No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Dreyfuss said:
No_Remainders said:
The only reason being that no matter what anyone says, the hardcore PC gamers are all elitist cunts who think console players are below them, so you can't really blame console players for not feeling sympathetic towards you not having dedis.
First of all, elitist isn't an insult. You have to be elite to be elitist, and it's called having standards. If having standards were wrong, we would still be living in caves.

Secondly, you're basing your opinion on the people presenting the case, and not the case itself, which invalidates anything you have to say. I think the average console gamer is short-sighted, immature, unreasonable, overzealous, quick to judge on faulty pretenses, willfully ignorant, violently loyal without just cause, and cannot survive off the bandwagon. That doesn't mean any point a console user makes is invalid, just the fallacious ones. Just like some black sheep among PC users fallaciously defend their platform with reasoning like superior graphics or more expensive equals better. Some console users actually have good reasons to have a console. I have a Wii, PS3, DS, and PSP myself, along with nearly every successful console all the way back to the Atari 2600, and they have their advantages, but I still think the PC is superior, partly because of that "elitist" mentality. PC gamers put quality before convenience. They don't take crap, and that includes crappy elements in their community. Of course PC elitists don't respect you, it's because this is how you react. Your reaction to being disrespected is why you continue to be disrespected. If you can't understand why that is, then we don't want you playing with us, and I for one am very happy that the servers I play on have the right to ban people we feel brings down our experience. Matchmaking doesn't allow that sort of selectiveness, so I don't see myself playing any game that uses it exclusively for any significant amount of time.
That was beautiful.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
slopeslider said:
No_Remainders said:
Rutawitz said:
Sib said:
No_Remainders said:
The only reason being that no matter what anyone says, the hardcore PC gamers are all elitist cunts who think console players are below them, so you can't really blame console players for not feeling sympathetic towards you not having dedis.
Someone is butthurt.
i agree with no remainders. pc gamers are full of themselves even tho joining an online match on consoles is about 99% easier and about 95% effective
I wasn't even talking just about joining matches. I was more thinking that they actually think we care that they have slightly better graphics than us, the whole thing about controller VS keyboard/mouse, etc.

I'd actually like to make a point before any of you PC elitists decide to start quoting me on the whole controller v keyboard mouse thing. First of all, I hate the ones who say "It's a proven fact blah blah blah I may as well put on a dunce hat and sit in the corner now...", how can you prove that a controller isn't as good as a keyboard and mouse exactly? You can't prove it in any way.

If you say getting the best player with a keyboard and mouse and the best player with a controller and making them play together proves that whoever wins makes that the "better" gaming device, you really should be slapped several times across the back of the head, might knock some sense in to you.

The point is, something can only be proven if it happens 100% of the time. Example: gravity exists constantly on earth, therefore it is proven to exist (bad example, I know, but shut up).

The point being that there will always be people who will beat other people whether they're using a controller or a keyboard & mouse.

Oh, and before anyone is enough of a generalising idiot to say anything about auto-aim, on any FPS I turn it off because it's not useful. Some people like it, frankly, I think it's irritating because I like to be able to turn the entire way around without my crosshairs slowing on every enemy along the way.
close the IE window. take you mouse and put it at the start icon. Then quickly move it to the recycle bin. then open back up the IE window and then immediately minimize it. Now imagine doing it THAT fast with a control stick. If you make it too slow, you'll have control but it goes too slow. If you make it fast, you'll overshoot everything.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you just decided to be a complete retard. I don't think I ever said that controllers are good for operating systems... No, actually, I definitely didn't.

C- for attempt.

EDIT: Oh, and anyone who uses IE deserves to be slapped


New member
Sep 11, 2009
1(FN)Vendetta said:
"CHA-CHING" of the console gamers cashing in like the good little lemmings they are
The exact reason it's IMPOSSIBLE to sympathise with all of you.

See, you went on about how we should be siding with you, and you're not all elitist and ignorant etc. If you're gonna turn around and say that like the elitist jackass you are, you can't possibly expect us to side with you in any way.

