No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Nov 24, 2007
Sparrow said:
Funk, I'm fairly certain I love you now.

I completely agree with what you said. Newbies find it hard to grasp the current day servers. I tried to teach my dad how to use Battlefield 2 online. Needless to say, he never really got the hang of it.
So, what, we should tailor everything and anything for the Newbies and give the people who know what they're doing a giant middle finger? Just boil everything down to the lowest common denominator? There's absolutely no reason the game can't have both an easy quick join and a proper server list, and frankly if you never bother trying to learn the complex way (never mind if it isn't even available), you never really learn how to actually use a PC. Trying to figure something hard out isn't bad for you, it's good for you, it forces you to think and understand.
But I digress, there's no reason not to have both, and giving your target audience the metaphorical finger is kind of a bad business strategy.


New member
May 31, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
"The team's focusing on having it very equal on every platform,"...
Hey, I'm all about compromise if it means playing multiplayer on the console version for free in spite of xbox live.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
tehroc said:
If you cant figure out how to use a server browser or sort a list you have no reason even using a computer. If you cant do either of these you are computer illiterate and need to go take classes. You are more likely prone to doing more harm to the computer then good and should go pick up a console controller where you can do no damage.

Why are the editors around here such apologists to these corporations? I understand you wanna play these games before launch but please get off their balls
I don't really have any interest in MW2. I just think that this much fury over this sort of thing is frankly idiotic.

And despite being a PC gamer myself, PC gamer elitism (and refusing to acknowledge that things that come naturally to us are unintuitive to people who are perfectly computer literate otherwise) really gets under my skin ;)


New member
May 6, 2009

That's a pretty good video on why servers wouldn't be a bad thing.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
I rather prefer the server option. Gives options to play on the servers I want, which usually involves a specific community or map rotation or whatnot. The fact they left it out is both arbitary and stupid, it's not justified in any way other that "The console players complained".


New member
May 31, 2009
tehroc said:
If you cant figure out how to use a server browser or sort a list you have no reason even using a computer. If you cant do either of these you are computer illiterate and need to go take classes. You are more likely prone to doing more harm to the computer then good and should go pick up a console controller where you can do no damage.
Its funny...I'll admit, the first time I played a pc game online, there were a few things I wasn't sure of....but figuring out the rules of the gametype I chose proved more difficult than logging into a server...


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I signed last night at about 10. Came on half an hour ago and looked and there's another 30,000 xD

Dipshits, "equal" my arse. Its not like it is an extra effort for them, they did it in CoD 1,2 and 4.

Why should we be held back?


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Chipperz said:
Zac_Dai said:
If you can't use a server browser you probably shouldn't even be using a PC.
And responses like this is why it's very, very hard to feel sorry for PC gamers. I gave up trying when they start trying to tell me that console gaming is a "second-rate experience". Rather have twelve-year old screechers than elitist cunts, myself.

CantFaketheFunk said:
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
This is because you are a PC gamer, and you are accustomed to doing these things. You (and I) are hardwired to do these things, just as we are hardwired to moving with a mouse and keyboard as intuitively as, say, walking.

It's still a pretty massive obstacle when it comes to accessibility.
Seriously. It's all about this. If I'd never played a FPS before, would you expect me to know what ping is? Why is more of it a good thing? Why are you calling me a "noob"? Why is noone helping me? Well, I guess I won't bother with this, I'll go back and not help fund more games.

Also, I've just had a thought - if Console gamers had to put up withthe quagmire of server selection, we'd be told to suck it up and deal with it. Why is it not OK to do it the other way round?
I just got my PC a year ago. It took me one minute to figure out what all the different numbers meant. I just asked a friend. For those who don't know what ping is I have a simple answer. The lower the number the less lag you get I.E. enemies are more likely to be where you see them.


New member
May 16, 2009
Baggie said:
I rather prefer the server option. Gives options to play on the servers I want, which usually involves a specific community or map rotation or whatnot. The fact they left it out is both arbitary and stupid, it's not justified in any way other that "The console players complained".
Couldn't put it better myself.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Chipperz said:
Zac_Dai said:
If you can't use a server browser you probably shouldn't even be using a PC.
And responses like this is why it's very, very hard to feel sorry for PC gamers. I gave up trying when they start trying to tell me that console gaming is a "second-rate experience". Rather have twelve-year old screechers that elitist cunts, myself.

Also, Funk, man... You da Preacha! You tells it like it is!
No Funk tells it like a fanboy wants to hear it.

