No Dubstep in gaming


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I think it's hard to even define Dubstep. If you listen to 'The sound of Dubstep' you'll notice that the genre Dubstep is not necessary just that one effect. Real Dubstep can surprisingly calm music - and what most people understand as dubstep is more like hardcore or house with a 'wub wub' effect mixed in. I know electro that sounds way more "wubish" than other stuff that calls itself Dubstep.

The music in a game should be fitting and support the game idea, so theoretically everything could be used (if fitting). There are enough variation in Dubstep to make it usable in games - Dubstep without extreme 'wub wub' that is.
Dec 14, 2009
JesterRaiin said:
Daystar Clarion said:
But then again, this site is predominately populated by 'metal heads' who think shouting into a microphone and thrashing on a guitar for 8 minutes straight is the pinnacle of musical achievement.

It isn't.
Please expand your statement.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a great metal track as much as the next guy, but the genre is just as stale and just as full of crap as any other genre.

You'd be hard pressed to find a genre of music I haven't heard at least one decent song from.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
JesterRaiin said:
Daystar Clarion said:
But then again, this site is predominately populated by 'metal heads' who think shouting into a microphone and thrashing on a guitar for 8 minutes straight is the pinnacle of musical achievement.

It isn't.
Please expand your statement.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a great metal track as much as the next guy, but the genre is just as stale and just as full of crap as any other genre.
I'm not interested in what you enjoy.
I'm curious about your overall impression of local heavy metal fans you called contemptuously "metal heads".

Daystar Clarion said:
You'd be hard pressed to find a genre of music I haven't heard at least one decent song from.
Teh Internetz. Everyone can become well informed in any topic in the matter of minutes. That argument has no meaning at all.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Tayh said:
Sorry, had to be linked.

Haven't seen any dubstep in any games so far, except for SR3. Was nice.
Only time I've ever thought Dubstep was good for something. I love those guys.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
i thank Kthulu for every game that does not have any dubstep in it. also i wouldn't worry about it it will go out of fashion soon
Dec 14, 2009
JesterRaiin said:
Daystar Clarion said:
JesterRaiin said:
Daystar Clarion said:
But then again, this site is predominately populated by 'metal heads' who think shouting into a microphone and thrashing on a guitar for 8 minutes straight is the pinnacle of musical achievement.

It isn't.
Please expand your statement.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a great metal track as much as the next guy, but the genre is just as stale and just as full of crap as any other genre.
I'm not interested in what you enjoy.
I'm curious about your overall impression of local heavy metal fans you called contemptuously "metal heads".

Daystar Clarion said:
You'd be hard pressed to find a genre of music I haven't heard at least one decent song from.
Teh Internetz. Everyone can become well informed in any topic in the matter of minutes. That argument has no meaning at all.
Well, to answer your question, there have been several threads in the past created by metal heads complaining about how the general populace view that genre, or youtube commenters of videos etc, etc, but then proceed to pretty much do exact same thing they were complaining about others doing. I.e., 'R&B/rap/dubstep etc etc are terrible and there's nothing good about them etc etc'.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Yeah keep dubstep out of my games... and also pop! and rock! and metal! and... classic music! and above all choirs! and battle sounds! yeah games really should just be totaly quit since I don't enjoy sound...

No but seriously if dubstep fits well with a game I see no reason to NOT have it.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Project_Xii said:

Nuff said. That song alone makes Syndicate look like the most bad ass FPS ever, even if it's not. It just fits the mood and tone of the game perfectly.

So yeah, as others say: if it fits the game, it's ok.
The reason for that song being awesome mostly has to do with the fact that it

1) fits the setting
2) is an updated version of the original track from Syndicate 1993


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009

That is all I have to say on your subject.

On the subject of Dubstep, though, I'm of two minds.

On the one hand, the signature sound is pretty awesome, and makes for truly awesome pick-me-up music if made right.

