North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


aka "Who?"
May 11, 2009
Rakkana said:
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Trust me, that worries me too. This is of course assuming that the US and South Korea can't defeat a tiny nation of insane people by themselves.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii
They're also blowhards.

However, you might be forgetting that they have conducted missile tests where they fired one right over Japan, one of their most critical opponents, and S. Korea has been their most hated enemy for decades. They don't have to reach us to do some damage. China and Russia also defend N. Korea constantly, China having at least 24-40 missiles pointed our way, Russia having more nukes than America, so the worst case scenario is that they nuke and we retaliate, bringing the retaliation of China and Russia upon us...or we just do this:
Which is basically the same thing we did after they blew up a S. Korean ship for no reason.
Im not forgetting anything, what Im saying is the best they can do is maybe possibly nuke hawaii they cant possibly threaten the us mainland really at all, if they pull something then china isnt going to go to their aid, things have changed now, and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim
You just completely missed my point. They can't hit America, but their allies can. And even though they can't hit America, the can kill Americans in Japan and S. Korea, S. Korea also being an ally.

Oh, and since you want to get nasty about numbers:

Happy reading.
their allies can but they wont, if nkorea tosses out a nuke then everyone around it is gonna be like "who? yeah we dont know that guy" but on the other hand if the us invades them before they do something stupid then they will have allies, this whole thing is just about nkorea wearing the big boy pants, besides the number of nukes doesnt really matter much, in the end it doesnt take many to wipe out civilization and we have more then enough for that
Exactly, it's posturing, but threats by NK have been historically backed by either China or Russia or both. My point, once again, is that it doesn't matter if they can or cannot reach Hawaii, they can still hit US soil, and they can still hit allies, and they can still hit our forces if (and that's a huge if) they're doing more than blowing smoke up our asses.

..oh, and if "the number of nukes doesnt really matter much" then why the nasty little "and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim" remark?


New member
Oct 26, 2009
nightwolf667 said:
Subzerowings said:
The discussion here is: "Who do you side with and what should happen?"
Nothing is going to happen. The North Koreans don't have the capacity to hit JAPAN with their nuclear weapons, much less anywhere further away, so the US is safe. This is blustering, something they've been doing for years now. They are a rogue nuclear power and they do have the ability to hit South Korea (but they want the South so they won't do it) or they could hit China (but that would be pissing off their only backer). This isn't the prelude to world war three or nuclear war, so stop worrying about it. When NK is technologically sound enough to have a successful missile test then we'll worry. Until then, chill.
They fucking did a missile test over and had a missile go over Japan. Japan probably hates North Korea... Anyways if Japan shot down the rockets Korea would of considered it a act of war.
Yeah so hopefully Japan will be backing us up if we are ever in a war. I hope China stays out of this... I also don't want another "cold war"


New member
Jan 10, 2008
The North wants a nuclear war?

I say we give it to 'em.

Scum like the N. Koreans, Taliban, Al Quada...most of the Middle East...they hold the innocent ransom against taking them out. They're trying to use our goodness against us.

"Send the children in with assault weapons. The Americans won't shoot them."
"Only agree to end the program if the United States sends more foreign aid"
"America won't bomb us. They don't want to risk being blamed for the deaths of millions."

I say we don't try to be that good anymore. If a surgical strike isn't possible, turn Pyongyang into a snow globe.

(BTW, I just found out I'm on probation, apparently for this Really? Is MovieBob a man or a delicate little girl? Do only columnists get to criticize and call strangers names?)


New member
Jan 12, 2010
etherlance said:
I can see it on the TV's now:

The president announcing that God has spoken to his supposedly Chosen people to attack this country in the name of Supposed freedom and what-not with waves of racist soldiers.
As a former US soldier, I'm pretty sure this offends me...Oh wait, your someone on the internet, so ofcourse you know everything about anything and everyone else is just ignorant. Grow up, dude.

OT: Last I checked, all of N. Korea's nuke tests have all ended in hilarious failures, so I'm not too worried. If S. Korea goes to war with them (or I guess it would be accurate to say "resumes" the war with them) then yes, the US SHOULD aid them, as that is what allies are for. Honestly though, I doubt that will happen anytime soon.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
I hope people understand that the chances of a legitimate nuclear war breaking out are very slim. Even if NK shot a nuke at us, we wouldn't let it get to Hawaii. Pretty sure we have something called a missile defense system here in the US. Besides their technology is so backwards in NK it wouldn't make it past Japan and even if it did they would probably miss and hit Mexico or something.

What I don't understand is why people here think the US is just showing off their weapons to make fun of NK. This started because NK is blowing up SK warships, so there is a joint opperation between the US and SK to make sure that NK doesn't try to pull anything else or there will be a nasty backlash for them. I don't see this escalating into anything major. It's just NK's half year ***** fit to try and show how powerful they are.

Samus Aaron

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Okay, since the general consensus seems to be that most people would side w/ the US, I have some questions if you all are interested in answering them.

-Should the US nuke NK preemptively (or at least do something showing that the US isn't f-ing around)?
-Should other countries such as England/France etc. intervene? I'd like this to be answered from a variety of perspectives

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
If they fire even ONE nuke, our Airforce will make SURE that there is nothing living in that country. And then after WE'RE done with them, the combined UN force will be there to make sure they don't come out of their underground for another 50 years.

North Korea is an insignificant mouse compared to America.

Them taking over South Korea is about as likely as Canada taking Texas.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii
They're also blowhards.

