No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Dec 17, 2008
See, now THIS is PC gaming news that might be worth complaining about; not fucking delays for PC versions of games.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
If you cant figure out how to use a server browser or sort a list you have no reason even using a computer. If you cant do either of these you are computer illiterate and need to go take classes. You are more likely prone to doing more harm to the computer then good and should go pick up a console controller where you can do no damage.
Just because someone can't use a server browser or a sort list shouldn't be restricted to not using a computer. What about the people who don't play PC games and just use the PC for businesses or E-mail?


New member
Feb 2, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
I know that we PC gamers like to think of ourselves as an exclusive little club of special kids who hold high reign above those console lowlifes, but really? Are people really complaining about a more easily accessible game with modern matchmaking technology?
No, its a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and dedicated servers ain't broke.


New member
May 21, 2008
I can't say I agree with the Cantfakethefunks attitude either, online gaming communities absolutely thrive on things like dedicated servers and mod support. Server browsers offer choice and freedom for people to decide exactly what server they want to play on. I only dip in and out of multiplayer FPS for short stints now and again and barely played CoD4's online at all but I'm seriously considering cancelling my order by the end of the week if there's no positive word on this from IW, I just can't support a move like this.

Call me paranoid but it all stinks of Activision wanting to retain too much control over their product after people have already forked over 50 or so quid for it, with something like this they've stifled the modding community and can easily make (paid for) DLC and map packs mandatory, or near enough.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
grimmtruth said:
Freak out because of no server "browser"? Do you even understand the real issue? Dedicated servers provide something p2p networked games can never provide. Consistent ping.

How about this. Have the match making option...but give us our dedicated servers.

Cantfakethefunk you obviously dont understand the PC community as a whole. Because you do not understand how big a freedom is about to be lost.
One game losing a dedicated server is a blow to PC gamer freedom? I hardly think one game will force all other PC multiplayer games to stop using dedicated multiplayer servers.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
No, using a server browser is not difficult, if you can't work that out, you shouldn't be using a computer, and if you don't know what ping is, you're sitting in front of a PC connected to Google, use your brain and look it up. Sheesh, why is it we must always cater to lowest common denominator just because they can't figure it out or dont have the logic to at least ask stuff? I honestly do not believe you took 20 minutes to explain to your friend how to use the TF2 server browser, or if he did, TF2 is likely to complicated for him.

Server name
Map -self explanatory
Players- again self explainatory
Ping- ok fair enough if you dont know, you dont know, ASK.

What exactly did he find complicated?

We've always had dedicated servers, clan wars, clan servers, playing with friends, custom maps, actually picking the map/players/ping/mods/server you want, admins, mods, and that's because we have the tech to do so, it's always been there taking it away is a step BACKWARDS, if you cant handle the browser then use match making, but don't make every PC gamer suffer because of people who are less intelligent than a brick want to play.

And no, im not seeing this as a PC gamer who cant fathom "WHY ON EARTH DON'T PEOPLE KNOW THIS?" Server browsers are incredibly intuitive and easy to get to grips with, if you are one such people who can't do it, you probablly dont play games enough for you to care anyway, and they are not the people we should be catering to, that is Nintendos demographic, not the PC.

Heck it's running through bloody STEAM of all things, the perfect place for dedicated servers.

Not Gonna Get Me

New member
Feb 27, 2009
For those wondering about what a ping is, games with server browsing should just put a tip in the game "Games with lower pings will run more smoothly and less prone to disconnects" .

There, problem solved.


ESEY on the Kross
Nov 3, 2008
gof22 said:
Just because someone can't use a server browser or a sort list shouldn't be restricted to not using a computer. What about the people who don't play PC games and just use the PC for businesses or E-mail?
Microsoft Excel anyone?

On the topic itself: I think the editorial written my that PC Gamer editor sums it up nicely; I also find the lack of MOD support a possible fatal decision. I wonder how the competitive player community is reacting to that and if Ifinity Ward is secretly planning to charge for that matchmaking service.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
I'm all right with matchmaking, but I prefer to choose what server i'll be playing. Get to know the people on that server and make new friends and have it be a regular place I come to play.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
gof22 said:
If you cant figure out how to use a server browser or sort a list you have no reason even using a computer. If you cant do either of these you are computer illiterate and need to go take classes. You are more likely prone to doing more harm to the computer then good and should go pick up a console controller where you can do no damage.
Just because someone can't use a server browser or a sort list shouldn't be restricted to not using a computer. What about the people who don't play PC games and just use the PC for businesses or E-mail?
Sorting a list is a basic function, if you have trouble with that how are you going to figure out how to use your business software? The point is take a class or pick up a book and educate yourself.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Imagine the l4d match-making system, now imagine the CSS server system.

I think it's pretty unanimous what we thought was less stressfull.

Kind Regards


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Why wouldn't they include dedicated servers as an OPTION?
Matchmaking so far has been mediocre at best, and on average quite shitty. Even if IW does make awesome improvements to it, why not keep open an option that is a big selling point?
Also, the lack of mod support, almost by definition, makes this game at least 50% less fun to play.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
i myself facepalmed when i first heard about this. ive tried the console matchmaking system and i hate it. Infinity Seems to go more and more "screw PC, consoles FTW" even tho COD started as a PC exclusive. in COD4 there were no prestige and not as many patches.

if they dont re-input Dedicated Servers, im seriously doubting buying it.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
Chipperz said:
Zac_Dai said:
If you can't use a server browser you probably shouldn't even be using a PC.
And responses like this is why it's very, very hard to feel sorry for PC gamers. I gave up trying when they start trying to tell me that console gaming is a "second-rate experience". Rather have twelve-year old screechers than elitist cunts, myself.

CantFaketheFunk said:
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
This is because you are a PC gamer, and you are accustomed to doing these things. You (and I) are hardwired to do these things, just as we are hardwired to moving with a mouse and keyboard as intuitively as, say, walking.

It's still a pretty massive obstacle when it comes to accessibility.
Seriously. It's all about this. If I'd never played a FPS before, would you expect me to know what ping is? Why is more of it a good thing? Why are you calling me a "noob"? Why is noone helping me? Well, I guess I won't bother with this, I'll go back and not help fund more games.

Also, I've just had a thought - if Console gamers had to put up withthe quagmire of server selection, we'd be told to suck it up and deal with it. Why is it not OK to do it the other way round?
the only FPS in PC i played was Halo 1

i never understood what a "PING" was or how the hell i was supposed to create a server

i got tired of entering games where there was just one dude in a frikken tank driving outside of the map (it looked funny thought his tank flying trough the top)

but whenever i did managed to play, it felt good!

mind you i always felt i was missing something of the experience, not understanding at all what the hell i was doing.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
In the end, though, this is just sound and fury, signifying nothing. Infinity Ward will probably not be swayed, Modern Warfare 2 will come out as planned, everyone who hemmed and hawed over this will still buy the game (though they'll still complain) and it will sell a hojillion bazillion copies.

Update: Or maybe not []. Quoth the very same Bowler, in response to the controversy: "Definitely made a big wave, and the response will not be ignored. I'll ensure everyone at IW sees the petitions and responses to it."

(Via VG247 [])

Wrong again....

I hope they change this. PC gaming is about our communities not a community that the company will try and create.

I guess 100,000 PC gamers did just get to IW huh Funk?

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
I find all the rage over this to be a bit immature. Yes, it sucks IW changed it to a console multiplayer scheme. It also sucks when Uwe Boll makes a game into a movie and changes things about it.

I myself will still buy MW2 and make my judgments about it when I play it. Not rage over it and refuse to buy it.