North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Would China allow a war between NK and US or would they step in and make shit more complicated for everyone?
Thanks to trade agreements, even China realizes how stupid it would be to let NK nuke anyone, especially the US (translation: we buy all their stuff. We die, they lose their entire economy)

North Korea needs to die. There, I've said it. As a whole that nation has brought nothing but threats and violence to the worlds and needs to end in a blazing nuclear fire. Whatever Obama does, I will respect his decision. But if he hits the big red button and wipes North Korea off the map, he will be my favorite president since Theodore Roosevelt.

Also, can North Korea's nukes even REACH the US? I was pretty sure they were still trying to perfect technology like that.

EDIT: And who was the retard that said Russia was allied with North Korea. That is... hilariously dumb. Just, why? The United States as a whole doesn't seem to hate Russia that much anymore, but North Korea hates everything that doesn't bow to them like they're the fucking God-Emperor. Russia has more friends over here than they do anywhere in Asia. Except maybe China, but I've explained why they wouldn't go to war on North Korea's side.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Littlee300 said:
tomtom94 said:
Rakkana said:
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Trust me, that worries me too. This is of course assuming that the US and South Korea can't defeat a tiny nation of insane people by themselves.
You can't ignore China in this situation. I would prefer Hawaii then us invading them because that will piss China off, if we invade first, and China has a lot of nukes. I am not sure but isn't Russia on good terms with North Korea too? United Nations will look angrily at North Korea if they nuke... and UK is a part of UN. I wonder if US would be able to use CIA to assassinate the North Korea dictator then put a puppet on the 'throne' during 'damage control' like someone earlier said.
You can ignore China, China and the US have a far better relationship than the Chinese and the Koreans. The Chinese economy is reliant on the US economy more than any nation we've seen in a while.

And the Soviet Union and Korea had a good relationship, but the Russian Federation might be a different matter entirely, what with the Relations "Reset" and the collapse of Communism.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Mornelithe said:
I personally don't give a rats ass if North Korea has a problem with the war excercises. Let's see those coward pieces of crap try to torpedo the Super-Carrier that's currently out there.
South Korea will be messed up if North Korea makes the first move. I feel bad for South Korea there citizens must be very scared.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii
They're also blowhards.

However, you might be forgetting that they have conducted missile tests where they fired one right over Japan, one of their most critical opponents, and S. Korea has been their most hated enemy for decades. They don't have to reach us to do some damage. China and Russia also defend N. Korea constantly, China having at least 24-40 missiles pointed our way, Russia having more nukes than America, so the worst case scenario is that they nuke and we retaliate, bringing the retaliation of China and Russia upon us...or we just do this:
Which is basically the same thing we did after they blew up a S. Korean ship for no reason.
Im not forgetting anything, what Im saying is the best they can do is maybe possibly nuke hawaii they cant possibly threaten the us mainland really at all, if they pull something then china isnt going to go to their aid, things have changed now, and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim
You just completely missed my point. They can't hit America, but their allies can. And even though they can't hit America, the can kill Americans in Japan and S. Korea, S. Korea also being an ally.

Oh, and since you want to get nasty about numbers:

Happy reading.
their allies can but they wont, if nkorea tosses out a nuke then everyone around it is gonna be like "who? yeah we dont know that guy" but on the other hand if the us invades them before they do something stupid then they will have allies, this whole thing is just about nkorea wearing the big boy pants, besides the number of nukes doesnt really matter much, in the end it doesnt take many to wipe out civilization and we have more then enough for that
Exactly, it's posturing, but threats by NK have been historically backed by either China or Russia or both. My point, once again, is that it doesn't matter if they can or cannot reach Hawaii, they can still hit US soil, and they can still hit allies, and they can still hit our forces if (and that's a huge if) they're doing more than blowing smoke up our asses.

..oh, and if "the number of nukes doesnt really matter much" then why the nasty little "and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim" remark?
because Ive heard the term missile gap too much so I tend to take it on a bit aggressively despite apparently being wrong about it this time, but still they wont have allies if aa nuke flies, it just wont happen because no one wants to be nuked and I seriously doubt n korea is stupid enough to push the button
I would normally agree, but they sank a S. Korean vessel, and with a change in leadership impending, the madness of K.J.I. should not be underestimated. I sincerely doubt this really will go any further than saber reattling, but they're doing an awful lot to rile the lions.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
(Fer chrissake, stop C/Ping the world police pic!)

As W.O.P.R. once said, "The only winning move is not to- hey, wait! Here's a scenario where an unpopular country tries to unleash its stockpile of 7 nukes against a superpower who can easily afford to act last..." But I believe that was cut from the final version.

Seriously, look at Tokyo, Drenden and Baghdad. If N. Korea tries anything funny, yeah, lives wil be lost, but the US forces will retaliate and pound them into rubble conventionally. Nary a US missile will leave a silo, and a costly lesson will be learned about bringing nukes to bear against one of the world's major players. There is such a military technology gap between the top 3-4 countries in the world and the rest that the whole "nuclear club" issue is pretty much a myth.

Our country's nuclear capabilities are reserved for those who could actually take us down, not small-time dictators. If we didn't suck so bad at holding land we've taken, there'd be no question of ever taking us on in a miltary capacity.

