Nintendo Wins Another R4 Lawsuit

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Nintendo Wins Another R4 Lawsuit

It's another legal win for Nintendo [] as 11 retailers in the Netherlands have been convicted of illegally importing and selling R4 cards and mod chips for the Nintendo DS and Wii.

It's no secret that Nintendo has a "thing" for piracy and isn't shy about bringing the legal guns to bear wherever and whenever it feels the need to do so. The latest battleground is the Netherlands and it's another check in the "win" column for Nintendo: The Hague District Court convicted 11 retailers of breaking the law by importing and selling R4 chips for the Wii []. The court rejected an argument by the retailers that Nintendo's opposition to sales of the devices constituted "an act of unfair competition."

Nintendo said in a statement that it "welcomed" the decision and that it would continue to "take action to prevent the distribution of pirated software and devices that allow illegally downloaded software to be played."

"Nintendo takes this action not only for the company's sake, but in the interests of its partners who spend time and money legitimately developing software for Nintendo videogame consoles and systems, and customers who expect the highest standards and integrity from products bearing the Nintendo name," the company said.

Nintendo won a similar legal victory against an R4 seller in blamed [] a nearly 50 percent sales decline in Europe on the prevalence of R4 chips and the indifference toward piracy among many consumers.

Source: MCV []


Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
Ban the R4! When I found someone I didn't like had it at a party, he got smashed out of his face, so I took it (Yes he brought his DS to a party) and decided to do a magic show with it, wince now person wanted to be sawn in half.

How can they not win, anyway? They are illegally distributing MANY games at a fraction of the price.

Calumon: Wait, can't Nintendo find out where they were importing the chips from?

EDIT: All right! Jeez, didn't know the R4 had other legal uses. Every single one I've seen is loaded with games.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I really hope that they find a way to end all mod chips, though I realize that will never happen.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Well good for them.
I really hope that once the 3Ds comes out R4 will become a thing of the past.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Good for Nintendo! I hope they can put an end to all this piracy nonsense with the 3DS.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
This is good news, it seems to me that most of the parents of my little sister's friends who own a DS have bought them R4 card's loaded with 100 or so games, even if they would have only bought 5 games legally, it all adds up to a huge loss for Nintendo, and us legit gamers!


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Well, it is true. Consumers just want something, they dont care if its cheaper or not at times.

But, I bet this wont be the last we heard of this from Nintendo~


New member
May 9, 2009
Good to hear Nintendo is cracking down on piracy and all...but R4s aren't necessarily used for just playing illegally obtained games. So isn't trying to get rid of all R4s a bit pointless when it's the individuals who were using the R4s to commit piracy, not the software itself?

Incidentally, couldn't Nintendo have tracked down who were supplying the retailers the R4s in the first place?


Token Irish Guy
Oct 22, 2008
Jack and Calumon said:
How can they not win, anyway? They are illegally distributing MANY games at a fraction of the price.
No, they can potentially be used to play pirated games on your DS. They can also be used to run perfectly legal homebrew software.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Oy its like suing the steel mill for the gun that shot you......*sigh*
Under the new copy right world regime if it bypasses copy protection regardless of use its illegal.....


New member
Jan 7, 2010
the big problem is that chips are outdated for the wii their are ways to softmod your wii with out having to use a mod chip

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
Meh. People will still pirate and find a way to sell them, but I suppose there is a shining beacon in this debacle in that by getting this R4 crap over and done with, the 3DS will have a chance to shine without piracy fucking it up.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
razer17 said:
Jack and Calumon said:
Ban the R4! When I found someone I didn't like had it at a party, he got smashed out of his face, so I took it (Yes he brought his DS to a party) and decided to do a magic show with it, wince now person wanted to be sawn in half.

How can they not win, anyway? They are illegally distributing MANY games at a fraction of the price.

Calumon: Wait, can't Nintendo find out where they were importing the chips from?
Well, destroying someone elses PHYSICAL property? That sounds like a dick move to me. R4 cards themselves aren't illegal. they shouldn't be. Piracy isn't the only thing R4 cards are for.

they don't ship with any ROMs on them. The user pirates, not the maker. And R4 cards are defunct now anyway.

I, for instance, have a ROM of Pokemon HeartGold on my flashcard. I went out and bought HG near release, and bought a DS off eBay just to play it.And yet I have it on my flashcard. Did you know that isn't illegal? Are you going to snap my flashcard?

Me: I also use it for all the games I don't own. But I have never pretended to be anything other than a dirty pirate.

Shut up pesky inner psychological trauma, who let you out?
You over look one part of that. "Person I don't like." Now there is a reason I don't like him. He gave me hell for 3 years of my school life and since he passed out and threw up on my friends couch, we all agreed it was good for revenge.

I like you, so no, I am not going to snap your flashcard.



New member
Mar 10, 2009
666Chaos said:
Jack and Calumon said:
Ban the R4! When I found someone I didn't like had it at a party, he got smashed out of his face, so I took it (Yes he brought his DS to a party) and decided to do a magic show with it, wince now person wanted to be sawn in half.

How can they not win, anyway? They are illegally distributing MANY games at a fraction of the price.

Calumon: Wait, can't Nintendo find out where they were importing the chips from?
They were being sued for selling r4 chips which is about as retarded as sueing future shop because they sell black dvds. Both can be used for piracy but both also have perfectly legal and legitimate uses.

Honestly I think nintendo should fuck off with these retarded law suits. They arnt combating piracy they are pissing people off which makes them want to pirate more.
I'm sure the majority of people using R4 chips are using them for perfectly legitimate things right? I honestly don't see how stopping the distribution of R4 chips is going to make people want to pirate more.