Crunchy English

Victim of a Savage Neck-bearding
Aug 20, 2008
I just read through 11 pages of the most disgusting flaming (and poorest debate strategies) I've ever seen.

Let's recap shall we?

PC Gamers - You want a specific technology in your version of the game. IW decided not to do it. Infinity Ward, some of the most successful game developers ever and people whose only job is to create the best possible game for all of us. Oh, but they didn't listen to YOU. Right. I'm sure that was a mistake.

Console Gamers - Why are you here? Your game was always going to use matchmaking and you're completely unaffected by this. Eyes front, stop rubber necking at the train wreck that is the PC Gamer's impotent rage. You're making console gamers look like smug pricks.

Not that anyone is going to read this far without getting fed up with all of you. But I did, so I felt compelled to write something angry and unhelpful.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
No_Remainders said:
slopeslider said:
No_Remainders said:
Rutawitz said:
Sib said:
No_Remainders said:
Someone is butthurt.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you just decided to be a complete retard. I don't think I ever said that controllers are good for operating systems... No, actually, I definitely didn't.

C- for attempt.
'Scuse me but I have this awkward feeling he was implying the idea of aim rather than, well handling an OS. He's right in that point as well, mice are really better for aiming, (having played COD extensively on PC and 360) more precision, more movements are possible.

Pendragon9 said:
slopeslider said:
snip snip snip
You try playing a game like Armored Core or Demon's Souls on a computer. Not everything can be hot keyed.

You have to have a firm grip on something. And pardon me, but I just can't see a keyboard replacing controllers.

If you think I'm wrong for liking a controller, that makes you an elitist. No arguments about it.
Uh, hate to break it to you but we're discussing a first person shooter, not sure if you've picked that up looking at your comment. We're not suggesting they replace controllers either, we simply suggest they're better for FPSs, RTSs and things requiring (a lot of) precision.

Oh and how the hell does thinking you're wrong for liking a controller (which I don't tbh I just think you're wrong because of your ridiculous reasoning) make anyone an elitist? I really would like to hear your argument on that.


New member
Oct 9, 2007
Rutawitz said:
Sib said:
No_Remainders said:
The only reason being that no matter what anyone says, the hardcore PC gamers are all elitist cunts who think console players are below them, so you can't really blame console players for not feeling sympathetic towards you not having dedis.
Someone is butthurt.
i agree with no remainders. pc gamers are full of themselves even tho joining an online match on consoles is about 99% easier and about 95% effective
And 100% less fun.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
No_Remainders said:
slopeslider said:
No_Remainders said:
Rutawitz said:
Sib said:
No_Remainders said:
The only reason being that no matter what anyone says, the hardcore PC gamers are all elitist cunts who think console players are below them, so you can't really blame console players for not feeling sympathetic towards you not having dedis.
Someone is butthurt.
i agree with no remainders. pc gamers are full of themselves even tho joining an online match on consoles is about 99% easier and about 95% effective
I wasn't even talking just about joining matches. I was more thinking that they actually think we care that they have slightly better graphics than us, the whole thing about controller VS keyboard/mouse, etc.

I'd actually like to make a point before any of you PC elitists decide to start quoting me on the whole controller v keyboard mouse thing. First of all, I hate the ones who say "It's a proven fact blah blah blah I may as well put on a dunce hat and sit in the corner now...", how can you prove that a controller isn't as good as a keyboard and mouse exactly? You can't prove it in any way.

If you say getting the best player with a keyboard and mouse and the best player with a controller and making them play together proves that whoever wins makes that the "better" gaming device, you really should be slapped several times across the back of the head, might knock some sense in to you.

The point is, something can only be proven if it happens 100% of the time. Example: gravity exists constantly on earth, therefore it is proven to exist (bad example, I know, but shut up).

The point being that there will always be people who will beat other people whether they're using a controller or a keyboard & mouse.