However, you might be forgetting that they have conducted missile tests where they fired one right over Japan, one of their most critical opponents, and S. Korea has been their most hated enemy for decades. They don't have to reach us to do some damage. China and Russia also defend N. Korea constantly, China having at least 24-40 missiles pointed our way, Russia having more nukes than America, so the worst case scenario is that they nuke and we retaliate, bringing the retaliation of China and Russia upon us...or we just do this:
Which is basically the same thing we did after they blew up a S. Korean ship for no reason.
Im not forgetting anything, what Im saying is the best they can do is maybe possibly nuke hawaii they cant possibly threaten the us mainland really at all, if they pull something then china isnt going to go to their aid, things have changed now, and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim
You just completely missed my point. They can't hit America, but their allies can. And even though they can't hit America, the can kill Americans in Japan and S. Korea, S. Korea also being an ally.

Oh, and since you want to get nasty about numbers:

Happy reading.
their allies can but they wont, if nkorea tosses out a nuke then everyone around it is gonna be like "who? yeah we dont know that guy" but on the other hand if the us invades them before they do something stupid then they will have allies, this whole thing is just about nkorea wearing the big boy pants, besides the number of nukes doesnt really matter much, in the end it doesnt take many to wipe out civilization and we have more then enough for that
Exactly, it's posturing, but threats by NK have been historically backed by either China or Russia or both. My point, once again, is that it doesn't matter if they can or cannot reach Hawaii, they can still hit US soil, and they can still hit allies, and they can still hit our forces if (and that's a huge if) they're doing more than blowing smoke up our asses.

..oh, and if "the number of nukes doesnt really matter much" then why the nasty little "and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim" remark?
because Ive heard the term missile gap too much so I tend to take it on a bit aggressively despite apparently being wrong about it this time, but still they wont have allies if aa nuke flies, it just wont happen because no one wants to be nuked and I seriously doubt n korea is stupid enough to push the button


New member
Oct 26, 2009
tomtom94 said:
Rakkana said:
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Trust me, that worries me too. This is of course assuming that the US and South Korea can't defeat a tiny nation of insane people by themselves.
You can't ignore China in this situation. I would prefer Hawaii then us invading them because that will piss China off, if we invade first, and China has a lot of nukes. I am not sure but isn't Russia on good terms with North Korea too? United Nations will look angrily at North Korea if they nuke... and UK is a part of UN. I wonder if US would be able to use CIA to assassinate the North Korea dictator then put a puppet on the 'throne' during 'damage control' like someone earlier said.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
North Korea's Military doesn't have a Missile capable of Delivering Nuclear weapons anywhere further than Mid-China.

And even so, they don't have many nuclear War-heads.
They are an impotent power.


New member
May 21, 2010
I'm going to side with the US because I'm close enough to the Canada-US border that I'll get the lovely little radiation. Can you at least hold off Nuclear war until I've moved overseas? I don't need to deal with residual dumbass, and I don't want to deal with it if it'll kill me.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii
They're also blowhards.

However, you might be forgetting that they have conducted missile tests where they fired one right over Japan, one of their most critical opponents, and S. Korea has been their most hated enemy for decades. They don't have to reach us to do some damage. China and Russia also defend N. Korea constantly, China having at least 24-40 missiles pointed our way, Russia having more nukes than America, so the worst case scenario is that they nuke and we retaliate, bringing the retaliation of China and Russia upon us...or we just do this:
Which is basically the same thing we did after they blew up a S. Korean ship for no reason.
Im not forgetting anything, what Im saying is the best they can do is maybe possibly nuke hawaii they cant possibly threaten the us mainland really at all, if they pull something then china isnt going to go to their aid, things have changed now, and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim
You just completely missed my point. They can't hit America, but their allies can. And even though they can't hit America, the can kill Americans in Japan and S. Korea, S. Korea also being an ally.

Oh, and since you want to get nasty about numbers:

Happy reading.
their allies can but they wont, if nkorea tosses out a nuke then everyone around it is gonna be like "who? yeah we dont know that guy" but on the other hand if the us invades them before they do something stupid then they will have allies, this whole thing is just about nkorea wearing the big boy pants, besides the number of nukes doesnt really matter much, in the end it doesnt take many to wipe out civilization and we have more then enough for that
Exactly, it's posturing, but threats by NK have been historically backed by either China or Russia or both. My point, once again, is that it doesn't matter if they can or cannot reach Hawaii, they can still hit US soil, and they can still hit allies, and they can still hit our forces if (and that's a huge if) they're doing more than blowing smoke up our asses.

..oh, and if "the number of nukes doesnt really matter much" then why the nasty little "and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim" remark?
because Ive heard the term missile gap too much so I tend to take it on a bit aggressively despite apparently being wrong about it this time, but still they wont have allies if aa nuke flies, it just wont happen because no one wants to be nuked and I seriously doubt n korea is stupid enough to push the button
Never underestimate the stupidity of insane people.


aka "Who?"
May 11, 2009
Littlee300 said:
tomtom94 said:
Rakkana said:
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Trust me, that worries me too. This is of course assuming that the US and South Korea can't defeat a tiny nation of insane people by themselves.
You can't ignore China in this situation. I would prefer Hawaii then us invading them because that will piss China off, if we invade first, and China has a lot of nukes. I am not sure but isn't Russia on good terms with North Korea too? United Nations will look angrily at North Korea if they nuke... and UK is a part of UN. I wonder if US would be able to use CIA to assassinate the North Korea dictator then put a puppet on the 'throne' during 'damage control' like someone earlier said.
Ah, fuck it, everyone's screwed no matter what.
I'm moving to Ireland, then I can just sip Guinness while everyone else is blown to smithereens...