Ha! Haha! Hahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahano.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
...yeah, still liked it, personally. Had it's faults, none of which were enough to not buy the game, the reason it's currently sitting on my shelf.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Giving Samus a Voice and Personality, great.

Making her an emo animesque character with the typical uncertain shrinking violet apathy all anime female heroines have, bad.

Also, shitty english voice acting.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I don't really see how her character was much different than the "normal" samus when she really didn't have a personality to begin with.

The Silent Protagonist is a plot device that lets you imagine what she's saying rather than letting her say it herself, after all. Sort of like a blank slate for you to imagine the character you're playing.

All she did was grunt and breathe in the metroid prime series and she was completely silent in most if not all of the side-scroller metroids...

I suppose that's the only commentary I have for this thread for now, though. :p


New member
May 13, 2008
Well, there are Metroid Fans like me who will buy anything released with Metroid in the title. I grew up with Metroid and I've played all of the games in the series except for the spinoff, Hunters, just because I don't have a DS.

I like the gameplay in Other M the action is fun and fast. The game mechanics have been streamlined to keep things moving. Most of the story is to my agreement, but some parts aren't. The Ridley scene is not one of them. I love that scene, Samus falls apart and almost gets killed by Ridley but finally pulls herself together in an act of badass composure to engage in an epic fight sequence. Thats how I see it. The Gravity suit moment was another pure Epic win. Getting dragged into the vaccum of space and last minute activation of the gravity suit, a device usually used for water levels is being used in an original fashion.

The parts I don't like, especially after the 1st playthrough are the slow walking levels. It is boring and it lacks the Metroid Prime detail ebbing out of the environment. Its just regular hallways. Those sequences would have been way more awesome if they had decorated the environments more.

Overall the lack of atmosphere is the main problem. I can not fault a game for bad Voice over work, since good voice work is itself rare in any game. The attention to detail in Metroid Prime was really great, you could stop and examine things closely to observe cool new details. Other M has almost none of this.

I feel like this game was made for me, and everyone else who grew up with Metroid. If you only played Metroid Prime on Gamecube, this is not the game for you. That is why it is not selling. And I selfishly thank Nintendo for it.
Sep 13, 2009
Well, I've yet to play the game and I doubt I will. I'm currently going through the process of watching the cutscenes and I've got to say it's painful. The game leaves nothing for the player to piece together, EVERY bit of subtext is narrated. Honestly, is it too difficult to express an emotion without blabbing on about it for several minutes? The result is, ironically, that the game feels emotionless. Out of all of the scenes I've seen so far none of them came even close to capturing the amount of emotion Samus had in metroid prime 2 when she saw all of the dead soldiers. I'm not saying that was a particularily emotional scene, I'm just saying that without ANY dialogue I could tell what she was feeling. Why did Other M have to go and choose the polar opposite of a silent protagonist?


New member
Feb 10, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
Didn't Shyamalan say the same thing about The Last Airbender?
Yep. Coincidentally both projects had really bad scripts and questionable actors. Effects were nice though.


New member
May 13, 2008
toothofymir said:
Here's a quick rundown:

Samus before "Metroid: Other M" = Ellen Ripley. Badass
Samus according to "Metroid: Other M": Whiny, approx 13 year-old girl with massive emotional problems and insecurities. NOT COOL.

Oh yeah, and the control were terrible, the story was bad, and it's buggy like nothing else.
Samus has never been characterized like Ellen Ripley. Just so you know, Other M is the first time Samus has ever been characterized at all. This game shows us Samus is just a regular girl inside of her Chozo power suit.

The main controls are actually really good, the main complaint is the missile aiming. Once you figure out you can still use the "1" button to fire your missiles instead of shifting your hand to the A button, it becomes more intuitive. You can even pre-charge super missiles.

A lot of people hate the characterization. I didn't. Go back to Gears of War.

I didn't have a single bug on my multiple playthroughs. There was one massive showstopper, which is avoidable with pre-knowledge of it. To say "it's buggy like nothing else" is to ignore Fallout New Vegas. Enough said.

Only insecure juveniles would see the Ridley scene and be embarrassed. Everyone has the wrong idea. It is about overcoming fears, not the fear itself. The Ridley fight would have just been another random nostalgic boss fight without the scene. *cue Phantoon, Nightmare, Metroid Queen*