Oh, and before anyone is enough of a generalising idiot to say anything about auto-aim, on any FPS I turn it off because it's not useful. Some people like it, frankly, I think it's irritating because I like to be able to turn the entire way around without my crosshairs slowing on every enemy along the way.
close the IE window. take you mouse and put it at the start icon. Then quickly move it to the recycle bin. then open back up the IE window and then immediately minimize it. Now imagine doing it THAT fast with a control stick. If you make it too slow, you'll have control but it goes too slow. If you make it fast, you'll overshoot everything.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you just decided to be a complete retard. I don't think I ever said that controllers are good for operating systems... No, actually, I definitely didn't.

C- for attempt.

EDIT: Oh, and anyone who uses IE deserves to be slapped
We're talking about FPS's here. are you saying Pure FPS's control best with controllers? They were developed on computers. And I play xbox 360, ps2, wii, ds but not PC, so no I'm not elitist and I dont think mouse+keyboard trumps all but for fps mouse is king. You guys sure get mad pretty easily.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
The writer has obviously never played a game enough to be part of a community. Removing dedicated servers will severely hurt clan experience. I buy the game for the game and stay for the people.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
They only real thing i have to comment on is the battlefield ************ on twitter, not because he said anything bad, but he said something on twitter.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Lowbreed said:
'Scuse me but I have this awkward feeling he was implying the idea of aim rather than, well handling an OS. He's right in that point as well, mice are really better for aiming, (having played COD extensively on PC and 360) more precision, more movements are possible.
slopeslider said:
We're talking about FPS's here. are you saying Pure FPS's control best with controllers? They were developed on computers. And I play xbox 360, ps2, wii, ds but not PC, so no I'm not elitist and I dont think mouse+keyboard trumps all but for fps mouse is king. You guys sure get mad pretty easily.
Having played CoD since the original, and having always been a fan of the series, I play much better with a controller. You can't say mouse is king for FPS, considering that which one someone plays with is dependant on that person.

The keyboard+mouse/controller argument will always go on no matter what happens. I think mouse is fine, but I find controllers more fluid, and in the majority of cases, much more immersive.

Considering I can beat most of my friends who aren't actually bad at call of duty when I'm using a controller and they're using a keyboard&mouse, I have to say that my aim is pretty good with it.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
With so many pages this will be lost but these words caught my eye:
What happens when genuinely better tech comes along?
Simply put: Raise your hand if you think a automatic joining system you have no control over is better then a system which you can select your own servers?

I've ranted on the technological limitations of the system begin pushed elsewhere so I won't again. I will just say, from experience: The system being pushed here is NOT better then the old system.

Should we get rid of a system that is better then the one we are replacing it with, simply because the new system is... well new?

PS: If this means I can not enjoy a multilayer experience then I will not purchase the game. Single player modes are NOT good enough any more. Maybe cause all that graphical and physical coding consumes the projects time to the point game length, and in times playability, now comes secondary but the effect is the same. Single player alone, for a FPS, is not enough to get me to purchase a game.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
No_Remainders said:
1(FN)Vendetta said:
"CHA-CHING" of the console gamers cashing in like the good little lemmings they are
The exact reason it's IMPOSSIBLE to sympathise with all of you.

See, you went on about how we should be siding with you, and you're not all elitist and ignorant etc. If you're gonna turn around and say that like the elitist jackass you are, you can't possibly expect us to side with you in any way.
I think I can pretty much say with little doubt that most PC gamers could care less if you sympathise with us or not. Your sympathy is not going to give us back or Dedicated servers or going to change IW's mind.

The majority of console gamers have no clue or experince with PC gaming and they have never taken the time to learn. How ever in contrast, most PC gamers got started on consoles before "upgrading" (a statment which im sure you will take offense to).

So when a console gamer jumps on a PC thread about PC issues, its not that we "view" our selves as "elitist cunts" or any other thing. Its about a person with no practical experiance telling us "there way is better" with out ever really seeing the other side of the bridge.

That, in its most basic form, happens to be more elitist then anything a PC gamers has said in defense of our 'ideals'.

If you dont agree with what PC gamers think. Theres no reason to get involved unless your under the opinion that your "better" then us. Or that your such a IW fan boy that feel the need to defend there decision even if it has no effect on your 'console' world.

