No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Sep 22, 2009
kibayasu said:
philzibit said:
Hey, wouldn't it be FUCKING hilarious if this actually worked really well and everyone loved it and it taught people to wait for shit to come out before they get all butt hurt about it.
It would.

What's that? We already know matchmaking is shit? Fancy that.
Couldn't have said it better myself. 99% of the PC game attempts to include matchmaking have failed miserably. Left 4 Dead had an okay system (still below the level of a dedicated server), but that's owed heavily to the fact that Left 4 Dead only has a maximum of 8 players running around, rather than 16+. Yet, even with the lower player count, Left 4 Dead often still had lag.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
take the freakin mouse out of your hand, get with todays age and put funkin xbox controller in your hand,stop complaining and just go buy a console


New member
Jul 18, 2008
lovevivalabam said:
take the freakin mouse out of your hand, get with todays age and put funkin xbox controller in your hand,stop complaining and just go buy a console
we dont want a console system or setup...that's why we choose to play on pc...because it is not and should not be a console experience

edit: and welcome to the forums


New member
Oct 26, 2009
thank you and why not why dont you guys want console so many more people play them than a pc i think the only good reason to play pc is that they get some crazy good games that dont come out to the consoles and level creator for call of duty


New member
Sep 22, 2009
lovevivalabam said:
thank you and why not why dont you guys want console so many more people play them than a pc i think the only good reason to play pc is that they get some crazy good games that dont come out to the consoles and level creator for call of duty
PC Gaming

- Higher resolutions and framerates
- Aiming with a mouse is more accurate than with a joystick.
- Generally a far more mature and respectful gaming community than any of the console services.
- Dedicated servers will always outclass the unpredictable matchmaking we see in console shooters (No lag, reliable, customizable, higher player count).
- Modifications for added replay value.
- Long time mantra of PC gamers is quality > quantity.

- First time purchase of a gaming PC can edge on the expensive side.
- Less "trendy" than console gaming.
- Depending on the player, PC gaming can be more complex than consoles.
- No plug-and-play.

Console Gaming

- Trendy and excellent for casual parties.
- Has a fair deal of console exclusives.
- Plug-And-Play design
- Generally geared to the casual gamer.
- 100% certainty the game will run on your system.

- Cost of upgrading to a new console is very expensive.
- Matchmaking is often very unreliable and filled with lag.
- Customization is limited.
- Lack of fully developed online gaming communities.
- Maximum player count is severely lowered.
- Network is often more unreliable than PC (if Xbox Live goes down, there is no chance you'll be online til it's back up).
- Less accurate aiming in most games.
- RTS flat out doesn't work on a console.

I'm sure I missed a few aspects on both sides, but that's a decent illustration of the differences. What it really comes down to is the experience you're looking for. I'm personally a big fan of PC gaming, and I also enjoy playing on my Xbox 360 during parties or when I have friends over. In this particular case, Infinity Ward/Activision is taking one of the cons of console gaming and attempting to implement it on the PC. It has been proven time and time again that matchmaking simply isn't a reliable or desirable online service for PC gaming.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
luckshot said:
ph3onix said:
Danny Ocean said:
Snipety snip
Qft Mr. Ocean, Qft.
my thoughts exactly
in my experience

scroll through a list PICK WHAT I WANT, join server, play
various menus, wait for computer to find other players --about 50% of the time this step needs to be repeated--, wait for it to show what map we can play, vote on map -with the possibility of another bad map-, wait for map to load, play...assuming it isn't a huge lag fest and the player that is acting as the host doesnt leave

truth and win


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
JeanLuc761 said:
Left 4 Dead had an okay system (still below the level of a dedicated server), but that's owed heavily to the fact that Left 4 Dead only has a maximum of 8 players running around, rather than 16+. Yet, even with the lower player count, Left 4 Dead often still had lag.
L4D has dedicated servers.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
D4zZ said:
L4D has dedicated servers.
My fault, must have been a bad connection on my end then. Damn wireless!

Actually, come to think of it, Left 4 Dead ran like a dream on a wired FIOS connection, no matter what game I joined...I feel a tad foolish now.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
philzibit said:
Hey, wouldn't it be FUCKING hilarious if this actually worked really well and everyone loved it and it taught people to wait for shit to come out before they get all butt hurt about it.
But than my faith in humanity may be slightly restored and I can't have that.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Jandau said:
Shouldn't you be asking for those features in your own console games? Shouldn't console gamers be demanding better treatment and access to such features? And can you in any way deny that you're just being an arse when expressing joy at someone else's misery? I would love to see console gamers get the option to set up dedicated servers. I wouldn't feel bad if they got dedicated server support for all their games. Heck, I'd be happy since it would be a good thing for all gamers. And yet, you squal with joy whenever PC gamers get screwed over. Must be mouse envy...
We have been, for several years and they give us nothing.
IW was blaming the game engine, saying it can't use them. They also said the engine would not allow for in game host migration, which they've now added. So they've either made a new engine or were lying from the start.
The point is, the majority of PC gamers act like they're better than console gamers. It's nice to see you guys getting knocked down to the console gamers' level. Deal with it, we have been for years.

