North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Chunko said:
Honestly, I know this guy thinks he's legit, but if he tries to nuke us he'll probably miss. Just ignore him and he'll stop.
Quit holding your nukes "gangsta-style" Kim! :)
"Thinking he´s ledgit" is a great analogy.


New member
May 1, 2009
Mimsofthedawg said:
So you're saying that the US should risk going to war with North Korea to do some military exercises?
What do you think'll happen?
That North Korea is going to attack America, America will intercept their weapons before they reach the country, then the troops invade and North Korea surrenders?
North would shoot the hell out of Seoul, use their citizens as soldiers and fight until they're wiped off the map.
Is that how you want the citizens to be liberated? Through death?
These problems need years of diplomatic negotiations or through dismantlement from the inside.
The North Koreans suffer, but for now we can't do anything.
You say that another Korean war would cause the Chinese economy to collapse, but by saying that you support my choice of stopping the Americans and giving North Korea what it wants.
There is no other way, at least not one that we can come up with now.
About the Pentagon incident, I have heard much different from what you've said.
I heard quite different from what you say.
If the situation is like you say, then I retract my statement on that.
However, I still feel that the battleship incident seems like a forged incentive for war by either the US or South Korea.
It seems too suspicious to me.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Jedoro said:
The nukes aren't supposed to fall for another two years at best, 67 years at worst. Oh well, time to prepare for Yao Guai now.
Shouldnt that be 2 years at worst, 67 years at best? :D

OP: Im moving to Canada or Australia soon if this keeps up for much longer.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Subzerowings said:

This is between North and South Korea. I believe that the US' involvement will only throw more wood on the bonfire since they have a hostile relation with each North Korea.
Accurately that is wrong the war has always been more the US and China fighting using korea as a battle field.
In fact they are still technically at war they just got a cease fire. Where as the north went to the arming and fucking up the country for its people the south went technical. Now being one of the most advance countries in the world. South korea has some of the largest commercial brands in the world including samsung and LG. At this point the south cannot afford to go back to all out war.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I've only read about half of the thread, but from what I can tell I'm shocked that no one here knows what the real issue is:

Seoul, the economic and political capital of South Korea and home to 24.5 million, is a mere 20-30 KM away from the DMZ. Forget about the nukes or long range missiles, North Korea has massed enough conventional artillery that's also bunkered and heavily fortified that were real attacks to occur they would completely level Seoul in minutes. In comparison the World Trade Center attacks would be nothing, this is equivilent to completely wiping out New York not just the two towers. There are also going to be longer range weapons targeted at major Japanese cities, but those you at least you can stand a chance against.

So basically the only reason Kim Jong-Il and the State of North Korea has been able to stand for so long is he's a comic book super villain with a crude doomsday device. Talk about taking them out all you want, if China stays out of it that wouldn't be hard, but at the moment there isn't anything you could do that wouldn't result in Seoul being wiped off the map.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
Well first off:
As of 2009 - China, South Korea, and Japan have stated to US Govt. That any problems with North Korea will be theirs to handle.
(b/c of the shit that happen in the Vietnam war)
But who knows if they truly mean any of it.

Second: I dont side with either, I live in the US and i think it is pointless to start 'another' war based on assumptions rather then facts, like Bush did. It is still the fact that our soldiers are over there dying for a people who dont seem to care one way or the other...

but that is my take on it.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Estocavio said:
Heres the thing though: If North Korea actually does something, theyre truly fucked. Every nation under the UN and NATO turns against them and their country wont even exist within about a week. Look at what happened to Japan, and that was BEFORE we had ICBM's and Mechanised Divisions of the military.
I wonder how the North Korean citizens are reacting to this situation. Do they have the "KILL THE WESTERN DEVIL!" attitude or are they just like "please don't... this is stupid..."
I guess there is a lot of bad blood between Korea government and America. If one nuke hits a major city like New York. Yeah that is going to be a extremely sad day.
Hmm what can we do to stop this...
1. Hypnotize the North Korean goverment? Nah
2. Act all nice and say we only want to live happily together? Uhh... I don't know there has to be some flaw in this plan. :p
3. Blow them up before they blow us up? ...lets consider this plan B


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Estocavio said:
Heres the thing though: If North Korea actually does something, theyre truly fucked. Every nation under the UN and NATO turns against them and their country wont even exist within about a week. Look at what happened to Japan, and that was BEFORE we had ICBM's and Mechanised Divisions of the military.
about the same thought i had, but i thought more along the lines of 'everyone in range of kim's nuke' instead or UN and nato.
i mean, id shoot him, wouldent you ?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii
They're also blowhards.

However, you might be forgetting that they have conducted missile tests where they fired one right over Japan, one of their most critical opponents, and S. Korea has been their most hated enemy for decades. They don't have to reach us to do some damage. China and Russia also defend N. Korea constantly, China having at least 24-40 missiles pointed our way, Russia having more nukes than America, so the worst case scenario is that they nuke and we retaliate, bringing the retaliation of China and Russia upon us...or we just do this:
Which is basically the same thing we did after they blew up a S. Korean ship for no reason.
Im not forgetting anything, what Im saying is the best they can do is maybe possibly nuke hawaii they cant possibly threaten the us mainland really at all, if they pull something then china isnt going to go to their aid, things have changed now, and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim
You just completely missed my point. They can't hit America, but their allies can. And even though they can't hit America, the can kill Americans in Japan and S. Korea, S. Korea also being an ally.