The smaller nuclear powers know that messing with the US in a nuclear attempt is not going to result in a mushroom cloud, but the loss of their country. Hell. I'm a screaming liberal, and I know this.

If an atomic device ever goes off on American (or Russian, Chinese, British, French, etc.) soil, it will not be the product of a country, but a group. And it will not have been fired, but hand-delivered.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
North Korea is sort of the closest thing we have to a country run by a supervillain mastermind, right down to the mandatory grandiose idol worship [] and weird schemes for world domination []. That they continually threaten the world with nuclear obliteration if their needs aren't met is more or less par for the course.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
CJ1145 said:
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Would China allow a war between NK and US or would they step in and make shit more complicated for everyone?
Thanks to trade agreements, even China realizes how stupid it would be to let NK nuke anyone, especially the US (translation: we buy all their stuff. We die, they lose their entire economy)

North Korea needs to die. There, I've said it. As a whole that nation has brought nothing but threats and violence to the worlds and needs to end in a blazing nuclear fire. Whatever Obama does, I will respect his decision. But if he hits the big red button and wipes North Korea off the map, he will be my favorite president since Theodore Roosevelt.

Also, can North Korea's nukes even REACH the US? I was pretty sure they were still trying to perfect technology like that.
Well what about Russia? I believe we do buy black gold from them. Would they not defend North Korea even if Obama pressed the big red button? I prefer that Obama doesn't because US still has a 'baby killer' reputation in a lot of heads.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Oh I'm so scared. Oh wait, this is north Korean tech we are talking about, they may miss and hit Canada!


New member
Apr 23, 2010
basically judging by the range of their weapons the greatest threat to North Korea, is North Korea.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
North Korea threatens U.S. with a good mooning. North Korea threatens to unlock a rift in the fabric of the space-time continuum releasing the Dalek race upon every nation of the world unless the U.S. stops giving food to it's people, who are still starving.

Kim Jong Ill is said to be in talks with Emperor Palpatine. While the Emperor was unavailable for comment, his closest aid believes a fruitful working relationship is possible between the two parties: "My Master finds this Kim Jong Ill to be most agreeable." said the Sith Lord who goes by the name "Darth Vader".

The ageing North Korean leader also appears to be in dealing with a mysterious race from beyond the galaxy's edge only known as the "Reapers." Concerns were raised when it was suggested that this race may have wiped out an ancient space faring race called the "Protheans," who's empire is believed to have once stretched across the entire galaxy.

Experts are taking all of these threats equally seriously.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:
Eggsnham said:
Looks like I'm moving to the UK a bit earlier than expected.

I wonder if Canada's safe?
Who would bother to nuke Canada? :p
It would be an incredibly strategic move to invade Canada. They could replenish their dwindling maple syrup suplies and create an army of moose and Canada geese.

Iron Lightning

Lightweight Extreme
Oct 19, 2009
Oh boy, another international dick-waving contest.

At least the North Koreans have a reason to wave their dicks, if they didn't have that whole million-man army thing they'd probably be invaded.

The U.S., on the other hand, is just waving its' dicks because of its self-esteem problem (the problem being it has too damn much self-esteem.)

I don't pick sides in any dick-waving contest. All I do is hope no one gets pissed on.

P.S. I wonder if the Geneva Convention covers torturing analogies.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Littlee300 said:
Well what about Russia? I believe we do buy black gold from them. Would they not defend North Korea even if Obama pressed the big red button? I prefer that Obama doesn't because US still has a 'baby killer' reputation in a lot of heads.
Already explained why Russia wouldn't do that. Why do people still seem to think that Russia=Soviet Union? And I'm not saying I want Obama to make a preemptive strike, I just want him to be prepared to wipe them out if they break out the nukes, to prevent the loss of as many American lives as he can. North Korea had their chance, 40 years to stop being so damned retarded, and they've failed quite thoroughly.

As for the baby killer thing, I can't help other people's opinions. Killing children is wrong, but there's a gray area when the children start shooting at you and shouting the name of whatever dictator they serve.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Woodsey said:
Guest_Star said:
Kalabrikan said:
A nuclear war between India and Pakistan is far more likely and more dangerous to the planet than any war with North Korea would be.

And unless Pakistan gets it's shit together and do something about the Taliban and the islamists, India might very well decide to go pre-emptive on their ass to make sure their nukes don't end up under control of some crazed jihadist.
Then we be talking shit-storm.
What's an "Islamist" exactly?
In this context, militant islamic fundie. Like the ones makin hell for the Pakistani govt in the Swat Valley and pressuring for sharia laws and such.

Woodsey said:
OT: People seem to be under the impression that if North Korea launched a nuke at America then America would be able to just up-and-at-'em straight after. This is a nuclear warhead we're talking about. First strike wins.
Nope. Nukes aint instawin-buttons. At least not the ones a piss-poor underdeveloped country like NK is capable of making.
And as several ppl all ready as stated in this stupid thread; even if NK has a ready to use warhead (cuz it aint even sure they have a bomb), they don't have a delivery system capable of reaching mainland USA.


New member
May 22, 2009
I think a war with North Korea is inevitable... Might just get it over with.

But! Someone needs to make sure that Russia or China isent gonna side with them.
The reason North Korea dident fall in the Korean war, was Chinas intervention.