I'm a console gamer too, even before I played PC games. I don't possess some huge IQ so the fact that I can work out how a server browser works tells me the majority of the gaming population can too.

See with a server browser and player dedicated servers I can choose servers that have admins which kick twelve-year old screechers or even "elitist cunts". Even better than that I can choose servers that run mods or different rule-sets thus hugely extending the life of an online game. I could even form my own gaming community and we can set up our on server so we have somewhere to play with friends and like minded people.

This is called having a choice.

Instead we get a match-making system, which will no doubt suck as badly as every other match-making system ever.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
tehroc said:
If you cant figure out how to use a server browser or sort a list you have no reason even using a computer. If you cant do either of these you are computer illiterate and need to go take classes. You are more likely prone to doing more harm to the computer then good and should go pick up a console controller where you can do no damage.

Why are the editors around here such apologists to these corporations? I understand you wanna play these games before launch but please get off their balls
I don't really have any interest in MW2. I just think that this much fury over this sort of thing is frankly idiotic.

And despite being a PC gamer myself, PC gamer elitism (and refusing to acknowledge that things that come naturally to us are unintuitive to people who are perfectly computer literate otherwise) really gets under my skin ;)
Is it elitism though?

I mean, why shouldn't we have it when we've had it before and it works better?

It's not the end of the world (I signed and I probably won't play online all that much), but if making things equal means a large sect of people are held back unnecessarily then it should be fought.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Hrm, when I first started PC gaming, Is was afraid trying multiplayer would be a complecated mess. I tenitivally click on one of the servers that popped up...

And then I clicked 'join'...

And then I was in the game.

But seriously, that sucks, I know there's a number of clan servers that I enjoy playing on very much that were planning on setting up new servers as soon as MW2 went live. Also a lot of people I liked playing with, *poof* they're gone.

Not to mention that lack of flexibilty in choosing what type of game you want, every game I've played with automatic matchmaking has been a bland, lifeless mess.

I can understand wanting to add a "quick match" functionality, but removing the server lists? What the FF?



Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
Further proof that consoles are a cancer that is destroying gaming.

I like servers because I like to choose where I want to play. I think that's a reasonable thing to want.


New member
Aug 11, 2008
And just throwing it out there, its really not hard to filter the servers to your preferences.

I like to have several servers which i can keep coming back to, and usually play with friends on those servers without any worry about lag or ping issues.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
Time for my $.02
I think this is insane. I am a console gamer, but had a short stint playing that halo 1 demo every high school in america has installed during lunch break in class. Now, that was server-based, yet I had no problem finding a 'NO BANSHEE NO RCKT LNCHR' rooms while playing. I really think if you cant figure out a server browser you should get some computer lessons at your local community college. Its a wonder you don't have a virus-filled machine if you cant join a game and ask someone what ping means and such, or even better, USE GOOGLE. and why are these computer virgins going to pick up MW2? shouldn't they be playing bejeweled if stuff like this makes them ascared? If IW wants to make it user-friendly, make it so the quick-match is default and you must go to a tiny button called 'advanced settings' to play with private servers. that way the inexperienced will get simple matchmaking and those who grew up on player-servers wont lose them. I dnt play PC games, but I can fully understand your loss and always wished we had a private server browser on the consoles.


New member
Oct 12, 2008
WTF tf2 has now a easy choise for casual gamer and they have browser what you prefer.

And I can tell you what is wrong with this how the hell can I have low ping as avarage conection in 1mb, and public server will be far away from my location (quake live has the same and I need 10mb connection to have bellow 100ping and my max speed is 1mb that ISP can give me).


Elite Member
Jan 9, 2009
Glad I'm not a raging COD fan then. I can't keep up a rage long enough to wait for a petition to take effect anyway.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Argh i hate the waiting of that match-making rubbish, sitting in a lobby waiting for people to join is fair enough in l4d but in a game with a 16 player deathmatch is ridiculous. Whats so bad about looking through a list of servers til you find one with the game mode and mpa u want then jumping in? Thats the reason i dont play the red faction guerilla multiplayer.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
TelHybrid said:
Baggie said:
Couldn't put it better myself.
Why thank you.

I'm kind of suprised that people think that matchmaking is the way to go though, from what experiences I've had in matchmaking games you get people who are annoying to play with, bad servers or just a mediochre experience.
If I want a standard TF2 experience with people I don't normally play with, I go to one of the standard Internode, GA or 3FL that has a good map rotation. If I want, oh, say a community of players that I like to play with and a rotation of custom maps, I go a specific server I frequent. So why is me wanting a different experience that I find more enjoyable a bad thing?