I was gonna post this on this Bloomberg article... but they want me to use Discus..and... well... Discus can burn in hell.
It was a bit expected that their sales this year would drop, not everyone is keen on spending large amounts of money on a mobile gaming console (160-250 on something only 1 person can play at a time).
Many people prefer the versatility, and battery life of their iTouch, iPhone, or droid device where they can pay 99 cents for a game that they'll enjoy for hours (some with some great replay value) as opposed to paying 160-250 for a mobile gaming console and 40-60 dollars for a 3DS game that they will most likely get bored of (unless it's one of the major ones: Mario Kart, Super Mario, etc.).
Then when they want to trade it in for another game it's got bloody all for trade-in value, the same goes for the Wii titles (a good example would be MadWorld, it sold for 60$ and now it sells for 5-7$ on shelves).
Other than the nostalgia aspect of it, the 3DS wasn't all that amazing. The 3D is bland and reminiscent of old 3D pictures on cereal boxes (and it gives plenty of people a massive headache after a few hours) and the game line-up was the same as the last one (the change in controls was a great idea though).
Then the price drop cut profits 60$ per unit, how could we not expect a loss on this one? It was a nice try, but I think they would of been better off leaving the 3D aspect out and leaving everything else in (maybe even the AR), it would of saved them on the retail price and maybe sales would have been higher.
I can see the Wii U succeeding and bringing up sales as long as it's got the right launch lineup (which I'm already guessing is going to be... Zelda, Mario, some other Mario game, and some Metroid game), and the right price to make it sell fast.
They should consider bringing in some titles from Japan. If they were to bring these games over they could not only boost sales, but boost the size and demographic of the Nintendo fan base.
It would just be nice for the current fans and new ones if the Japan titles were brought over.
On a side note... a credit card reader on the Wii-U..? Wouldn't it just be easier to create an account and link a credit card to it like on iTunes? That would save on the hardware and price that's for sure. Plus... I don't know about everyone else (and I don't mean to sound paranoid), but I would never be comfortable buying a used Wii U from someone (or retail website)... The reason being is I can already see the wrong CFW devs looking at ways to exploit this...
All the best to Nintendo, though. They've been pretty innovative, I'm sure this "new killer software" will definitely bring something new to the table. I hope.