On the other hand, IF MADE RIGHT.

If made incorrectly, it's some of the worst stuff in music, end of. IT RAPED ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS.




M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I dunno... I like Tekstep Fountain and can totally find myself fighting to it... and I don't even like Tekken all that much!

Also, I find it quite silly for you to not like a game because of one song that may or may not be in the final soundtrack. And do correct me if I'm wrong, but don't all current-gen consoles (save the Wii) allow you to use your own music?

So we get it. You don't like dubstep. I wouldn't call myself a fan either but I don't hate it. Turn the music down, or off entirely. Replace the music with your own from whatever source you find most convenient.

I'm sure most of us know the difference between discussion and whining, and I'm also sure most of these same fine folks see you as doing the latter. So, we'd greatly appreciate it if you kept the rest of us out of it. Thank you.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
JesterRaiin said:
I'm curious about your overall impression of local heavy metal fans you called contemptuously "metal heads".
Well, to answer your question, there have been several threads in the past created by metal heads complaining about how the general populace view that genre, or youtube commenters of videos etc, etc, but then proceed to pretty much do exact same thing they were complaining about others doing. I.e., 'R&B/rap/dubstep etc etc are terrible and there's nothing good about them etc etc'.
I may not be the sharpest crayon in the box when the complexity of English language is involved, but I fail to perceive this as a ground to your former statement.
Let me quote the juicy part :

"this site is predominately populated by 'metal heads' who think shouting into a microphone and thrashing on a guitar for 8 minutes straight is the pinnacle of musical achievement."

Your call.

SirBryghtside said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that amazing noise currently blasting through my speakers 'dubstep'?
Nope. It's a piece of good music, but it's not Dubstep. :)


New member
Jan 17, 2011
People seem hooked on the "I like dubstep, if it's done right" issue, as if basically 99% of EVERY music genre isn't absolute shit. Most rap is shit, most rock is shit, most country is shit, tons of techno and dubstep is shit, most pop is shit.

As far as games go, yeah, the atmosphere is important. Red Dead Redemption and dubstep wouldn't mix, but futuristic games like Crackdown mix pretty damn well with dubstep, invoking feelings of disorder and lawlessness.

Like with any type of song. Country and (street) racing doesn't mix, for example.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Well, the way I see it, dubstep doesn't belong in gaming because it doesn't fit. There really isn't an atmosphere that dubstep could help create or emphasize. If it IS going to be put into a game, that game should be something like a GTA or Saints Row game because that could make sense seeing as it can have its own radio station or something.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Meh. I've heard FUBAR techno tracks that are on par with, or worse than most of the Dubstep I've heard in some games (Armored Core: Project Phantasma has some truly fucked up techno tracks in it).

Musical context matters; injecting Dubstep into an intense/dramatic point in a game would be as appropriate as injecting a Rickroll into the score of the Spartacus ballet.
Or using one of Chopin's Nocturnes in a high-energy gun battle.
Or perhaps replacing the entire soundtrack of Jet Set Radio with Country Ballads.

It'd be hilarious if any of those things happened; but that's kind of the point when those games aren't meant to be funny.

So, if someone can find the proper theme and context for dubstep in a game, they have my graces to go right ahead.
Dec 14, 2009
JesterRaiin said:
Daystar Clarion said:
JesterRaiin said:
I'm curious about your overall impression of local heavy metal fans you called contemptuously "metal heads".
Well, to answer your question, there have been several threads in the past created by metal heads complaining about how the general populace view that genre, or youtube commenters of videos etc, etc, but then proceed to pretty much do exact same thing they were complaining about others doing. I.e., 'R&B/rap/dubstep etc etc are terrible and there's nothing good about them etc etc'.
I may not be the sharpest crayon in the box when the complexity of English language is involved, but I fail to perceive this as a ground to your former statement.
Let me quote the juicy part :

"this site is predominately populated by 'metal heads' who think shouting into a microphone and thrashing on a guitar for 8 minutes straight is the pinnacle of musical achievement."

