No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Wait how lacking in IQ must you be to find a server listing confusing? and since when do the CASUAL GAMER have a PC rig strong enough to play this kind of game on PC? WTF people. If your not bright enough to look through a server list and please stick with flash-games and consoles.

Had they actually fixed the lag problems u get from peer-to-peer matching on PC i'd be less pissed about this debacle. Case and point, go play Dawn of War II that has a matchmaking system, and i'm stuck playing laggy games 35-45% of the time.

PC's are also all spec'd out differently so you might run into a guy with an AWESOME connection but has no resources on his computer to run the game, you still end up playing a slide-show rather than a game. Why has no one realized that Consoles all require a broadband connection and are spec'd out EXACTLY THE SAME.

"If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT!"

I've canceled my PC pre-order and have no inclination to buy the game now. So its all i can do to show my support to the cause.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
So on PC gaming you can actually choose what map to play and just play with your friends on ranked matches? That would make it so easy to level up wank quick.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Freak out because of no server "browser"? Do you even understand the real issue? Dedicated servers provide something p2p networked games can never provide. Consistent ping.

How about this. Have the match making option...but give us our dedicated servers.

Cantfakethefunk you obviously dont understand the PC community as a whole. Because you do not understand how big a freedom is about to be lost.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
very disappointed by the author's attitude.

This is a big deal to some people, people actually interested in the game, genre and platform..unlike you it seems. Why do you need to insult them simply because you don't share their frustration?

Forced Matchmaking is a definite deal breaker for me.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
the attitude i've gotten from all the writers reporting on this is that it's only another case of "nerd-rage" and "Self-entitlement Complex" which really pisses me off to no end. And here is another case of that. Thanks Funk for confirming that just cause PC is not only 15-25% of the market, we no longer matter because all console conventions must be adhere to because they make so much more money for you guys.

I'm going back to my MMO's and RTS's, screw this crap, at least PC still has those genres left.


New member
May 31, 2009
Don't try fixing something that isn't broken. This "new" system doesn't fix anything.

I want to choose where I want to play, and with who, not letting some nutjob at Activision/IW do it for me.

It might work in games like L4D with such a small amount of players in each game, but even there it's mindnumbingly stupid and clunky when you compare it to TF2 where you have control over where and who you play with.

Not that I'm buying MW2. The first game was just a crap railshooter anyway.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
No Server Browser for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out

Infinity Ward's decision to remove a traditional dedicated server browser from Modern Warfare 2 has PC gaming fanatics going completely berserk.

In the end, though, this is just sound and fury, signifying nothing. Infinity Ward will probably not be swayed, Modern Warfare 2 will come out as planned, everyone who hemmed and hawed over this will still buy the game (though they'll still complain) and it will sell a hojillion bazillion copies.

will they really? what a moron. and sometimes people wonder why piracy is big. it's because of shit like this. i encourage everyone to pirate the game as a big fuck you to IW.

i will.

The Bandit

New member
Feb 5, 2008
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
Compared to hitting "find a match," pretty freaking hard. What the hell is ping?


New member
Dec 15, 2008
This is actually enough for me to skip buying the game for my computer. I won't even bother. Both are 2 really big nails in the coffin for the reasons I play FPSs. I like choosing my matches, I have friends that run dedicated server for other game etc.

In short it feels like they were too lazy to do a true port for PC and instead decided to keep everything at console level.

a: "We are loose money what can we do to cut costs"
b: "I know lets chop out features from the PC version so we can push to market sooner"
a: "Good idea but what do we chop"
b: "Everything that is different from a console version, we make more money from each console version sold anyways"

A hybrid system really would be the way to go with the server selection.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
DTWolfwood said:
the attitude i've gotten from all the writers reporting on this is that it's only another case of "nerd-rage" and "Self-entitlement Complex" which really pisses me off to no end. And here is another case of that. Thanks Funk for confirming that just cause PC is not only 15-25% of the market, we no longer matter because all console conventions must be adhere to because they make so much more money for you guys.

I'm going back to my MMO's and RTS's, screw this crap, at least PC still has those genres left.
Yes. The MMO writer for this site sure doesn't think PC gaming matters. :p

My frustration stems from the fact that nobody seems prepared to give them a chance. It's a kneejerk "RABBLE RABBLE IT ISN'T WHAT WE'RE USED TO RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE," and smacks of just being forced out of one's comfort zone. Like I said in the original post - are all FPS games from now until the end of time going to HAVE to have dedicated servers? If IW thinks that it has created a better alternative with its own proprietary system, why fly off the handle before you - or indeed anyone outside the company - knows about it?

