Non-Americans: How do you view us?


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Aug 26, 2011
Draitheryn said:
I lived in the U.S (Boston) for a couple of years in my teens, and since then have lived very close to the border of the U.S. While there, the people were pretty much the same as in any other country I've been in, some really nice, some obnoxious. The main issue is their education system is a joke and the world outside America does not exist. Their news is the most biased crap I have ever seen and they think themselves infallible. America is like human zerg, everything they succeed at is done by sheer numbers (people/money etc).

That being said, the style of life I've been able to afford is solely due to a country like the U.S being in power, and I am grateful for that, unfortunately their power is severely waning and likely to fall in our lifetime. I dread to think what changes may occur when they are finally supplanted.
So do I, I would rather have the US as the worlds most powerful country rather than China. That is not an insult to the Chinese, it is just that they are not a democracy, the leadership have no constraints and the Chinese people have no power over their government which is incredibly dangerous.


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Jan 8, 2009
Misguided, over-patriotic, kind of strange, generally racist (but hey who isn't?) and in alot of trouble (at least financially.) That is my honest opinion of America in general.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
As American (I know this is a thread for non-americans but still), I just can't seem to like anything we do. Our government is f.u.b.a.r. and we only elect people to turn around and point fingers at them when we don't get instant gratification. We live in the land of the free but everyone is flipping out about Same Sex Marriage. The economy is still going down hill. And Xbox Live was invented. And out of the hundreds of Americans I've met go figure I get into a relationship with a woman who comes from New Zealand. (sp?). I just don't like us I mean one on one we seem just fine. But then you get the few people who are all "your just jealous of us" "we'll just nuke ya" "Americanz r de bezt". Suffice to say, we blame U.K. for living in past glory when we ourselves can't seem to get away from WWII which was our "Past glory" and refuse to believe anything we've done since then is the Word of God, we have deluded ourselves in thinking that we are doing the best for the World when world is getting on by itself without anything from U.S., if 9/11 happened in another country I have no doubt that some group of teenagers on the internet would go "lol look at them". Pretty much people hate America and I really can't blame them. Sure some/most/all of the stuff they accuse us of may not be true. But doesn't mean they can't express their opinion. I believe we deserve all the hate we are getting. But as a nation, not as a one-on-one basis.

But I pray nobody foreign person goes on Xbox Live.

Zef Otter

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Nov 28, 2007
Sorry, I hate the idea that people still think Americans are Lazy.

Yah we are not lazy, most Americans working two jobs to pay bills, to eat, or even to see that doctor if your kid got a fever (you might have to give up eating if that happens). I wish we get the mandatory vacations and free healthcare like Europe gets.



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May 13, 2010
retyopy said:
So after reading the "what if 9/11 happened to another country?" thread, it seems quite a few people think that us 'mericans suck. I think I read one saying that we would laugh at them. And I am saddened by that. So I wonder: How do you view the U.S.A as a whole?
The people in general are, as far as my own experiences, the same as the people in other countries. Good, friendly people.

What I don't like is the US government stabbing my country in the back; regardless of the fact my government won't do jack shit about it.

One example:


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Feb 28, 2010
Supertegwyn said:
gallaetha_matt said:
I really like the Americans. I've been over a few times, some of my closest friends are from there and your women, oh God... your women.

I need a seperate thread just to discuss how awesome your women are. I've met my fair share of American women and almost to a one they are kind, strong, intelligent and romantic. And that accent... I don't care which state, they're all good.
You haven't been to Australia or Puerto Rico then. Those women are AMAZING!
I haven't as it goes. But now I really want to.

I dated an Australian girl for about two weeks. She was beautiful, one of the nicest looking women I've ever met. Not my type emotionally though, it's a long story. But there's a reason why the relationship only lasted two weeks.

But Australians are some of the nicest people I've met. There is no race of people that I'd rather get drunk with.

I'm already looking into cheap flights to Puerto Rico as we speak.

SQN Leader 095

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May 8, 2011
well my time with americans has been painfull i warn you now this post is of my views based on interactions with americans i am speaking my thoughts and i will not sugar coat them.