Either way, your either the very thing you seem to call out in us (elitist), Or you just a really sad individual.

Back to the point though... Seems PC gamers are just as much of a consumer whore as "most" (notice i used quotes... you can't denie the madden syndrome) Console gamers. I have been watching MW2 slowy move up the Steam top sellers page (3rd only behind L4d2 and borderlands at the time of this post). Granted its not Number one like it would have been if this whole mess never happened. But it still means people are buying the damn gamn. Activision will learn nothing if PC sales turn a profit.

Don't sell out.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Frankly this sux, and yes I signed the petition.

a.) I had an Xbox360 awhile ago and ended up selling it because any game I wanted I could get for my PC and use an Xbox360 controller w/PC, and generally I personally would prefer to play FPS's with a keyboard and mouse.

b.) What is so confusing about dedicated servers? I can't remember when I started using them, but I also don't remember crying in a cold shower because it was too much to handle. I'm not some elitist, but if you don't know what something is there is this modern tool named Google. It makes learning anything very very easy all you have to do is punch in your question, and it gives you tons of answers. The only thing I would imagine somebody wouldn't know is ping - not a hard concept, it's basically a measure of your connection to the server, lower ping = less lag. What else is complicated? 20 minutes is way too long to teach somebody how to use a server list, 5 max.

c.) The only deciding factor for me when purchasing a game is "can I play it online?" And while I can play this online it greatly deteriorates the experience. The console players are calling the PC gamers babies because they never had the choice or convenience in the first place.

Why are console gamers even chiming in on this one it doesn't affect them what so ever. Why would you even care if "PC Gamers" cry about this until they are blue in the face? Even if Infinity Ward says yeah we were wrong, and they give the PC version dedicated servers nothing has changed for the console players. So why all the animosity? If you decide there is something that you want why don't form a campaign to get it instead of calling me a jerk or elitist for wanting something. I don't care if you want to play on a console w/a controller it doesn't affect my gaming experience one bit, what does affect me is developer decisions.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Lowbreed said:
Oh and how the hell does thinking you're wrong for liking a controller (which I don't tbh I just think you're wrong because of your ridiculous reasoning) make anyone an elitist? I really would like to hear your argument on that.
It's quite simple actually. I like a controller with some of my games. You can disagree of course and say you like keyboards as your primary gaming input. That's fine.

The problem is when you see controllers as a plague upon gaming and mark me as a half witted console retard because I like them. THAT makes you an elitist. Or, since that word is getting old, a jerk. It's wrong for you to tell me I'm wrong for my choice of controllers. Because you can't tell me one is better than the other. All the statistics or polls in the world can't make one better than the other. But by saying I'm wrong for liking it, you somehow assume your opinion should be regarded higher than mine and that I shouldn't be given an opinion period. (note that I know you didn't say this directly. I'm only using an example)

And yes, I know. Not all PC gamers act this way. It's just some of you. But the problem isn't nonexistant.

Do you get where I'm coming from?

And before any of you say anything, I do play on the PC (Starcraft, to be exact), and I happen to know exactly what you're talking about when it comes to dedicated servers. It really does help out when it comes to making matches. So don't spit upon me like you do upon most console players.


New member
Aug 15, 2009
Herp derp PC gamers are elitists? Not like the ALL the games on a console were made there...

Either way, I'm not buying it... I used to have a server box on my 2MBp/s connection for halo 1, 2MB was Big at the time; It's 20MB now!

If you can't have dedi servers it's mo mmoooo moomo mo m most li i i i ik ke eke kely yo oou'l en en en end up up u u up on o on a a a laggy co nn ecece cecction a aa a aaaanyww aw waway.

Triple G

New member
Sep 12, 2008
Some author seems not to get the point here. we are not against new stuff, we are against stuff that sucks. If you have p2p matchmaking with no custom rules on the server, than that sucks. But if someone invented something new and interesting, instead of trying to make us PC-gamers equal to console tards, that's too much.