You'll also notice, I removed the part of your quote with the foul language, you have been reported. Have a nice day.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
DemonI81 said:
You'll also notice, I removed the part of your quote with the foul language, you have been reported. Have a nice day.
Swearing isn't report worthy, unless it is aimed at someone. I also fail to see his language as foul.
It's nice to see you guys getting knocked down to the console gamers' level.
Why is that nice? It means somewhere, even if it isn't on your precious format, gaming quality has been knocked down for the sake of profit. I don't see how this move benefits any gamers in the long run.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
DemonI81 said:
The point is, the majority of PC gamers act like they're better than console gamers. It's nice to see you guys getting knocked down to the console gamers' level. Deal with it, we have been for years.
So we deserve to be punished because console consumers sat back and took the decline in quality without demanding improvement? I fail to see the logic here.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
JeanLuc761 said:
DemonI81 said:
The point is, the majority of PC gamers act like they're better than console gamers. It's nice to see you guys getting knocked down to the console gamers' level. Deal with it, we have been for years.
So we deserve to be punished because console consumers sat back and took the decline in quality without demanding improvement? I fail to see the logic here.
Except that you deserve it for all of you being hypocritical pricks in this thread. I dunno how many times I'd be able to count the amount of people saying "Console players should be siding with us! In other news, WE'RE FAR BETTAR THAN CONSOLE PLAYERS HARHARHAR!"

The point being, if you want us to actually side with you, you should stop being ignorant elitist hypocrits.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
No_Remainders said:
Except that you deserve it for all of you being hypocritical pricks in this thread. I dunno how many times I'd be able to count the amount of people saying "Console players should be siding with us! In other news, WE'RE FAR BETTAR THAN CONSOLE PLAYERS HARHARHAR!"
I fail to understand how you're getting "We're superior!" out of "We'd like your help to improve the gaming experience." If they're screwing us, the hardcore fanbase, over you can bet your ass they'll have no issue screwing over console gamers more if it suits their purpose.

The point being, if you want us to actually side with you, you should stop being ignorant elitist hypocrits.
Your side is just as bad if not worse; DemonI81 blatantly admitted that he thinks console gaming is the inferior experience, and simultaneously bashes the people who enjoy PC gaming more. Everyone has their own opinion and preferred experience, and to suggest that one side deserves punishment and to be "brought down to the console gamers' level" simply for the reason they prefer a certain platform (and demand quality from said platform) is bogus.
Also, if you scroll up a few posts or so, you'll see I illustrated the advantages to each platform. This isn't necessarily about PC gaming being better, it's about a jackass move from Infinity Ward/Activision to remove a staple of PC gaming.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
JeanLuc761 said:
Right, you say that "Everyone has their own opinion", except for the fact that if I was to scroll back through the thread, I'd find so many PC elitist pricks saying "Fuck you, console players *insert rant making them look like massive twat here* blah, blah, blah, etc."

I never said that you deserve it because you prefer a certain platform, I said you deserve it for the fact that there are probably 1 out of every, I dunno, 1000 or so PC players that understand how "opinions" work.

I'm not saying that EVERY console gamer is better than PC gamers. It's just that PC gamers are all elitist graphics whores who will be spoonfed practically anything as long as it has a server list and nice graphics.

Being frank, I prefer PC gaming, but I keep to the strict rule of only ever playing old games (Half-Life, Halo: Combat Evolved, Age of Mythology, etc, etc, etc)

Oh, by the way, I hate the way the PC players continuously go back to the aiming debate. Ok, maybe you do play better with a keyboard and mouse. I'll still take a controller on sensitivity 8 (9 sometimes) any day.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
No_Remainders said:
I'm not saying that EVERY console gamer is better than PC gamers. It's just that PC gamers are all elitist graphics whores who will be spoonfed practically anything as long as it has a server list and nice graphics.
You tell me that 1 out of every 1000 PC gamers understand how opinions work...and then you present your own opinion as a fact? I'm sorry, but that seriously undermines your credibility.

For the record, I firmly believe that PC gamers do have a high percentage of elitists, but this isn't always a bad thing. For example, being elitist about your platform means that you will continually demand the highest quality possible from your games. The only time elitism becomes a problem is when you ignore the opinions of others and start presenting your own opinions as fact.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
DemonI81 said:
Jandau said:
Shouldn't you be asking for those features in your own console games? Shouldn't console gamers be demanding better treatment and access to such features? And can you in any way deny that you're just being an arse when expressing joy at someone else's misery? I would love to see console gamers get the option to set up dedicated servers. I wouldn't feel bad if they got dedicated server support for all their games. Heck, I'd be happy since it would be a good thing for all gamers. And yet, you squal with joy whenever PC gamers get screwed over. Must be mouse envy...
We have been, for several years and they give us nothing.
IW was blaming the game engine, saying it can't use them. They also said the engine would not allow for in game host migration, which they've now added. So they've either made a new engine or were lying from the start.
The point is, the majority of PC gamers act like they're better than console gamers. It's nice to see you guys getting knocked down to the console gamers' level. Deal with it, we have been for years.

You'll also notice, I removed the part of your quote with the foul language, you have been reported. Have a nice day.
First of all, "douchebag" is hardly foul language and wasn't directed straight at you (if you felt included in it, that's your problem), so I doubt I'll get into too much trouble...

Second, you're saying IW have been lying to your and screwing you over, and now you're mad at PC gamers? Right, that makes perfect sense.

And thrid, thank you for confirming what I posted before. You are taking pleasure in someone else's problems and that's petty at the very least. Also, you seem to suffer from some strange form of persecution complex in which you seem to think all PC gamers get together regularly and discuss the best ways to discriminate against console gamers. Perhaps you should get some counseling for that...

Enai Siaion

New member
Aug 19, 2009
This is all way off topic.

The reason they're doing this is to make doubly sure that nobody could find a loophole to allow mods in the game, because they want to sell DLC.

Also, by not allowing people to find good servers and form communities around those, they are taking away the aspect of playing with other people you know, breaking up clans and turning the whole thing into an individual grind to get kills. Which, of course, is easier with the optional DLC heat seeking rockets. That'll be $10, please.

And if people quit because the matchmaking system doesn't allow them to have a reliable, stable multiplayer experience (or any at all - meaning you don't sit and 'wait for players' forever), then IW wins again, because they already have the money and the DLC money and now the players are off the server and on the market for the next title.