I'm not saying that they HAVE perfected a model that outstrips dedicated servers, but sooner or later, someone will. And this outrage at someone trying to change things - with a hugely anticipated title no less - means that fewer people will have the incentive to try. I think it's ultimately more damaging to the PC gaming industry, which is already one of the least accessible in the entire space.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
heh i half expect the browser function to be sold as dlc now. Jk btw dont take this post seriously.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
How is pressing on what game you want to join difficult?

You gain that skill turning the damn computer on.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
couldn't one argue that Infinity Ward is simply trying to make one larger community?
Yes, one that is completely under IW's control, and one that allows them to stifle any dissent or content they don't approve or want you to pay for. And before you ask me why I'm not complaining about, everything shown so far indicates that Starcraft 2 won't be abandoning the browser.

I won't say that matchmaking is any better or worse than server browsing, but I DO know that I don't want to stare at a "finding optimal game" screen for an hours and then get dropped 5 minutes in after the host ragequits. I don't want to stare at a screen for eons only to find out that no one likes playing this mode or that mode. At least with a server browser and filters, I can tell what people are and are not playing BEFORE JOINING.

Besides, is it really THAT hard to implement some form of BOTH into the same game? Lost Planet 2's co-op demo used a "host browser" and was much more accessible (to me) for it. It even allowed me to see the location of the host, which is great if you want to play with players from your country (or someone else's, if you like to hear obscenities in a foreign language).

Advocating that matchmaking is "simply better" is the same as stating that console-users are too stupid to be allowed to make decisions on what games they want to join.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
how anyone can criticise servers browsers amazes me.

cod4 server browser works perfectly well, christ even games as old has mohaa had decent server browsers.

this post by cantfakethefunk smells like its wrote by someone who prefers his console over his pc. dedicated servers will always be better than match making, and saying match making is better technology than a dedicated server.... LOL? has someone hit you on the head?

only point i agree with is that yes, nothing will most likely be done about it.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
I actually love the simple systems that console games use. Selecting a server in PC games is a goddamn CHORE at times.

TF2 is a great game, but the server finder thingamabob drags it down considerably.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
The Bandit said:
Compared to hitting "find a match," pretty freaking hard. What the hell is ping?
A high "ping" means the server has a worse connection with you, so it helps if you set your filter options to find games with a "ping" under 100.

For instance, if you have a ping of 1 to 5, you're seeing everything as it's happening, most likely not even a millisecond of delay between you and the server.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
So Pc gamers have to sit throught the horrors of matchmaking because IW are lazy?
This isn't going to work...

... I'm not sitting through ten minutes of 'searching' before the game puts me on a game in California with 450ping (based on experience with CoD4's matchmaking).

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
icehot said:
how anyone can criticise servers browsers amazes me.

cod4 server browser works perfectly well, christ even games as old has mohaa had decent server browsers.

this post by cantfakethefunk smells like its wrote by someone who prefers his console over his pc. dedicated servers will always be better than match making, and saying match making is better technology than a dedicated server.... LOL? has someone hit you on the head?

only point i agree with is that yes, nothing will most likely be done about it.
I'm going to quote here what I said above.

CantFaketheFunk said:
Yes. The MMO writer for this site sure doesn't think PC gaming matters. :p

My frustration stems from the fact that nobody seems prepared to give them a chance. It's a kneejerk "RABBLE RABBLE IT ISN'T WHAT WE'RE USED TO RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE," and smacks of just being forced out of one's comfort zone. Like I said in the original post - are all FPS games from now until the end of time going to HAVE to have dedicated servers? If IW thinks that it has created a better alternative with its own proprietary system, why fly off the handle before you - or indeed anyone outside the company - knows about it?

I'm not saying that they HAVE perfected a model that outstrips dedicated servers, but sooner or later, someone will. And this outrage at someone trying to change things - with a hugely anticipated title no less - means that fewer people will have the incentive to try. I think it's ultimately more damaging to the PC gaming industry, which is already one of the least accessible in the entire space.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out

Infinity Ward's decision to remove a traditional dedicated server browser from Modern Warfare 2 has PC gaming fanatics going completely berserk.
actually Funk you're missing something even more important than the server browser, it's the lack of a dedicated server for the PC

this is what i think the fans are up in arms about, is the lack of a dedicated server, not just the browser and frankly will totally kill the game on the PC for a lot of people