Oh, and since you want to get nasty about numbers:

Happy reading.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
well, the chances of America being hit with a kinda low, since they have both airborne , on-ground and on sea lasers that would be able to shoot down the nukes(or even the carrier of the nuke) before they came down through the atmosphere (if they where that kind of missiles) or before they came close enough to do any real damage, you have to love countries that develops weapons that makes nerds drewl of excitement. so i would probably be on the American and south Korean side...


New member
Oct 26, 2009
RandV80 said:
I've only read about half of the thread, but from what I can tell I'm shocked that no one here knows what the real issue is:

Seoul, the economic and political capital of South Korea and home to 24.5 million, is a mere 20-30 KM away from the DMZ. Forget about the nukes or long range missiles, North Korea has massed enough conventional artillery that's also bunkered and heavily fortified that were real attacks to occur they would completely level Seoul in minutes. In comparison the World Trade Center attacks would be nothing, this is equivilent to completely wiping out New York not just the two towers. There are also going to be longer range weapons targeted at major Japanese cities, but those you at least you can stand a chance against.

So basically the only reason Kim Jong-Il and the State of North Korea has been able to stand for so long is he's a comic book super villain with a crude doomsday device. Talk about taking them out all you want, if China stays out of it that wouldn't be hard, but at the moment there isn't anything you could do that wouldn't result in Seoul being wiped off the map.
What if they blow them up before they blow us up?
Well what can we do? All we seem to have are the threats and that wont work well with insane people that go "KILL THE WESTERN DEVIL AYYAYAYAYAAYAYAY"
Hire a therapist for their dictator? /;


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I doubt it would ever evolve into Nuclear War. If the U.S. Govt. ever thought there was actually any danger of that, the CIA would assassinate that little freak in a heart beat. Then the military would charge in to "do damage control" (Place a puppet ruler in govt.)


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Swedish Embassy in Pyongyang represents the US as consular protecting power
North Korea has a Permanent Mission to the UN in New York
Threat of weapon
Well I guess US is trying to do these things at the moment...
What else should we try?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii
They're also blowhards.

However, you might be forgetting that they have conducted missile tests where they fired one right over Japan, one of their most critical opponents, and S. Korea has been their most hated enemy for decades. They don't have to reach us to do some damage. China and Russia also defend N. Korea constantly, China having at least 24-40 missiles pointed our way, Russia having more nukes than America, so the worst case scenario is that they nuke and we retaliate, bringing the retaliation of China and Russia upon us...or we just do this:
Which is basically the same thing we did after they blew up a S. Korean ship for no reason.
Im not forgetting anything, what Im saying is the best they can do is maybe possibly nuke hawaii they cant possibly threaten the us mainland really at all, if they pull something then china isnt going to go to their aid, things have changed now, and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim
You just completely missed my point. They can't hit America, but their allies can. And even though they can't hit America, the can kill Americans in Japan and S. Korea, S. Korea also being an ally.

Oh, and since you want to get nasty about numbers:

Happy reading.
their allies can but they wont, if nkorea tosses out a nuke then everyone around it is gonna be like "who? yeah we dont know that guy" but on the other hand if the us invades them before they do something stupid then they will have allies, this whole thing is just about nkorea wearing the big boy pants, besides the number of nukes doesnt really matter much, in the end it doesnt take many to wipe out civilization and we have more then enough for that

cptn ricardo

New member
Dec 5, 2009
Anyone remember the N. Korean test firing a few years ago? It fell out of the sky and landed in the Sea of Japan if I remember correctly. And nuclear war is not an appealing thought. Now days we simply have the things as a deterrent rather than anything else. The days of Mutually Assured Destruction are hopefully gone. North Korea are just attempting to get some attention though. If they wanna get taken seriously they should try turning into a democracy (but that ain't likely to happen any time soon) and then everyone will want to be their friend!


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Subzerowings said:
The discussion here is: "Who do you side with and what should happen?"
Nothing is going to happen. The North Koreans don't have the capacity to hit JAPAN with their nuclear weapons, much less anywhere further away, so the US is safe. This is blustering, something they've been doing for years now. They are a rogue nuclear power and they do have the ability to hit South Korea (but they want the South so they won't do it) or they could hit China (but that would be pissing off their only backer). This isn't the prelude to world war three or nuclear war, so stop worrying about it. When NK is technologically sound enough to have a successful missile test then we'll worry. Until then, chill.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Superhyperactiveman said:
I doubt it would ever evolve into Nuclear War. If the U.S. Govt. ever thought there was actually any danger of that, the CIA would assassinate that little freak in a heart beat. Then the military would charge in to "do damage control" (Place a puppet ruler in govt.)
I hate to say it, but this seems like a good plan if needed...


New member
Apr 1, 2009
There's a very simple solution to this problem. I like to call it the:

Leave north korea the hell alone initiative.

I mean these guys have made it abundantly clear for decades now that they want nothing to do with the rest of the world, so just leave them alone!

Does america really believe that they are going to be able to actually intimidate these guys?

They are not afraid of anyone least of all the USA.
I can see it on the TV's now:

The president announcing that God has spoken to his supposedly Chosen people to attack this country in the name of Supposed freedom and what-not with waves of supposedly unracist soldiers.

Of course they will then drag us british into it and then take all the credit and scream at us for the next thousand years about how they own the world and how they are so superior to every other country.

......sorry years of abuse from the yanks over X-box live just spewed out in one go there.

My real opinion though is that america will do something stupid and start a war with these guys and hundreds of thousands of people will get killed because of it.

sorry america but you are somewhat eager to start fights with other countries.