Your call.

SirBryghtside said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that amazing noise currently blasting through my speakers 'dubstep'?
Nope. It's a piece of good music, but it's not Dubstep. :)
What I mean is that metal heads are in no position to criticise the legitimacy of a genre of music, when their own isn't exactly up to par.

Granted, looking back now now, it doesn't really seem to make sense in the context of this thread.

I must not have been following a great train of thought when I typed it, so apologies if I derailed the thread too much.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Zhukov said:
Given that this 'dubstep' thing is being referred to as some kind of world consuming evil, I feel a bit silly about having to go look it up.


Okay, I'm back.

I wouldn't worry too much. It doesn't sound like anything that would appear in a game with the slightest vestige of class.
So you've Googled dubstep, and now your the authority on it, so much so that you can say any game to feature it would not be "classy". I have no idea how you even define a "classy" game. It's all about context. It wouldn't exactly work in Skyrim, but something futuristic like Deus Ex it might work.
Nile McMorrow said:
It would be a good genre of music if a majority of dubstep wasn't done WRONG. Frankly, people think throwing some wubwubs every few seconds followed by a drop whilst fizzing in the background is good as the same tune plays over and over. Also mixing in lyrics just makes it sound worse.

This user here has posted a good example of what I mean. I know you like it my friend but the first 5 seconds was enough to force me into stopping the video.

Now Dubstep can actually sound tasteful when done right. E.G. mixing it with another genre such as techno.
How can art be done "wrong"? You might not like it, but plenty of others do, and since his videos have like 20 million hits each some people must like him. Just because his sound isn't as subtle as others doesn't mean he is worse, just different.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
SirBryghtside said:
JesterRaiin said:
Nope. It's a piece of good music, but it's not Dubstep. :)
What exactly is the difference then? I'm curious, it sounds the same to me.
Not enough Wooob Wooob Wooob Wooob Wooob Wooob Wooob Wooob Wooob Wooob Wooob and Wooooooooooooooooo - drumdrumdrum, Woooooooooooooo - drum drum drum drumdrumdrum to ba called Dubstep ! ;D

This is a little closer to what Dubstep really is :

Daystar Clarion said:
I must not have been following a great train of thought when I typed it, so apologies if I derailed the thread too much.
No harm done. Just please, be careful with generalizations in the future. ;)


New member
Feb 3, 2009
launchpadmcqwak said:
i thank Kthulu for every game that does not have any dubstep in it. also i wouldn't worry about it it will go out of fashion soon
How so? It has been around since the late 90's, and has been popular since like 2007 or 8, and has exploded even more recently. People said the same about rock and roll, and techno and god knows how many other genres.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Tayh said:
That may be the crappiest youtube video I have ever seen.

OT: As long as I can turn it off I wont mind it. I will be intensely butthurt if it starts showing up in games like Deus Ex or Skyrim though.

While we are here, who wants to bet the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack will feature at least one dubstep song? I can feel it.
I'd like to see YOU produce a video like that with almost no budget.

Also, we ALL know they would never put dubstep in a game like skyrim or deus ex. The art styles and settings just don't fit that genre.

Emperor Nat

New member
Jun 15, 2011
Personally I feel that Dubstep, like any other form of music, can be tremendously effective if applied correctly to the correct situation.

Just as I'm not a great fan of rap or hip-hop music, but juxtaposed to say a crime game or something similar it becomes a good way of setting the mood.

For Dubstep, if it ever does become used in game sound-tracks, I would certainly hope to see restricted to things such as arcadey-style top-down shooters... or possibly to heavily Sci-Fi themed brawlers/FPSes. Even then, only if it makes sense.

I do however think that playing a fast-paced game like BlazBlue, but with a more grungey/corporate-corruption/cyberpunk feel, with a Dubstep beat in the back would be pretty cool.