I find america is a country that is deluded by thoughts of self importance. they commonly push their ways and thoughts on others and other countries and if they dont get their way they either muscle in or embargo until they do. they cant stop bringing up the one moment in the past they did some good (i cant even count the amount of times they've said how they saved everyone in WW2 even though it took them 5 years to get involved) yet they always hide their misgivings and pretend they never happened. they are always arrogant save for a select few. they are loud mouthed overbearing lot who are quick to point out other countries faults but quicker to hide their own. they force their opinions on others and have this grand delusion that they control the world. bad news america the tighter you squeeze the more countries slip through. they make a big song and dance over the smallest thing and wont shut up about it. they are always complaining about others or claiming that because the person does not agree with them then that person must a be a neo nazi hitler worshipper. i get it. hitler was a bad guy he's dead shut the F@#&% up!

i could go on but ill just give a summarized note for the rest of the speach

that is my veiw on things you cant change it


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Jul 21, 2008
connormcan said:
TRR said:
We just have so many things to point out and say "Wow you people are messed up". The sad part is these things probably don't provide a very accurate depiction of the USA but it's what you're known for.

Things such as...
Toddlers and Tiaras (or any reality TV show for that matter
Fox News
Crazier than normal evangelical christians
Anti-abortion laws
The War on drugs (or anything else starting with "The War on....)
Obesity rate

My opinion of your country would improve if you just kept the more insane people from appearing on TV. As it is now, that's basically all I see.
And you think this list compares at all to the ****** that comes outta your country? TAKE BACK BIEBER!!! WE DON'T WANT HIM EITHER!!! And who are you to run your mouth about politics? You guys were under the crown until 82!!! And even though we have a bunch of crackheads, our population is big enough that there's a smaller percentage of fags than many countries. And we all know the real reason behind your post: you're bitter that all the comedians here make songs insulting Canada (most notably by Weird Al and Rucka Rucka Ali), but noone up there can work up the nerve to rant about America and put it on an album.
Um, wow. Ok to reiterate what I said in my last post, I dislike the USA because of people like you.
Allow me to enlighten you. Though I am hoping you were being ironic.
Justin Bieber was discovered and made famous be Scooter Braun and Usher. Both American. Apparently Americans really like Bieber. Anyway, Bieber is definitely not enough to overshadow the other famous Canadian musicians: Rush, The Guess Who, Tragically Hip, Trooper, Sarah McLachlan, Nelly Furtado, etc. Brian Adams went to my high school.
Canada became an independent nation in 1867. The constitution was repatriated in 1982. We are still a member of the Commonwealth. That's not a bad thing by the way.
I did not say that America is filled with crackheads, I was only pointing out that your government's tactics used in controlling the drug "problem" is not ideal. Mainly because it is both ineffective and harmful, while costing the government millions if not billions.
I like how you censor shit but not F@g$. Assuming your are refering to the homosexual community, your bigotry is why I dislike you.
And finally, here's a clip of a Canadian comedian making fun of American ignorance of 1991.
Also you should check out Talking To Americans


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Jun 28, 2010
jeremysaint said:
you have a fairly ignorant, sheep like population that will always hold you back...
...i heard that more than half of your population believes that jesus christ will actually return to earth in thier lifetime and raise them all to heaven in a rapture.
contrary to whatever the hells on the news up where you guys are, over half of Americans are atheist, and probably half, maybe less, of christians believe in the rapture, and probably even less believe that it will happen in their lifetime. lol teh ironies.


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Sep 3, 2010
Well what we see of you outside America is a bunch of Narsistic, bigoted, self promoting, hypocritical, selfish arseholes who think the world owes them something because of some kind of misguided beleif that you singlehandedly won WWI and WWII.

We get this attitude because well thats how your televsion and movies and polititans portray you.

Now I'm an Australian living in America. Generally I find Americans to be well decent human beings the same as people in all other parts of the world. Sure there are still pockets of what would be considered typical Americans but they arn't as widespread as your own media portrays. Of couse this isn't helped by the fact that FOX isn't so much an American media outlet as it is a multi national conglomerate of media outlets that seems to push the American conservative viewpoint all over the western world.


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Aug 4, 2010
KoalaKid said:
bfgmetalhead said:
When it comes to America I don't hate the people so much as the country itself. As 9/11 was deserved, when a country is that arogant for that long then things like that happen and its the population who suffer. The americans are a varied and multicultured bunch and on the whole are pretty decent with a couple of dicks every now and then. I still belive that in the next ten years america will get worse and maybe even suffer a civil war as china begins to further dominate all sectors, including Economey,military power,technological advancement and world standing. I think the transition from a superpower to just another country will be hard for America but just like us english who once ruled half the world, we had our time in the limelight now yours is also coming to an end.
9/11 was deserved? How can you even say that? did the kids in those buildings deserve to die? Maybe you deserve to burn alive in a building? Yes, I think you do; I hope you die in a burning building.
proberly wasting my time here, but if you read that it states THE NATION deserved a wake up call not the people. Any loss of family or friends caused by the 9/11 attacks are horrific but the bottom line is america is flailing in its death throws, and will lash out at anyone to prove they are still revelent. Even as the rest of the world moves on they will stile wine on about 9/11 as it represnts the last time anything worth caring about happened in america to do with its world standing.


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Mar 23, 2009
Well if I was to go by how the media portrays you (both British and American Media) I'd think you were all batshit bonkers.

However I've met many-a-mericans and most of them are just like anyone else really. Speaking to them online you wouldn't know they were Americans unless you looked at there profile. Course every now and again you get the condescending, overly jingoistic prick who likes to think America as solved and won every war and only the American way works... But honestly we have enough Brits that do just about the same thing anyway so I can't hold that against Americans.

So overall... Your people, you've got dicks and you've got nice guys...


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May 21, 2010
Probably the worst view that you can get of America's people is by talking with people over the internet and on multi-player shooter games. That's probably some of the worst that our society has to offer. Sure, there are good people on the internet but you will more than likely find a bunch of idiots who have no idea what they are talking about, yet they are willing to defend their uneducated opinion to the death. That's probably where you will find the most homophobic,racist,inbred,and just plain foolish Americans. Don't check youtube video comment sections either btw.

Cheery Lunatic

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Aug 18, 2009
I think the OP really is masochistic. That's the only reason one would create a thread like this. D:
You're practically begging people to start hating on 'merica.
I've noticed that a LOT of people on this site tend to dislike Americans.


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Feb 8, 2010
Redlin5 said:
Kind of expected a thread like this today.

I like Americans but not American public figures. I like the country's values but not its foreign policy.

Mixed bag...

So, in the words of Yahtzee: "I don't think America is populated entirely by assholes and cowboys; I know that some Canadians live there, too."
This is nearly exactly what I was going to say. I'm American (brought up near Philadelphia, America's birthplace), and I usually can't stand a good number of our public figures as well. Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann make me want to punch a baby seal. What I think a lot of people who say they dislike Americans are doing is judging us by our government and public figures. Americans do the same thing (I constantly have to tell my brothers that they can't say they hate the French without actually having met every French person. They have yet to meet any). I know that we elect our government officials, but once we do, there's not a whole lot we can do about it for a few years. Also, they have to win a majority of votes. It's never unanimous. You can't judge all the people of a country by the people you see on television.

Just throwing this out there.


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Mar 4, 2009
Captain Placeholder said:
jigilojoe said:
Valkyr71 said:
WOW......Im amazed at the short memory of peoples in other countries. How much american blood has been spilled since the 1940's for the liberation of nations in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the middle east. We were asked because we were the only ones who could help or had the power to. When the world asks you to be the cops, or cries upon you to say you have the power therefore you have the responsibility to help dont ***** when we do take action because were not helping your favorite cause. Step up and take charge yourself or sit down and shut up.
What and it wasn't in America's best interest to:
Not let Europe be invaded in WWII, despite the fact that would probably eventually mean the World?
Intervene in Vietnam to stop the spread of communism? (a war which was unjustifiable AND which you lost)
Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan to allow for the free flow of oil/stop the opium trade?
And the rest of the world thanks you for what you've done in Africa, a complete utopia, free from slavery and starvation.

I don't hate America, the ideologies are idiotic and the foundations of the country are wrong, though I still don't hate you. As a Brit, I understand that the world doesn't like Britain, but us Brits are a charming people so we kinda get away with it. But I do hate these types of Americans, the ones who think their shit doesn't stink.
I just want to point out that most of the American Populace (except an outstanding few morons) do hate that:

We went to Vietnam, idiotic idea.
The Fight in Iraq/Afghanistan - most of us have been pissed that we were in there for THAT long.

However, during WWII - wasn't America in a shy state? I can't think of the word, sorry - but weren't we trying to stay OUT of other peoples way at the point? We were only in one of the greatest depressions we have ever been in at that point.

Also, I personally think the Irish/Scottish are more charming than the Brits :p
Scotland is in Britain, as is a small bit of Ireland... Everyone should know that, that's like me saying I like people from the West Coast but hate all Americans, just doesn't make sense.

I'm half Scot half English. And trust me, as a whole the Scots are not a charming race, and would never go out of their way to be such. They're all over 6 foot and as an American, you wouldn't get a word, none of my English mates do, I have to translate for friends from Scotland. You show up in the wrong parts of Scotland with the wrong shirt, accent or even drinking the wrong drink, you'll find yourself in a lot of trouble.